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Everything posted by Jackie

  1. We have 2 on each side, 2 MOH's and 2 Best Men. My 2 sisters and FI's brother-in-law and father.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by akh i don't think it's bad, it's really just a personal preference. unless you're supersticious i guess - then it's bad luck i think. paul was so cute - he refused to look at my dress, he'd even cover his ears when i'd describe it to other people. Thats really sweet Ann! I dont think its bad luck its whatever you want to do!
  3. I love Disney I took my little sister there a couple of years ago and totally used this online resource called tourguidmike.com or something to that effect just google tour guide mike disney etc and you will find it. It cost 20.00 to join I think, but you get all the ins and outs of Disney.... what are the best days to go (i.e. tour guide mike knows that everyone is at Magic Kingdom on Monday so he says head to MGM that day etc) What is the best way to navigate the park (i.e. tour guide mike says that when you arrive at Epcot everyone automatically starts walking towards the left hand side of the park so you want to start at the right or so on) It literally was the best 20 something bucks I ever spent I had so much fun planning that trip and you really do learn a lot and avoid a lot of wait time.
  4. YUM, I love soy milk, I dont think I could ever make my own you truly are a little chef, I on the other hand am lucky if my peanut butter and jelly turns out right.
  5. I love it, one of my closest friends would have loved that for her wedding last year
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB So Jackie your not going to do shots topless? Hell NO, I dont want to scare Juan away before our e-pics lol.
  7. UM for us it would be location and photographer everything else will need to be budgeted closely
  8. I am paying for my MOH's dresses. I am going to try and find something on bluefly.com or Nordstroms there were some really cute BCBG dresses at Nordstroms online a couple months ago for like 70.00 each. NOT BAD
  9. Ya, I am having Juan do my B-pics but I'm definitly nervous about it. Not so nervous that I wont do it though.I might have a margarita before hand to loosen up a bit. And then really I'm going to have cloths covering up my top and bottom so really its like being in a bikini right? Go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Hello and Welcome, just like everyone has said tons of Cabo brides around here, enjoy the planning.
  11. We have never used it, we are using it for the wedding, but wont probably ever buy it again. Its absolutly worth the money but than again what are the chances of something happening? Seems to me though that you have a lot of coverage allready and might not really need it.
  12. Jackie


    Congrats and welcome, both RM and PV sound amazing and there is a lot of info around here and brides to help you...happy planning
  13. Ya, you do have tons of time but at least you found out now rather than to late. I'm planning to really delve into the OOT bags and DIY projects this winter, not much else to do on Cape Cod beside drink in the winter so maybe this will be a more productive winter for me lol.
  14. Uh Oh lol. At least you can return them. The were super cute though maybe you can find something similar in a smaller size
  15. Hi and Welcome, once you get to know how to navigate around the forum you will find plenty of stuff and then theres always Ann (akh) to hlep you too
  16. NO NO NO, a DW is perfect for you if its what you had always wanted. Dont get frustrated, or do because even the most laid back of us DW girls have ended up getting a little frustrated over some part of the DW experience. Slthough DW are usually a lot less stressfull than planning a humongo at home wedding there are still stresses. Just take a deep breath and think of a way to get through it. There will be family members complaining about something no matter where you have your wedding. As far as the hurricane scare goes, maybe look into some areas that arent prone to hurricanes, or and, make sure you dont plan durring hurricane season. If you do this maybe your FI will be more at ease. Hope that helped a little
  17. Jackie


    Welcome to the forum, looks like your in the very beginning stages, is it just going to be the two of you?
  18. WELCOME good luck with all the planning
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