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Everything posted by KristinaM

  1. Ana they're amazing!!!! So glad you finally got teasers and can't wait to see the rest!!
  2. So glad you are having a good time!!!!! Best of luck with everything and ENJOY!
  3. Thanks so much for sharing your story and the information! Daisy goes to the vet at least once a year.. if not more... and luckily they always check her teeth and reccommend cleanings. They actually did her first dental and checked everything out while she was under when she got spayed and have checked regularly since. I feel lucky that they are on top of it because otherwise I never would have known to look out for it.
  4. Welcome Kaitlyn! I'm from Jersey too! Your location sounds great and you'll find lots of great people and information on here. Be sure to check out the D.R. forums and use the search function to look for specific questions you maybe have! Happy planning and let us know if we can help with anything!
  5. Welcome back Kristy!! So glad things went well and you look beautiful in your pictures!! Can't wait to hear more!!!!!
  6. Yay! Congrats ladies! You both deserve it so much!!
  7. I'm not a Conan fan so I voted for Leno... but Letterman is my favorite!
  8. What a great tip.. and your pictures came out great!! I love the one of you guys laying down by the water.
  9. Those looks amazing and what a cute and different idea! Great job!!! I think someone asked already but I'm also curious how much it cost you to send them! Thanks for sharing!
  10. I absolutely love Punta Cana. The food is not like home.. but you certainly dont starve! I'm also super picky so for me to say that means alot. I don't eat seafood but my boyfriend LOVED all of the seafood he had down there. In reality, you don't go on vacation to eat food just like home! The roads are not great but the drive is not super long or bad.. its nice to the country and you're there before you know it! The beaches are unbelievable! I honestly think it's one of the most underrated places to go! I have tons of pictures of my last two trips.. one to Dreams Punta Cana and one to the Grand Palladium Punta Cana. I'd be happy to send them.. if you want just PM me your email. Happy planning!
  11. Congratulations- I'm sure they will be beautiful! Do share pictures!!
  12. What a tough group to choose from.. you're all amazing ladies!! Good luck!!
  13. Thanks for the awesome update Jaime! I'm so happy for you that things went well and you're getting to relax and enjoy now!
  14. Congrats Kristy!!! I hope everything was perfect and you're having an amazing time!
  15. Good luck girls!! You are all so deserving!
  16. Savannah- I'm so glad you're starting to feel a bit better and I'm sending thoughts and prayers your way for a full recovery and no further complications!! Ps- Love the new siggy!
  17. Congrats Michelle!! Can't wait to hear all about it and see lots of pictures!!!
  18. I'm so glad to hear things went well! Enjoy the rest of your time there and we can't wait to hear your full review and see some pictures!!!!!!
  19. I like #4 best on you but I can tell that you aren't loving any of them just from your manorisms in the pictures! There's nothing wrong with not finding something right away.. you will find that special dress that will make you look AND feel amazing! Happy shopping and thanks for sharing your experience with us!
  20. I think you made a great choice!! That dress looks gorgeous on you! The others are very pretty too but that one just looks made for you!
  21. Oh man, I missed the episode last night and forgot to DVR it! I have to catch a rerun ASAP. It is really sad how they are acting even in interviews though. I was hoping they would try and work through things rather they seem to just be giving up so easily. We'll see what happens but my heart goes out to the kids.
  22. I've never been there myself but my cousin and his girlfriend were there and they said they had a great time!
  23. Oh Kathy I'm so so sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. First of all (((BIG HUGS))) to you. Second, I definitely think you should see a doctor. I think its better to take the plunge, talk to someone and get their professional opinion then it is to wait and risk getting worse. I can't even tell you how many times I've thought the same thing. How do you know? I know some of my daily symptoms feel that way.. but am I just stressed? Will it pass? I really feel your pain and you're not alone. Depression runs in my family so I've seen so many sides of it. I ended up having to go to the doctor because I started having horrible panic attacks. So far we're only treating my anxiety with a low but consisten doseage of xanax and I'm feeling better overall but not completely. But the important thing is- I thought to myself WHY IN THE WORLD didn't I do this sooner. I think I was embarassed but I've come to realize that it's more important to take care of yourself to be the best you can be then it is to hide behind a fake smile. And about your specific stressors- just try to remember and tell yourself that it will all pass eventually. That's what I'm working on right now with a bunch of stuff going on in my life bringing me down and making me feel a bit stuck. Things do have a way of working themselves out in the end. Hang in there sweetie.. I hope things get better and the doctor can help. In the meantime, I'm here if you need to talk or vent or cry.
  24. I was thinking the same thing Carly said- that material might be really clingy/uncomfortable/odd looking when wet. I do think its a GREAT dress for the welcome dinner/rehersal or something though!
  25. Wow, that's a toughie because I can't believe she just came out and asked like that. I agree with the other girls- you absolutely shouldn't feel obligated but can include her in other ways if you wish. She really should understand that it's a destination wedding and you wanted a small wedding party.
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