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Natalie Z

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Everything posted by Natalie Z

  1. This is what i'm doing for my place cards as well. I found them at michael's or i know they have them on e-bay as well! Any craft store should have them in bulk!
  2. I agree with everyone else tammy, we want to know! I didn't say yes right away because I was so excited I just started hugging, kissing and jumping up and down. Then he was like so do you want your ring after like 4 minutes later of him holding it... oops! Then when we were at dinner he said you know you never said yes to me! I just gave him the look like are you kidding me I have the ring on my finger! So then I said yes of course!
  3. Hi Lindsey! I'm a chicago bride as well! Welcome! We are using Juan Carlos Tapia as well! His work is amazing! I know his prices just went up a little but he is definitely worth it, if it's in your budget! Good Luck planning!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA Dreams food question... FI's bro and his gf are vegan. Has anyone had to try to find vegan food in Mexico? Specifically, do you think it will be super hard to get Dreams to make them some vegan food for the reception? I'm thinking a pasta cooked in olive oil with veggies. I'm in the same boat! I'm glad you brought this up! My FI's brother and wife are vegans! I will have to let Mariana know so she can figure that out! Vegan is very strict, so I hope they will find something to eat!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER I'm still worried about that too Natalie. I'm still not sure if I'm actually going to use these as centerpieces or not. Jeff actually thinks we should do HUGE arrangements of the little ones, but again- how to get them there! There is NO way I would have time to put them together on site because they are so time consuming. Maybe they wouldn't be super expensive to ship though because they are so light...hmmm... have to think about that one. shipping them would probably be the way to go! They are super light and you wouldn't have to worry about them in the box! Just getting there!! You could ship them way early and if they never arrive have a back up plan!
  6. Tammy I agree with Sarah, you are a much bigger woman than I am! I would let her keep eating cereal!!!
  7. Welcome Kim! Good Luck planning! This site will really help guide you!
  8. Welcome! I don't have anything for you since I'm still 6 months out! sorry but I'm sure girls who have already been married can help you out! Good Luck!
  9. Welcome and Good Luck planning! This forum will definitely help you with everything you need!
  10. Your pictures are great! I love them! You two look so happy!
  11. Sarah I really like them as well! I would do them but I was worried about transporting them! I might just order some and see what I should do!
  12. Hey tammy, I agree with Janet you need to take care of yourself first and foremost! Do something that you love and will help you relax! I feel horrible for you! I wish you could kick that B***h out!(sorry for the language) She is just a mean woman and you don't deserve it! I think you should just put off wedding planning for a couple weeks as Janet suggested! It seems like you have everything planned out for the most part so I'm sure it will be ok! I wish I could do more for you!
  13. Hello and welcome! I don't know anything about the hotel either but I know some girls on here do! Good Luck with everything!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by anacgarcia My luminarias, first try: ana, they look great! That is exactly what I'm doing for ours! I think I might do 4 instead of three but not sure yet! I got some great velum paper and the pictures look great on them! Did you staple the velum on to the back of the picture frames? Where did you end up getting your frames from? What kind of candle did use and how many? Sorry for all the questions!
  15. Welcome Taryn! You will find everything you are looking for on this forum! I was thinking about doing a private villa as well but now we decided on Dreams. I didn't feel like putting everything together from scratch! Good Luck with all your planning, I can't wait to hear all about it!
  16. Welcome Amanda! Good luck planning!
  17. Kash, I really like the first one as well! I think that would be great for a DW dress! I hope you find the one you love soon!
  18. Welcome Stefani! Good luck planning!
  19. tammy, I love the pink!!! It is so cute! I'm keeping this one for sure!
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