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Natalie Z

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Everything posted by Natalie Z

  1. We didn't do our pictures until 5pm at night 2 days after our wedding. I have natural curls so I couldn't fight them. I knew if I attempted to blow dry it, it would have been a waste. You can tell in some of the pictues but we were soaked from head to toe!! We didn't put our heads under but the waves were splashing us everywhere and especially when you are laying down you get drenched! So I took a shower about an hour before let my hair dry curly and put in two flower clips to keep it out my face (which I totally recommend doing) If I didn't do that my hair would have been everywhere! I put on mascara (not waterproof because I forgot it) I kept asking Lance during the shoot if I had black eyes yet? I put on a little blush and that was it! I had enough sun that I felt like I didn't need a ton. I wouldn't get to dolled up if you are really planning on getting wet!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva How beautiful! Really romantic looking.. what beach were you at? Umm I can't remember the name on of the beach but when you come out of dreams you make a left and it is the first public beach on the left hand side of the road. There were so many rocks in the sand all over that it killed our feet!!!! It hurt so bad!! I don't know if that helps or not. Sorry Quote: Originally Posted by host has lance seen it? waht does he think? Yes he saw it last night when he got home from work, and he hates getting his picture taken but he loved loved the way it came out. He even emailed all of his friends with it, so that was a big step for him! Quote: Originally Posted by Waiting_for_Sunshine So much fun! I love it. For the girls that did the trash the dress, how many hrs did it take to shoot? We were with Juan I think for about 1 1/2hrs maybe a little longer. It of course flew bye!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by annieroy Nat you are just soooooooooooooooo photogenic ! You always had a beautiful smile on you pretty face ! Great TTD photo session ! Los Cabo is a very nice place to TTD . So far, how many times have you looked at the slide show? !!! 10-50 or 100 times !!!!!! Ummm I'm not going to lie probably like 20-30 times so far! That seems like a lot to me! Thanks for the kind words!
  4. Christine you look beautiful! I love all your pictures! It looks like everyone had such a great time! Congrats!!
  5. Lisa Congrats!!!!! You look beautiful!!! I loved your dress on you!! I can't wait to see more!!
  6. Thanks so much girls! I think we should have been a little sexier!!! We were laughing a lot but that is what we do when we are together so I guess it shows us! Anyways I love it!
  7. Thanks for all the kind words everyone!! We had so much fun!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE juan!!! You rock!! Thanks for everything!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Did he say how much longer? He did but I couldn't understand him because the phone was cutting out. I thought he said IT WOULDN'T TAKE A COUPLE OF HOURS. But maybe that is what I wanted to hear!! I keep checking to see if he signs on here. That would be a good sign.
  9. lol! no really it was my fault the first song I sent him was too long. Then I had to search for another song I'm so picky and I was under a lot of pressure. I still don't know if I'm happy with it. Than the songs I kept sending him were locked!!! I have wanted to throw DH's computer out the window today!!! so hopefully soon!
  10. nope you are not! Still waiting! There was an issue with the song and it took longer than expected. Hopefully it will be up soon!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by host yeah...officially you are his number 1 stalker That is hilarious!!
  12. Ok so we had a song issue so I think it is fixed now and he is uploading!! Hopefully soon!!
  13. Juan just called me and said that my TTD slideshow will be done in 2 1/2 hrs!!!! I can't wait!! He said he is going to post it on here! Just thought I would give you the heads up!
  14. Great Review! You look very pretty in your pictures and it looked like everyone had a crazy fun time! Congrats!!
  15. Jennifer Hatton is who I used and her cakes tasted so good!! She was great to work with!!! Here is her email address. Tell her I said hello if you talk to her. jennifer hatton <[email protected]
  16. That is very pretty and I agree with you on it going with everything!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB I wish I did more decor for our wedding, but with only 6 guests I really didn't see a point. And I HATED the way the tiki torches were set up.. That was Cain's idea and I didn't care, but man looking back at it I hated it.. lol honestly it is so gorgeous in cabo you didn't need any decor! I didn't do any decor for my ceremony. The tiki torches don't look bad at all.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by akh i've been looking at them all morning too ... HOT DAMN! you guys look like you had such an awesome wedding. and the cool thing about such a small wedding - you get great pics of ALL of your guests! and man, did I hunt for that panty shot of Marty! 9sp ha ha ha I did too ann! I would have loved to see that!!! Yes they are beautiful pics! I love that the ceremony was very intimate (sp)!
  19. So did you get your pictures? I went to Juan's site and saw your name on it! I'm so excited to see them!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Juan said my pictures should be done uploading tonight (late tonight) and he's mailing everything out to me tomorrow. YEAH.. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight because I'll be looking forward to waking up and seeing the rest of the pictures. I would be the same way!!!! I can't wait to see all your pics!! I'm sure they are going to beautiful!
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