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Natalie Z

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Everything posted by Natalie Z

  1. Sarah, your footage is so good! I loved watching all of it! You looked stunning and everything was perfect!! Thanks for sharing!!
  2. I'm now using Suzanne Morel, and they will travel to dreams!! They seem pretty awesome. I know Christa and Edyta both used them and I loved their hair and makeup!!!
  3. Congrats you look beautiful!! I can't wait to see more pics and read your review!!
  4. I love the new rooms even though I haven't ever seen the old ones! So are they working on the regular rooms yet or still the timeshare ones only?
  5. Tammy I agree with what everyone else said, I love it!! It looks so natural and your eyes pop!! Gorgeous eyes by the way!
  6. I'm in chicago and I had them done with an amazing photographer!! She came up to chicago and did them at my house!! I HIGHLY recommend her! She is based out of Indy. Here is her blog bobbi+mike Here is her website bobbi+mike If you have any more questions please let me know! Yes you should get them done for sure!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by CABOBRIDE200 You all 3 are so beautiful! I love the baby bump! Great pics....looks like you had so much fun. I hope Natalie and I can meet up while we're in Cabo....how neat to meet your internet friends in person. Yes Jess I want to meet up too, I'm already for certain we will see each other at the airport!! Now I don't have to get the starfish from you because I had to get one to start another one, so hopefully we can meet up for a drink!!
  8. Jess your pics are hot hot hot!! You look great!! I'm so happy that you got them done! Your FI is going to love them!! I forgot to say awesome Job again Leigh!!
  9. Edyta thanks for posting!! Tammy your bump looks sooooo cute on you!!! You are such a pretty pregnant woman! All of you girls look so beautiful!! I'm so jealous that you all got to meet up! Tammy I forgot to tell you that I have the same bathing suit, I just got it from VS I was unsure of that color but now seeing it on you I hope that it looks as good on me. Did you like the suit?
  10. Sarah, this review was awesome!! Thank you so much for reassuring me that I picked a great place that myself and guests will love!! I will probably have some questions for you but when I think of them I will PM you!!! Thanks again for all the details!! I'm so happy for you!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER We had Juan for 4 hours for the wedding day, but ended up keeping him an extra 1/2 hour. We had him for 2 hours the day after. I think it depends on what you want. I wanted a ton of pictures, and so he shot basically for 4 hours straight- we had him shoot us individually before the wedding, but after the wedding was over we didn't go to the reception for almost 2 hours because we were taking pictures. We had a small group of mostly family who all were great friends, so it wasn't a big deal- but with a larger wedding that might not be as possible. He shot us from 6-8pm, got sunset pics, then went to the reception where we immediately did our first dance, parents' dance, then photographed us cut the cake. If you've got the $$ to have Juan for all day, then good for you. I still spent a ton on photography and I got Juan before his rates went up. I had him for a total of 7 hours between both days...it was enough for us- he says he has 1700 photos of us... Which I can't wait to see!!!!! You look beautiful!!!
  12. Karla, Yeah I have been waiting for some of your pictures!! You look gorgeous!!! I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to see Juan's pics! Congrats!!
  13. Gorgeous!! You look beautiful I love your pictures, Great Job Juan!! The horses on the beach are adorable!!! What a fairytale wedding!!! Congrats and I'm so happy for you!!
  14. Sarah, I'm so happy for you! You look absolutley beautiful!! I loved loved loved your makeup! Did you get it done at dreams? I can't wait to read your review! I'm so happy for you that it was everything you hoped for and more!! I can't wait to see Juan's pictures!! Congrats!!
  15. Congrats, I can't wait to hear all about it!!
  16. Thanks again for all the sweet comments! Yes I wore white and everyone else was in black! I loved it! We started at Fiesta Mexicana in Lincoln Park~ if you are familiar then we got into the limo and went to CrowBar~ then we went to Avenue M then we went to Bar of Chicago then we went to the Lodge! Gosh I guess that explains why I was so sick!! Lol!!
  17. Looks like everything was great! I love your dress, and I'm so excited for you that you are leaving so soon!!
  18. I'm so happy you got them done! sounds like everything worked out perfectly!! I can't wait to see some!!
  19. Congrats anny!!! You look beautiful!! Looks like it was a lot of fun!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Hahaha, omg it looks like you had BLAST! I love the shirt you made for the lady who is pregnant, lol that's hilarious!! Hopefully someone scooped up your camera and they haven't realized it yet! I'd ask if you have any more pictures, but that's just rubbing it in!! ha ha ha ha that is so funny about more pictures!! Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM LOL Awesome pics, bummer that you lost your camera, at least someone was enjoying the pics of your bach party. Maybe you'll find them on the web one day.. lol Looks like you had an awesome time, you look really cute in your pics. Yes that is exactly what I was thinking someone has all these pictures!!! God only knows where they are!! Thanks for all the nice comments everyone!
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