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Everything posted by weez

  1. We aren't registering anywhere either, I feel a bit guilty about everyone having to pay so much to go to our wedding, but also we combined two households so have so much extra stuff anyway!
  2. Had though about putting in little albums but wondered like you if it would be a waste, would people really use small albums again? Still unsure?! Think I will see how many other items I come up with first!
  3. I know its probably a bit late to chime in on this subject but we went to the mayan last year in February, and though it was really hot enough through the day it did cool off in the evening so if you are wanting it to be warm enough to "jump in the pool first thing in the morning" I would leave it a bit later! We are going in late March so hope it will be ok then! Fingers crossed! Hope this helps Jackie?!
  4. weez

    new mexico bride

    Hey welcome Tanya, we are also getting married at the El Dorado Royale on the 24th of March 2007! Getting very excited! The girls are right there is lots of info on this site and some great tips too! Who is your wedding coordinator? Ours is Faith and so far so good! Have fun planning!
  5. That should be really great. Couldn't ask for a more romantic place than that!
  6. Always starved for more info! Any more pictures would be great!! When did you say your friends are going Tammy?
  7. We chose the ElDorado Royale because: 1. We wanted to get married in Mexico, and we loved the Mayan Riviera when we were there last year. 2. We didn't want to be right in town, but didn't want to be too far away in case any of our guests wanted to visit. 3. Its pretty central to lots of attractions. 4. The grounds look amazingly beautiful, and there was a good choice of ceremony locations, (didn't want to be married right on the beach, but wanted to be able to see it!) 5. We wanted an all inclusive. 6. The food! Even though its all inclusive every meal is a la carte, and it gets really good reviews! 7. The area, there is so much choice for everyones taste in the mayan riviera, whether its nightlife or history lots of activities.
  8. Hi guys, I have been going back and forth with my coordinator about legalitys for my mayan wedding and know from reading this forum along with other websites that I need to get my birth certificate apostilled and translated, now my wedding coordinator has e-mailed me back saying that neither of us need to get our birth certificates apostilled we just need our passports! Does this sound weird to anyone else? HELP?!
  9. Hey, welcome! Am also from Canada (well England originally but now living in Canada) but live in Ontario, I guess we are a little way apart!! We are getting married in the Mayan riviera in March next year, but PV looks awesome too. Hope to hear more from you soon!
  10. Thanks, and yes it is a big relief to have it off my mind! I did see the slide show and it was great its always nice to see pictures of an actual wedding at the resort you choose instead of just pitures of the pool! lol!
  11. Finally decided on the ElDorado (yay!) , and got my wedding date (24th March) so am really relieved that I don't have to stress about that anymore!! Only have around 15 to 20 people going and want to keep it as low key as possible, but am already seeing how easy it would be for the budget to go out of the window! Trying to stay on track!! lol!!
  12. Congratulations!!! You sound so happy and excited, I am really pleased for you both, have a wonderful time on your honeymoon and I can't wait to see your pics when you get back
  13. Yes I am, and the pictures look amazing!! Thinking of getting in touch just to find out some quotes but budget is a big factor! (unfortunatly!) FH and I are saving for our first home so are trying to keep as under budget as possible. But they are really nice pics......hmmmm.....!
  14. Hi guys, cool slideshow! Just received a confirmation for our wedding at the ElDorado for the 24th March so it was great to see some pictures of an actual wedding there! Am getting pretty excited already!
  15. Ok girls I need help! Any opinions on either of these resorts would be much appreciated! Would love to hear from anyone who has been to or heard anything about either of them? Thanks
  16. Wow! That sounds like my worst nightmare and I totally see why you are so freaked out, but there is sound advice coming in from this board so stick with it! On a related subject can anyone give me any info on contacts for this kind of legal stuff from Canada? We live near Toronto and though my fiance is Canadian I am British so I realize this may cause some difficultys! Any advice? Thanks!
  17. No, and thats kind of my problem, I can't make it down there at all before, and I think I am leaving it kind of late to book for late March? Also liked the look of El Dorado Royale though. Just thought the Royal Porto would be a good solution for guests to wander around town to keep themselves amused?
  18. I also have decided on the Mayan riviera and would like to be married at the end of March. Really like the look of thr Royal porto real and also El dorado royale. Does anyone know much about these resorts? Also am I leaving it a bit late to book for next year? Would be grateful for any info!
  19. Hi girls I am interested in a wedding at the royal porto has anyone been there or even better know anyone who has been married there? thanx
  20. weez

    Hi Everyone!

    Thanks everyone, its reassuring to hear good things about the destination at least!
  21. weez

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi, my name is Louisa and my fiance Steve and I are hoping to get married in the Mayan Riviera next April. Still haven't decided on a resort or an exact date so any opinions would be gratefully received! Hope to hear from you all soon!
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