Hi, Carly! I've told you this already, but I'm so sorry for your TTC and pregnancy struggles and am soooo glad you're prego and can't wait to meet your baby! I too had 2 losses. I got prego w/my daughter very easy and she was born in May 2008. Then when I went to get prego for the 2nd time I figured it would be just as easy. Well, we got pregnant easy enough but I lost the first one, quite early - I'm calling it a chemical pregnancy even though a doctor didn't diagnose that. Then I got prego again and lost this one around 11-12 weeks. I ended up having to have a D&C around 12 weeks. Then I got prego for the 4th time and my son was born in October 2010. My struggle was never getting pregnany (I was very lucky there and got pregnant every time we tried) but rather staying pregnant! My daughter was born 8 weeks early and then the 2 losses, and then my son was born 3.5 weeks early. I was very closely monitored in my last pregnancy for fear of another premature birth. But I now have 2 happy, healthy kids!