OK, here is my opinion based on my experience with trying to plan to early with the resorts WC.
My resorts WC, Edith really when it comes down to it just does not want to deal with me or make me a priority untill the wedding date is a little closer. (I am a end of May 2008 bride) At least this is the impresion I get form her.
However, from reviews I have read, she is fantastic and really pulls through in the end. This may be wear you are hearing that your WC is really good. She probably is thinking "OMG I am so busy with upcomming weddings and this girl wants me to worry about her wedding in July 2008".
Also, Edith doesnt seem to be able to answer my e-mails in full either. But Tammy (host) gave me some really good advice. She said that a lot of the WC and vendors etc in Mexico dont speak English fluently and most times it works better if you keep the e-mails short and to the point. For example ask one question per e-mail. That way she isnt trying to translate a huge letter.
Hope my mumble jumble helped a little.