Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak I struggled with either walking alone or having my BIL walk me down the aisle. To me, not only was it fitting for leaving single life, but it also has a symbolism that the marriage is your own independent decision--- instead of in the past when it was an arranged marriage and the girls had to follow what their family wanted and it was looked at more like a change of ownership over the woman (going from father owning her to husband owning her)...
I also see some of the same spirit like in Tammy's case where she and Cain walked together--- it had a symbolism that they are both equals going into their marriage and that it was their joint decision to get married---- pretty cool folks!!
Thats a really good way of looking at it.
Quote: Originally Posted by EDYTA Jackie I voted alone just because I am very traditional when it comes to that...btw I am so behind on posts but I noticed that you switched your wedding location, when did that happen? and why did you decide on Dreams?? Uh, Yah long story but ultimatly switched back to what I origanally wanted all along. I just couldnt get Cabo out of my head while I was trying to plan for the Riviera.
Quote: Originally Posted by lizz10179 Jackie,
I'm having the same problem. My dad suddenly passed away a few months ago. It was always something I dreamed of...having my dad walk me down the aisle. That is one of the reasons we're having a DW, to get away from all the traditions because it's just too hard. So, I thought I'd just walk alone. But now that it's getting closer I'm changing my mind, I may ask my brother or uncle. It will still be hard not to have my dad there, but at least I won't be alone. So, I'd ask someone close to you (even maybe your mom) to walk with you.
Lizz I'm sorry, that is my problem also our father passed away last year and I am just not willing to have a traditional wedding I want to be as far away from that as possible. I was originally thinking my sisters but I dont know how the 3 of us would even fit down the aisle, It might look to funny when we have to turn sideways to actually get down the aisle part of it lol.