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Natalie Z

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Everything posted by Natalie Z

  1. Thanks for the help girls! Ya I want to send invites I was just trying to figure out what to put in them since I have everything on our website. Jessalyn I love the new sig pic. Don't worry your guests will book soon!! Christa thanks for the attachment! You gave me some good ideas.
  2. Ok I need some advice! I already know everyone that is coming because they have all booked! So my question is Should I still send out Invites? I wanted to send them out because I feel like I need to but then again if I do send them out what do I put in them. I got a mock set from PocketFolders - Vertico and I really wanted to do them! I just have no clue what to put in them. I was thinking maybe some reminders but then again that is what we have our website for and I feel like I would be repeating myself. Any ideas?
  3. Ya i have submitted 2 quotes so far and I will see what I get back! Thanks for the advice!
  4. Natalie Z

    Cabo Newbie!

    Welcome to the forum and I can't wait to hear about your wedding! I originally wanted to do a private villa so I can't wait to hear about yours!
  5. Thanks for all the advice! I didn't know that they were affiliated with WIP. I will keep looking!
  6. Congrats again and everything looked great!!! Can't wait to hear more about it!
  7. Natalie Z

    NY Newbie

    Good luck planning! Can't wait to hear all about it!
  8. I went here and it is amazing!!! I loved the inside of the hotel, it was gorgeous! My favorite thing was some huge glass crazy sculpture inside the casino.( I know lame) It was so much fun but yes very expensive!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by CABOBRIDE200 I'm also planning to use the Flower Cart. Did you contact them directly or do you have a wedding coord? I forget?
  10. Has anyone heard of these two vendors or used them? flower shop- I'm almost positve that people have used them-- any feedback? flor de liz
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by JPMO Natalie, that's gonna be awesome to have your FSIL sing. Her voice is beautiful she made me think of Jewel (for some reason, i know there pitch is different). She's beautiful too... now I uderstand why FBIL never moved back- Ha! Ha! Ya I know isn't she amazing!! She is sooooooo beautiful and I love her voice! She just signed a record deal not sure with who but that is exciting! I'm very lucky to have her sing! I have one song picked out that I want her to sing for sure but I have to figure out the rest. I loved that you remembered that about FBIL! It made me laugh!!
  12. Girls again I love the earrings!!! You are all going to look beautiful!
  13. I think it sounds great as well! I was going to do something just like that as well! I think your is short and sweet!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by CABOBRIDE200 So, with my dress in mind, how long do you think my veil should be? ...I'm thinking elbow length? I am so bad at this stuff! I agree! I think that would look great!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Cabo Wedding Coordinator Thats what I thought also!!! but the individual cake idea looks really nice! and as Tammy says you can also use them as center pieces although I would have them placed on the tables after dinner and remove the centerpieces. I like the other idea as well it just isn't what I wanted to do. I think it is going to look great! I already had my center pieces picked out and I want lots of candles so I didn't think the cake/candles together would have been a good idea!
  16. We look forward to hearing more about your planning!
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