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Everything posted by weez

  1. We just got back from a fairly new resort in the Mayan, called the Valentin Imperial. It is a 5 star but we got a really good deal on it. Check it out. We loved it! It is the next resort down from the EDR (which is my absolute fav but a LOT more expensive!) and is right next door to the Mayan Palace. Great service and pretty good beach too! I have pics I can put up if you want?
  2. It all looked amazing! Totally loved the table settings .....those colours were awsome! Congrats!
  3. Figured it out! This is one of the flowers I bought for my bridesmaid. It looked relly life like.
  4. For those of you who are interested in silk flowers, there is a great website called flowerclip.com who have awesome ones. I got a couple of hair clips from there for my wedding and was very happy with them, anyway my point is that they e-mailed and said that they had an offer on that if you buy 3 or more flowers you grt free shipping the coupon code is FREESHIP. Check them out! If I could ever figure out how to post pics I would! LOL.
  5. I love Christmas, I dont have the tree up yet but my decorations are all red and gold. I have the multicoloured lights though. I actually was thinking about changing my colour scheme to blue and silver but the ornaments can be soooo expensive! Might just stick with what I have! LOL!
  6. OMG! He IS the cutest thing! You guys are wonderful for doing this, its such a great thing and a wonderful idea! Very inspiring........! I actually was going to do this a couple of months ago, but it took me ages to decide which child I should sponsor, then when I eventually picked a gorgeous little girl out in Africa, someone else had sponsored her by the time I got around to it! I am hopeless! LOL! I should try again though. I never thought to sponsor someone in the country we got married! Thanks for the idea!
  7. This is fun! Kinda like the facebook app......? Anyhoo, I just got home from work so while I am V.happy about that I think I have to go for sleepy! LOL! Thanks Tammy!
  8. Wow! She is soooo cute! Spaniels are so much fun too, lots of energy! LOL! Have fun with her! I'll keep my fingers crossed that she's a fast learner with the potty training!
  9. You both looked amazing! Great pics cant wait to see more! Congratulations! I loved your flowers too BTW.
  10. Awwwww, it sounds so romantic! Congratulations to both of you!
  11. Congratulations! That was a cute story, and your ring is gorgeous!
  12. Hi! This is a great idea...hope it helps! Name: Louisa Wedding date: March 24th 2007 Time: 2.00pm Location: Garden Gazebo Cocktail reception: Mexican, at the covered pool, (it was supposed to be held on the beach but it was simply too hot so we had to move into the shade) Dinner/Reception: El Cocotal Time: 6pm Number of guests:15 Extra note: we went to La Guacamayas bar after for dancing and drinks!
  13. Welcome! I am sure you will find lots of help on this site..it is invaluble! There are tons of amazing photographers on here too. We also were married at the EDR, and LOVED it! We took full advantage of the "free" wedding perks they have, and as we only had 15 guests we had their inclusive dinner/reception in El Cocotal restaurant. It was really good BUT was not private, though we were all seated together and they tried really hard for us! We also used the resort photographer, and while I love my pics (the surroundings make all pics look good) he was not wonderful and we only had one hour with him Including the ceremony! I hear that EDR also charges quite a bit to have an out side photographer come in! Our decisions were due to budget so I guess its up to you and what your limits are? I have seen some of the outdoor receptions that the other girls have had and they look amazing! Good luck and congrats!
  14. Gorgeous pics! Congratulations to you both, we also got married at the EDR and agree that while you have to be a little flexible it is a great location! So glad the rain stopped in time though! I would have been a mess if it had done that to me!! LOL!
  15. A quick tip...we ordered hanging corsages for the gazebo but no centerpieces for the reception ( we were on a tight budget!) but the staff took the corsages and when we got to Cocotal for our reception/dinner they had them on the table and they looked amazing!! So for anyone in the same situation who wants to save a little its just an idea!
  16. Hi everyone! We got married at EDR in March 07, and while I can't help out with the outside photographer issue I can say that the resort was more than accomodating to all our requests. I dealt with Faith and all my e-mails were answered in a couple of days at the most! While we had a different co-ordinator once we arrived at the resort they went over every detail in a meeting the day after we arrived and things were still able to be changed! (we changed our gazebo location, once we had seen them for ourselves) We did use the resort photographer (our budget simply wouldn't allow for anything else) and while we only had him for an hour we were happy with the pics. So dont panic if you are in the same boat! The location meens you are gonna get amazing pics no matter what! If I can help with any other questions just let me know...and good luck to everyone!
  17. Congratulations Christine! I haven't been around for a while but I couldn't resist the chance to say YAY! lol! I wish you all the best for a happy and healthy pregnancy! x
  18. Great thread guys! Def ups the aawwww factor! Well here is my story.... I had been teasing my DH for ages about whether he would cry at the ceremony or not (he was insistant that he wouldn't) I was sure I would be a wreck as I am a major worrier and stress about everything! He is a very relaxed and easy going person. We stayed together the night before and had breakfast with each other but then I didn't see him for the rest of the day, I was good till I got my hair and makeup done but then started to feel a little tense, my mom got me a glass of brandy (uuggh! But she insisted that it would calm my stomach as I had been sick for a couple of days prior!) It helped a LOT! lol! I was fine after that but I second what Christa said...it all went by sooo fast and was a bit surreal really, like it was happening to someone else! My brothers walked me down the aisle and looking back I just felt so at peace with everything, it just felt like this was so right there was no point in being nervous! I was grinning at everyone like crazy and trying to make myself stop!(I do remember thinking after that I walked down the aisle too fast though! Just wanted to get there fast I guess! lol!) When I got to my husband to be he was a total wreck! Couldn't stop crying! (he has been duly teased about this ever since!) He was so nervous that when he was supposed to say I do... he practically yelled YES! After everyone stopped laughing we finished up without a hitch and were fine! Talk about role reversal!
  19. The room keys are cards for sure, but the safe keys are a pain as they are not. We stayed on the casitas but we had guests stay in regular rooms and I am pretty sure they are the same.
  20. Sounds great! Glad to hear everything went well and Congrats to both of you!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller hi millie and george! welcome. congrats on the engagement. ive been to EDR twice for weddings and really like it. have you been? here are a few weddings ive shot there. thought this might be helpful - marie and jocelyns EDR wedding http://www.leighmillerphotography.co..._nate_wedding/ el dorado royale pics elizabeth medina and matt and sol also have posted slideshows on this forum so if you search you should be able to find those too. lots of chances to see great weddings from there!!! also im so glad you are here for another reason. where are you in the UK? im coming to london in september to shoot my first UK wedding. im so excited. the wedding itself is in canterbury kent. did i get that right? ive been promised that hugh grant - or at least my couples version of hugh grant - is going to pick me up at the airport and wisk me away to where i need to go for the wedding weekend. they are having a barbee and a marquis. which to us yanks means a cookout and a tent - i think! we are also doing a day after and have an in to shoot in the downing street area. i guess thats a big deal. did i say im excited? anything i need to know? anything i shouldnt miss? im sure there is so much to do in my off time in london i will be completely overwhelmed. sorry to jack your thread but id love any advice you have to offer. thanks for your time. and let me know if i can answer any questions about RM or the EDR. congrats again!!!! How on earth did you get an in to shoot at Downing street?! Yeah thats a big deal! Should be fun though! I am going to London also in September for my brothers wedding so am looking forward to that. Hopefully the weather will still be good!
  22. Hello my fellow countrymen!!! Welcome to the forum! You will find so much info on this site, I am sure it will help you out immensely! BTW- I am also from England (York) but live in Canada now, also we got married at the El Dorado Royale in March so you see its a small world really! Anyway welcome to you both! Louisa
  23. What a wonderful review Ann! I bet all the future Las Caletas brides are breathing a little easier now! I am so glad everything went well, and well done you for rolling with the punches! Mishaps are not fun but it sounds like you didn't become a bridezilla anyway! LOL! Steve and I both got sick the day before our wedding too and I was so upset! Everyone kept saying that it was only nerves but it truly wasn't! I couldn't believe we had planned all this time just to get sick! LOL! Anyway your pics look amazing (of course!) you look gorgeous and you both look really happy! Congratulations and best wishes to you both!
  24. I used it too! I got a couple of things and they were really great. The lady was soooo helpful as she hadn't shipped anything to Canada at that time and so she e-mailed back and forth till we got the order in. She has changed the shipping part of the site now so you can ship anywhere. I loved the flowers that I got and she even sent me free flowers because I spent a certain amount. Definately recommend it!
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