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Everything posted by Jackie

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL That's it! I'm not having a shower. I don't need to deal with this kind of weird stress. I know my MOH would invite all the girlfriends we have locally, and while I love them all, they just aren't really part of my life right now. Honestly, if I would have kept hanging out with them the way I was, I wouldn't be engaged I'm sure! I know they want to send me off in some fashion, which is great, but I don't want to feel bad that I didn't invite them. Which, of course, I am starting to do as we speak Christa, maybe its still early enough that you can have a talk with your MOH and explain it all to her. I'm sure she would understand. She might have allready even thought of the fact that it might make for some uncomfortable or even offended feelings. This is the one thing that I do not look forward to when I really can delve into the planning stage. Who to invite Who not to invite, showers etc. etc.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by TOESNTHESND We are getting married at PB Sunset beach as well. We just hired Manuel Burgoin. I have heard nothing but great things about him. There is a thread on this forum about his services. I can't wait for a full review when you return! Oops I meant to quote your message in my reply.
  3. Manuals web sit is outstanding. If I could hire anyone it would be him. His work is gorgeous. I cant wait to see your wedding pics.
  4. Tammy, I love your dress. I do like the strap on the second picture, but I also like the way it looks in the first picture. I cant decide, I like them both.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JANET1111 lol you girls are funny because I totally agree with the idea of "How can you NOT want that stuff" so I guess I just need to figure out if he really would like it but doesn't know it...or if he would not care and I can save my $300 I got him to go to the tanning salon with me last night! Victory Janet! lol Janet, I say if hes not into it, then its not worth the money spent. I was thinking of trying to convince Ryan to go tanning a little before our wedding and I think I would have to drive him 2 towns over to some incognito tanning salon in order to get him to agree to it. Some guys are just not open to these things. I wish he was but, it is what it is.
  6. Raina, how exciting. Have fun. Wishing you great weather and a fab wedding.
  7. Congrats Christa, Congrats Janet, WOHOOOO!
  8. Thanks Wendy, I'm so glad to hear that you had a good time. Welcome home.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by TOESNTHESND Its funny, my friends are so excited for the wedding, we already picked their dress! Each bride is going to wear a different color. http://www.lazarobridal.com/laz_bm/d...p?imageno=1463 Thats one sexy dress. Very salsa dancer. Love it.
  10. Jackie

    New Member

    Welcome, This forum is great for all sorts of info.
  11. Congrats, Congrats, Congrats,!!!!! WE WANT PICS!!! Hurry up and have a great time and get home so we can hear all about it.
  12. I dont think we will be doing the bridal shower or bachelorette/bachelorre party thing. Like Jenesis, I think asking people to go to Cabo is enough. And I hate bridal showers also, um.. along with baby showers, bachelorette parties, ect.. Like Jenesis again, I dont mean to be negative, I'm just not into them.
  13. Tammy, It looks like thats going to be one great honeymoon. Good for you!
  14. Welcome Sarah, You may not narrowed it down yet, but at least you know that either one of those places is going to make a gorgeous DW.
  15. I'm with Janet on this one. I like the 3rd one the best too. What a great idea.
  16. Congrats Sarah, and yes you are definitly the lottery god.
  17. Natasha your cake is buetiful. Love it Love it
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by NATASHA We're going here and I am SO excited. I scheduled a private yoga lesson on our patio. I would never get that opportunity otherwise! http://www.lacasaquecanta.com/ This is my dream honeymoon. After, we're going over to the Yucatan to rough it and explore ruins. Mostly, it's my dream because my FI is planning it so I don't have to do any coordination! OMG Natasha that place looks insane. Good for you. Its gorgeous.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by host todays winner is.....Sarah (aqharider)!!! why do i have a feeling the 3 of you are the only ones playing the lottery? Tammy, Shhh.... I like that fact that theres only a few of us playing. It betters my odds. lol
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