Quote: Originally Posted by REBECCA Wow Natialie! It sounds like your guest are going to get styled out! You didn't miss a beat! And 6 hours of photography! I'm soo jealous. You are going to have great pic's.
I wanted the same thing for my reception. Candles, candles and more candles!! And with the tiki torches, white lights, chinese lanterns and the luminaries around the pool, my reception was well lit!
Funny you mentioning about your FI hating his picture taken, so does my husband!!! He ALWAYS blinks when there is a flash involved. Oh, but first he has to say "I'm gonna blink" just before the photo. WELL OF COURSE you are going to blink if you say it everytime just before the photo is snapped! SO ANNOYING! I'm curious to see how many photos Juan tricked him into NOT blinking in. I forgot about tiki torches! I wonder if I should get those?
Ya my FI hates being center of attention and getting his picture taken! I was like umm we are getting married and we will be center of attention! So annoying! He just doesn't get it!! I hate when people say the are going to blink, it drives me crazy as well. That is the only thing they are concentrating on! Aren't there new cameras out that are suppose to prevent the blinking with certain flashes? I'm sure your photos came out great! I can't wait to see them!