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Natalie Z

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Everything posted by Natalie Z

  1. Susan you looked gorgeous and hubby is a cutie! Your pictures are amazing! I loved all your details and the wedding looked perfect!
  2. I really like it as well!! You look so pretty in your pictures! Def. worth the extra money!
  3. Thanks Everyone!! Hopefully I will get rid of this crap soon it is really draining everything out of me. I hate to feel miserable all the time. I will let you all know on tuesday as soon as I find out!! Nicole i'm so excited you get to find out too next week!!! Yeah!
  4. Congrats! You looked beautiful! I loved you TTD pics! Welcome back!
  5. Happy Birthday Tammy!! I hope you have a great day!!
  6. You look beautiful natalie!! I agree with everyone else you veil was gorgeous! Congrats!!!
  7. susan your review is awesome!! Everything looks gorgeous!! I can't wait to see more pics! The teasers of you on the wedding day look beautiful! Congrats!!
  8. Congrats! Sounds like everything was perfect!! I can't wait to see your photos!
  9. Julie you look beautiful!! Sorry I'm so late on this but Congrats to you!! I can't wait to see the rest of your pics!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr Welcome back Natalie. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better and that everything is good with you and the baby. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing for both of you from now on. That is so exciting that you find out next Tuesday, I can't wait to hear about it. thanks me either!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR yea, the forum has been acting a but crazy the last few days. it really gets hard to keep up - but i guess not as many people can post, so it slows that part down a little! so glad to hear you're doing ok ... that sucks about being sick. like you really need THAT right now. so - do you have a feeling if it's a boy or a girl? Thanks ann, Right now I think boy but who knows and I'm only basing that off of all my heartbeats of the baby they have been in the 140's which they say is a boy! But who knows! I will be so excited either way!
  12. Hey everyone! It has been a crazy couple of weeks, actually I don't even know how long it has been since I have been on here. I tried signing on yesterday but i kept getting kicked off. Well let's see I have been really sick with some sort of bronchitis (sp?) but all the meds aren't working and there are only a few I can take because of the baby and I'm allergic to penecillion (sp?) Then I had this insane burning urine with some blood so of course I was freaking out about this but after going to the docs they said everything was ok with baby and me so who knows. I didn't have a UTI or any other infection, so I was just confused about that. Then my thyroid went way up so they gave a pill I have to take everyday but I guess that will be ok now. I'm just starting to feel a little better but being sick really sucks when you are prego!! Good news is we find out the sex of the baby next tuesday and I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to start decorating! Well I'm sure it is going to take me all day to catch up with all the weddings and threads I missed but I just wanted to say hello!
  13. Heidi, I haven't been on in about a week and i just came across this and I'm so sorry! I don't even know what to say, this is so unfair for you and reggie. I hope your surgery went well and I hope they can figure out what is wrong. I'm so sorry again.
  14. Here is mine, "the milkman's baby" It's funny that we could actually do this again this year and I wouldn't need to buy the fake belly! Oh well!!
  15. Yeah Nicole you got your slideshow!! You and Hubby are hot hot hot!!! I love all your pictures!! Congrats!!
  16. Thanks everyone for your kind comments! Juan did a great job with our pics!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by NHPT he emailed me yesterday and said he was almost done with your pics and then will do both of our slideshows.......he also said i should have all of my stuff mailed to me in a week---i am not holding my breath because often times when he says "one week" it means a lot longer but i truly hope i get them soon so i can start doing stuff for x-mas gifts. I know that is why I want my stuff too, I really want to get cracking on my x-mas gifts!!! That will be the next step to see when I get my CD's Quote: Originally Posted by annieroy I hope he will give something extra FOR FREE ! How about a nice coffee table book ? !!!! That can make up for all the waiting... That is a great idea! I don't think he will think so!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by NHPT i am so sorry you are still waiting for your pictures natalie- it is really unfair and i feel awful that som many brides are getting finished before yours- its not right and you should email Juan and tell him that it is hurting his business thanks! I emailed him yesterday telling him I was confused why other brides pics are done that got married after me, I haven't heard back from him yet. So we will see!
  19. I also used juan carlos, you can click on the link under my ticker to view it. He is a great photographer, he is just really busy now. I would make sure he would be able to fit you in and get your pics back to you in a timely matter that you discuss.
  20. Thanks girls hopefully I will get them soon! I will let you know!
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