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Everything posted by LCBride2007

  1. lol - doesn't that ALWAYS happen? if that's the case, I HAVEN'T WON THE $300 million lotto YET! (running to check my email)
  2. i love the idea of giving them the option to choose the style they feel more comfortable in. also, i actually think the "matchy-matchy" thing is way overrated, and it makes the pictures more interesting when there are different styles. but that's just me! and i love the color too, great choice! would you be able to ask your "top heavy" friend if she'd feel comfy in any of these dresses?
  3. hello - don't we have Mishi's photobook of dresses - isn't it in there? anyone have the link? i agree - i'd wear the train until dinner basically, i think that's what i will do. maybe bustle it at the end of pics, depending on what we're doing.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine well I couldn't say I am a respectable teacher in the same thread as I am posing in ligerie right! i don't know, i might respect you more now! lol - wasn't it almost liberating to do this? it really does bring out the inner vixen in you!
  5. hot damn, Christine - those are smokin! i love that black and green number - i think that last picture is my favorite. wow - your FI is going to flip when he sees these! when are you going to give them to him? so much for bedroom boredom ... (wink, wink) i've talked a girlfriend of mine in MN into doing these too. we were telling her mom about how i did them, and now she wants to. her mom was offering up her lingerie! lol
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA All these pics of cute babies makes my ovaries ache!!!!!!!!!! They are too cute. seriously - don't they? at least i can get my "fix" from them, and all of my friends' kids!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Ann, unless my computer is messed - the pictures didn't post Can you retry? I wanna see Paul's cute nieces!! weird - i could see them! but i uploaded them again (in the original post). they're just too cute!
  8. that would be awesome! I am not sure if we're marrying in Maui or Oahu - but I am pretty sure it will end up being Maui. We're staying in Oahu for 2 nights when we first get there, and I kind of wanted to do it right away - but we may wait for Maui.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by CABOBRIDE200 I'm thinking totally simple....quick ceremony on the beach...I don't even think we'll exchange rings, unless we have to. I'd like to save that for the Cabo wedding. I don't even want flowers. I would like to have a photographer for an hour after the ceremony. I want to call it an "engagement session".... I really just want the pics for part of our Cabo wedding anyway. We never did an engagement session. I think we will go for a nice dinner afterward. We'll have Tony's business partner (and best friend) with us too.....the trip to Maui is really for Tony's business, so the legal ceremony will be a little fun between the business. What do you plan to do? Big elaborate thing or simple beach thing? ...I think you said simple beach thing before, right? I think it's going to be really special to have the two of us for the legal part...kinda romantic if you ask me. It sounds like you and I want the EXACT same thing, well, w/o the business partner! Actually, Paul and I do work together ... lol. Anyway, I just want it to be legal, and just the 2 of us - and I would love a photographer for like 30-60 minutes or something. Maybe I will have to ask Leigh or any of the photogs here if they know someone looking for a quick shoot while already in Hawaii. Though I imagine it's pretty easy to find a good photog. there. I don't know how much Paul has planned, my guess is nothing yet! I don't think I will have flowers either - unless we grab something to put in my hair or something silly.
  10. Oh yea, and since the legal wedding is part of the honeymoon, he gets that too! Are you guys just doing a quickie ceremony (to make it legal) then out to eat or something? Or something more elaborate?
  11. fabulous - thanks! i will send this to Paul since he's in charge of this wedding! lol
  12. Ok, I am not hijacking, just joining (ok, maybe hijacking a little). But I had to brag about Paul's little nieces too - they're just so fun! And they're friggin' hilarious when they all get together! The youngest, Molly, is a clown. She's trying to look innocent, since she just got busted "sleeping" on the shelf behind her (see picture below).
  13. have you posted your new dress? i'd love to see a picture!
  14. you ARE bringing a camera, I assume? i didn't know you had an appointment - yay!
  15. good point - you, of all people, should know to post pictures, or at least a link to pictures!
  16. so darn cute - i always wanted younger siblings. my sis is 2 years younger, so we're pretty much the same age. my mom thought about adopting when i was older, be she decided not to. paul has 4 nieces (well, 5, but the 5 month old won't be coming to Mexico) - and we're lacking in little boys for a ring bearer. anyone want to trade a flowergirl for a ring bearer? actually, Melissa, I like the idea of one of the flower girls carrying the rings.
  17. I have 1 group staying off site (not at Dreams) - I wonder if I should forward this to them. So the first one would be open in early June? It's $900 - how many nights is that for?
  18. lol - i just couldn't find a way to get to your wedding in Cabo, then back to mine on time!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM Our ceremony is at 6:00 and were meeting our photographer at 5:00 for before shots with the bride and groom and we hired him until 8:00 (small wedding, only 3 guests) so we'll have some after shots for sunset. I think the sunsets at 7:30. OOOOHHHH - who is the 3rd guest? Missy, Marty, and ... ? Glenda?
  20. i heard that! i read that a long time ago - i was probably out of posts on here to read, and had to find somewhere else to go to entertain myself!
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