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Natalie Z

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Everything posted by Natalie Z

  2. Sarah, the pictures are the only thing that I will have to remember everything (besides my memory) They are #1 on my list. I have cut costs else where to have juan at my wedding for 7 hours. Hope that helps
  3. Well as a someone posted on here before that dreams has a forum now! I went on it and it is interesting! Does anyone know how long they have had this? Well here is a link to the different weddings at each of there Dreams locations. DREAMS Weddings....
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr When you say you "made" your logo's, did you do it yourself? I would really love to do it myself if I can. I would love to tell people I made them I like being crafty, and then I would know how to do them and could help others make them. Let me know. Anny, can you make them? yes I made the monogram in power point. It was pretty easy after you figured out how to do it! I just wanted a generic one without our names on it for our guests oot bags.
  5. I just ordered my bags from the same place sarah did and I will get them on Monday. Here is a picture of them. Then I made some logos yesterday and I'm going to iron them on. I will post when I'm done! Thanks Sarah for all your help! Girls I have a lot of time on my hands so that is why I have done some stuff! Also I have a craft table set up in our house with all my wedding stuff on it so I can work on it whenever. It's always out so it reminds me that I have to finish everything! You will all finish everything don't worry!!!
  6. Edyta Ann and Rebecca... I love all of your dresses! I think each one is beautiful and will look/and looked great!
  7. Sarah those look great! Yes I need to know as well what transfer paper you used!
  8. You can do a sand ceremony anywhere! I think a lot of people probably do them at beach weddings because of the location instead of using a unity candle when it will most likely get blown out!
  9. me either! I will be in my dress all night long! I know natasha changed into a dress for a tango dance she did with her husband but it looked like she put her wedding dress back on! (I think)
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by SASSYGIRL I am off work today and wanted to test out my monogram on my black OOT bags with the iron on transfer paper. The problem is that they background of my monogram is coming out white and I wanted the black of the bag to show through where there isn't any lettering - not white. Does anyone know how to adjust my monogram to have a black fill? I am so bad at this computer stuff - help if you can! http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j2...m/monogram.jpg Sarah I'm curious what you are using to transfer the monograms onto your bags and how them come out! I would love to see them when you are done! Thanks!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by anacgarcia here you go http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i2...am-black-1.jpg anny what would this forum do without you!!! now I know who to go to when I have issues like this!
  12. I don't want to come off like a bi*ch but Do what you want to do!!!! This is about you and your FI!!! If people are going to complain then tell them not to come!! They are invited, not forced to go! That sucks that it's your mom because I'm sure you really want her there!
  13. Thanks, she has some really pretty hairstyles, even though I'm not getting married in Hawaii but good ideas!!
  14. I agreee everything in that store is so cute and modern!! I love it you really can't go wrong!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by BEACHBRIDEMA Those look great! I made some to, I will try and post some pics. The big labels was a great idea! Sarah Thanks! I would love to see yours!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Hummingbird Mayeb this one for "Unity"? When two people pledge their love and care for each other in marriage, they create a spirit unique unto themselves which binds them closer than any spoken or written words. Marriage is a promise, a potential made in the hearts of two people who love each other and takes a lifetime to fulfil. Oh, and maybe "Happiness" could be another one? Thanks these are really helping!! I appreciate it!
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