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Everything posted by Alisarosenbaum

  1. I ordered these cute flowered flip flops from old navy for $2 each. Thanks for the suggestion. I just ordered sizes 8 and 9, because I know with flip flops sizes do not matter as much (and thats all they had!). As of now, i just ordered for the girls, because I am having a hard time imagining guys taking off socks and stuff to put on flip flops, or I figure they will already have casual shoes on. I might change my mind and order some though.
  2. I wanted to bring flip flops for everyone to put on for the reception. I found them for $3.95 each on oriental trading, but only in white. Has anyone ordered flip flops in other colors. From where? Also, do you think I need to bring flip flops for guys also or just girls (because they will be in heels)?
  3. The minimum order is 250 luggage tags, right? Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 I'm doing this as well, but I'm not anywhere near DIY able...I'm a complete DIY failure! So I'm ordering off the internet and they are going to be great! We're using a picture my dad took in Cabo, rather than our logo, and the company has been very helpful. I haven't ordered yet, simply because we're waiting until our RSVP date has passed but I'll be ordering within the next three weeks. Here's the link: Bag Tags, Inc. - Custom Luggage Tags
  4. Hi everyone! I love the idea of sending our guests a letter a week before the wedding and including luggage tags. For those of you who did this, did you find a website with cheap luggage tags? Thanks!
  5. A while back someone posted about buying little soft coolers to put in each room with all of the OOT bags stuff in it. I can not find anywhere that I can order less than 50. Has anyone seen these? I think they were about $3.50/each.
  6. On the night everyone arrives, we are doing a short beach bonfire thing (at the Hilton). We are doing ceviche station, fajita station, mexican corn station, and then smores. Its not really dinner, but enough food for light snacks. We are doing open bar, but just beers and margs. We are only doing it for an hour and a half because I figure that everyone will want to go out in cabo that night.
  7. This is something that I have spent a lot of time (and money looking into. I actually went last night to meet with a nutritionist to actually put together a meal plan to get me at my goal weight by the next 7 weeks. The key is to measure EVERYTHING. She said that is the biggest problem with people not losing weight. I also now track everything in FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal. My goal is 1400 calories everyday (including weekend) and that each day 40% of my calories come from carbs, 30% from protein, and 30% from fat. She also stressed taking out anything with little nutritional value, i.e. 100 calorie packs, etc. She has me eating 100 calories before the gym, 300 calorie breakfast, 400 calorie lunch, two 100 calorie snacks, and 400 calorie dinner. In addition, 4 days one hour cardio and 2 days one hour circuit weight training. Its strict but only 7 weeks so hopefully it will work! Anyone can PM me if they have any questions!
  8. I am going back and forth about planning day events for the guests. Our wedding is a Sunday night (actually at 4PM), and most guests arrive Friday night. That only gives people one full day to lie by the pool. Did you find that yours guests did not want to do this and would rather have something "planned"?
  9. I would highly recommend appointments. We made an appointment with our WC, photographer, Cake baker, and the different wedding coordinators at each site we were considering. We also made sure to eat dinners at places that we could have our RD, and made sure to speak with the manager following the dinner.
  10. I am doing a facial, waxing, crest teeth whitening, highlights, and mani and pedi. For the facial, you should not get them more often than once every 3 months at the MOST, and that mitgh irritate your skin. I would get it once now, and once 2 weeks before the wedding. I think the 7 day crest whitestrips work well, so i am just doing it once a week beforehand. I am doing my highlighst 2 weeks beforehand, and nails and waxing the weekend before I leave.
  11. Because they sell beer and wine at my Costco, i was just assuming they did at the one in Cabo also. I looked on the website though and it is hard to tell. Does anyone know if they sell champagne? If not, is there a cheap store in town you recommend to pick up some good champagne (Veuve, Moet, etc). Also, we would just get a membership then to get little things for the OOT bag. Did anyone pick up food in bulk somewhere else? Thanks!
  12. Ever since I started PT, my knee hurts all the time, so I have been scared to try elliptical/bike, etc because I do not want to make it worse. I have been trying to do the long hour long walks because I actually read that walking for an hour is one of the best ways to burn fat, but it just feels weird to not sweat and get your heart rate up. The hardest part of this is basically giving up my social life. I feel like eating out is impossible, and the only type of food I can think of that is diet friendly is sushi. What we do to look good!
  13. I have been exercising consistently at least three times a week for the past thirteen years. I usually will do high intensity runs, bike, etc. I would say I am okay with my diet. I am good about 70 percent of the time, but love to go out to eat and go have drinks with my friends most nights of the week. About four months ago, my knees just totally gave up on me. The doctor can not find a problem, and I have been going to PT twice a week, which hurts it more. No working out=about a 5 lbs weight gain. I would like to lose about 12 lbs between now and my November 11th wedding, but I am unable to exercise. I have been able to walk at a moderate pace, and I have been doing that for about 60/min a time 3-4 times a week. I have also continued to do upper body weights (no lower body cause of knee). I have been PERFECT with my diet, and still no weight lose without real exercise. Has anyone lost weight without exercising?
  14. We went to Crane's (where we got our invites from) to order thank you cards, and I was floored with how much they cost. So we are now on Plan B. We are looking for cards that we can get cutomized (with our names, addresses, etc) but do not cost more than $1/card. Has anyone ordered these from a website?
  15. We rented from Dollar and I remember it being inexpensive. We didnt buy insurance though because we called our credit card and they said we were covered! Is that not true?
  16. I did not mean to spark such a debate! My post was more on the what do you do when a guest calls and asks you to change something about your wedding than the actual no kids policy. No tickets had been booked, I had arranged babysitters for anyone who wanted to use them, and was clear on our website about it being adults only events. When she called me, I explained that I understood going to a DW was difficult, and when we decided to get married at a location almost 7 hour playride away from DC (and thats witha good connection) not many people would be able to go, so no feeling on my end would be hurt. I was more surprised someone would call and ask me to change this, instead of just saying they couldnt come, or working it out with the 5 other family members of them who are coming to take turns watching the kids for the 2 night. That is all I was saying...
  17. So here is the update! I called and said very nicely that I am sorry that this is the siutation, but when we booked our venues, we assumed parents would be okay with using a babysitter, and this was out fault because we do not have kids, we did not realize there would be a concern with using a hotel sitter. We then said the kids were welcome to the beach BBQ, but the remaining two nights remained adults only. I then said I had located 2 different sitters, and I could give her both contacts if she wanted to call. She said thank you for the information and that was it. So I have no idea if she will be coming or not.
  18. We did our site visit in November, and the weather was pefect. It was hot enough during the day to lay by the pool, and felt nice when it cooled off at night. I would wear a sundress with a light sweater, but the sweater was not completely necessary.
  19. Thank you all so much for the feedback. It is so different to hear all of your opinions rather than my friends here who are not going through the whole destination wedding planning drama. As someone else said, none of our friends have children, and the majority of our friends are still single. I feel like that just sets the tone of the wedding, and we have planned everything to be very romantic and swanky. This issue is only about 2 small kids, but...use saying we are having a "no children" wedding has been able to ensure that it is the small intimate wedding that we want. We did not invite most of our parents friends kids, using the reason as that we are having a no kids weddng. This has really helped us keep the guest list down, but now makes it more difficult to allow one person to bring kids. We talked about it last night, and decided that the first night (BBQ on the beach) would be kid friendly enough and it would be fine if they brought their kids. I am going to explain though that the other two nights are adults only, and again, tell them about the babysitter. We will see how it goes
  20. So my FI and I decided to have an adults only wedding, which we knew would upset a number of people. Most people with children are either not coming, or getting babysitters back home. My cousin called me to see if she could bring her kids to the wedding because she did not feel comfortable leaving them with the Hilton babysitter. We do not want kids at the wedding. Has anyone dealt with this??
  21. I would highly advise you to hire an outside coordinator. I am using Maye, which many girls on this forum use. The amount of attention she gives me is amazing, and the rates she gets from vendors are significantly lower than Emeline and the Hilton. I felt like there was a bit of a conflict of interest having Emeline organize all my vendors. She is not expesnive (I think i am paying less than $700) and I email her almost daily (poor Maye!!!). She does everything for me from get little maracas for placecards to flowers, to hair and make-up.
  22. I also really want a bouquet of very bright orange flowers. I would like to do all roses. I was told though that I can not get bringt orange roses, only papaya colored roses, which I guess are more muted. Has anyone been able to get BRIGHT orange roses?
  23. What did you all have your groomsmen wear? You can see how unhelpful my FI is that I am planning this. My girls are wearing strapless pinkish red JCrew dresses, and my FI is wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath without a tie. Any ideas?? Do you know of good national places to rent suits from?
  24. I just noticed you were from Chicago! I grew up there. I would love to see a picture of you have of the reception site set up!
  25. The guys want to go out deep sea fishing. There will be at least 12 of them. Do you have any recommendations fo a company, especially one that can accomodate this size? Thanks!
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