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Natalie Z

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Everything posted by Natalie Z

  1. Ya Lance will kill me too, he might pass out when I tell him the price but I'm going to try as hard as I can to convince him that we really need Juan's album! I'm just hoping after the wedding he will have loved it so much that he will want to keep the memories in the best thing! Fingers crossed!! Otherwise I will just make one like Tammy and Sarah did. They looked great as well!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by akh I was thinking of something like Rebeccas - a low, loose, updo. I originally wanted it partially down, but it will be warm and muggy - and i think i will want it off of my neck. Then I still vote for #1!!! They are gorgeous! Good Luck and let us know what you pick!!
  3. Tammy, my plan is to purchase one from Juan but I can't tell my FI right now because of all the wedding costs. So I'm going to slip it in after the wedding that this is what we should do, and he probably won't complain then. I want a professional one because of the quailty of the book and I want it to stay together for a long time. I know Tammy(host) made her one book and it looked awesome, I forget where she ordered it from. That is always an idea!
  4. I love #1. How are you doing your hair? That will help me pick which ones!
  5. I did words of love or marriage and then put a poem underneath them.
  6. Thanks girls for your advice! so the menu's at each place setting are out!! That is one less thing to do!! I'm also doing the mexican theme dinner for our rehearsal/welcome dinner. I did not want a buffet again but oh well, anyways Mariana told me that I could pick off of the 3 buffet menus she sent me and create my own. So that is what I was wondering if any of you have tried any of the buffet foods. She said that we wouldn't be able to taste test it. The three buffet menus are the... Theme dinner BBQ, Mexican Theme, and Caribbean Theme. So if you had to pick just three apps. what would you say were your favorite?
  7. I need help deciding on what to get for my apps. and dinner..... Now my FI does not want to do a sit down type of meal for the reception, he can't stand only being able to pick one thing for everyone, he wants it to be buffet style but I have no idea what to pick for food. So I was hoping the girls that have gone and done taste testings would be able to tell me what is good. Also, what apps. are you picking? One more thing, since I was going to do a sit down I was going to give everyone a menu at there place setting but now with a buffet what should I do Thanks for your help!!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jpkw Nicole - I love it!!! Nicole & Natalie - WHERE are you both getting your hair/make-up done? I was planning to just do mine at Dreams but I sent an email to the spa last week and haven't heard anything back yet. I'm starting to get nervous that I want to confirm my appts (for myself & BMs). Let me know what you both are doing... thanks! I'm getting my hair done for sure at dreams and I'm going to do a trial when I get down there. Also I'm going to get a trial done for my makeup as well and I will see if I like it or if I'm just going to do it myself. I have emailed mariana about it and she told me she just needed to know 2 weeks before the wedding to reserve the spots. Maybe that is why they haven't contacted you back?
  9. Christa they are beautiful!!! I want more!!! Congrats again!!!
  10. Nicole that is so cute, I have already stolen it from you!!! Thanks for the great idea! So you are getting your hair done at the spa right? Are you doing a trial with them when you get down there?
  11. Good Luck Melissa, I hope everything goes smooth for you and I can't wait to see your pictures!!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by akh Natalie? You said you saw your dress on the Knot Specialty Bios I posted ... I'm waiting to see it posted on here ... Ann, this is the dress but still no real picture of it but here is the drawing of it. Thanks again for the info.
  13. Jess I think it looks really good!!! I actually like all the votives, I think the more candles the better!
  14. Oh my god that is insane!!!! You have to find a seamstress you can trust that doesn't work at a bridal salon maybe and can do just as good of a job for you!!! Wow that is crazy!! They are just making money off of you because you didn't buy your dress from them!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by akh From Your Wedding 101 - A wedding guide illustrating the things to consider when planning a wedding. ... Groom's Cake - a smaller wedding cake; themed to the groom's interests. This is what I'm doing for Lance because he hates chocolate!! Wierd I know!! Anyways I got him a cheesecake in the shape of an "I" for University of Illinois since he is obessed with it! It is a suprise, so I'm excited!
  16. another thing about the towels, I was thinking that when I go to hotels or resorts they always have the towels there for you to use. So then I began to think that most people won't want to keep using the same towel everyday plus, bring it home in there suitcase with sand, sweat, or sun tan lotion on it. So that pretty much helped me decide not to get them! It was an expense that I could use else where. Well I guess they wouldn't have to use it either and save it for when they get home?? Oh well!
  17. Those are really cute tammy!! I think that would be fun for you to have that on top!
  18. Tammy I think you should do either the wedding cake. I mean I like the groomscake but I would personally feel like it was just a regular birthday cake. I have to have the actually wedding cake! Sorry, I hope you figure it out!
  19. Thanks ann, I found my dress on the marisa bio!!! see you ended up finding it!! lol!!
  20. Christa Congrats!!!!!! I'm so happy for you that everything worked out so well for you! I'm sorry to hear about your anxiety attack but I'm glad you had everyone there to help you calm down!! You look beautiful and I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!! Have so much fun on your honeymoon!!!
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