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Everything posted by KristinaM

  1. Great review Jen!!! I'm so glad to hear things went well and can't thank you enough for being so detailed and thorough!!!
  2. Congrats Jen!!! So glad to hear things went well and I can't wait to read your review and see you pictures!! Welcome back!!
  3. Great find Ann!! Definately let us know Jenetta! I might definately consider these depending on the number of guests I end up with
  4. This is definately the friendliest group of girls!! It completely helps to feel like you come on to do some planning or just chat.. and its almost like hanging out with your girlfriends!! Tammy deserves so much thanks for making it happen!! Good point about DW brides though.. I wonder??
  5. Oooh very cute idea Tammy!! STOP with the cute ideas girls.. i'm going to end up spending a FORTUNE if you keep giving me ideas!!! aaaahhh
  6. Thanks for that update Lindsey!! i know this is a big concern of us RIU brides and good for prospective brides to know as well!
  7. yayyyyy for Jackie... this is totally your day girlie!!!!
  8. KristinaM


    Welcome!! You'll fine tons of information here and everyone is super helpful.. so ask away! Tell us more about what you guys have planned so far! We love to hear about everything.
  9. Hmmmm... I'm so creatively challenged... but if you don't mind creating a bit more "seperation" what if you hung drapes of some sort over each side frfom the ceiling to create more of a cozy enclosed look around the fireplace? Not sure if i'm explaining what i mean very well... im tryingg haha
  10. Great idea Ana!! That's going to look great.. and its totally functional for the late night "lounge" theme that the reception will take on after hours
  11. That sucks Tammy!! Glad to hear you're ok though!
  12. not today... but i did give Daisy a bath which quite an effort... and umm does shopping count?? walking around and carrying heavy bags? hmmm ok yes I will get back to the gym soon and start the new year off right!
  13. KristinaM

    Im new!!

    Welcome!! There's tons of info on here about all different resorts/locations to help you sort out your decision. Everyone here is also super helpful so feel free to let us know what we can help with!
  14. Oh Sarah, I really like the one with the flowers! It's perfect... simple yet elegant... very nice!
  15. I agree with Janet and Christa... $75 dollars would be a terrible reason for someone to not being at your wedding. Who knows what's going on in her head right now or what her intentions were behind bringing it up.. but I would definately offer to pay it and as Janet said- no matter what happens you know that you tried and were the bigger person. I also just think that its a nice thing to do for your guests in general since they are paying for the trip to your wedding in general. You can't force them to stay at your resort and they may have any reason in the world to want to stay somewhere else. But it's a nice gensture to show that you appreciate them coming! Good luck!
  16. Congrats and welcome!! Greece sounds beautiful! Can't wait to hear all about it and as the other girls said.. we LOVE pictures!!
  17. Oh Sarah they look GREAT!! I was already jealous of your beautiful engagement photos and now they look even better! haha Good job!
  18. KristinaM


    Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Hi my name is Glenda. I'm 26 and from Queens, NY. I am so nervous about wedding planning b/c I am clueless as to what needs to be done. I don't even think I'm posting properly!! I feel very overwhelmed. I want to have a wedding in Cabo sometime in 2008 but I don't even know where to start. I would greatly appreciate any feedback. Thanks. Glenda... I felt EXACTLY the same way as you do before I found this forum. Trust me the girls here are not only experts but they're efficient, organized, friendly, helpful and supportive! After hanging around here I feel so confident and excited that my wedding will be great-- in fact, I feel like I wish i had picked a SOONER date! So stick around and get to know everyone. We can't wait to help out!
  19. Welcome Andrea!! You'll find loads of help and support here.... not to mention a new addiction!
  20. Natasha- Sorry this is so late, but everytime I went to look at these I was at work and didn't have the proper flash player installed. But they are gorgeous!! You look absolutely amazing and everything turned out so well!! Congrats!!
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