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Everything posted by katiec519

  1. i really want to commend all you ladies on being so ok with your guys goin to a strip club. i danced for 4 years while going to school and there are soooooo many women i know who would freak if thier man was ever to go. really its refreshing to know that there are some women out there that are ok with it.
  2. congrats! i was orginally planning on having my wedding in maui. since your starting your planning check out www.islandweddingmemories.com they have great wedding packages and even better prices. i did a lot of research so if you have any questions feel free to ask. good luck on the planning!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by host that is awesome! post some details of your wedding and reception...i love hearing what people are doing, what they are eating...i just can't get enough! im having a very simple reception- just some finger foods and the cake. all of us are going out for dinner after the reception- then out on the town. as for the wedding - just keeping it simple. my colors are black and red{ my dress is black} , i told my brides maids to break out thier best little black dress and the groomsmen are wearing black pants and shirts with red ties. i still have to find something for my fiance to wear. but i have a few things in mind. we are a very untraditional couple so we are doing things a little different to say the least. we are going for a 'rockstar' wedding i guess you could say!
  4. im using www.alwaysandforeverweddings.com they work with a lot of vendors and have great prices! i just got my entire wedding package for only $2000! reception and all!
  5. im getting married in april! and i found a wonderful location- the lakeside center is fabulous!
  6. hi yall! i just6 wanted to pass on some info for anyone getting married in maui. if you are still looking for a wedding planner/package i highly recomend using www.islandweddingmemories.com i was going to use them when my f/h and i were planning on a maui wedding and leah robb was so wonderful and helpful. they have great package prices and one of the photographers you can chose from george wolf does amazing work. i thought this might be helpful for yall! congrats and good luck to everyone!
  7. hey im another newbie my name is katie and my fiancee is eddie. e are getting married in vegas april 28, 2007. ims till trying to find a location but so far things are going well! congrats to yal on your weddings and good luck!
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