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Everything posted by KristinaM

  1. I really like the #2 purple ones but I'm not so sure how well they go with the brownish tint to the lace in the dress... it's hard to tell in the picture though. I think the #1 pair with work best with the dress- I actually like the color as shown! Otherwise, I would go with #5 since they have thinner straps and won't be too chunky and too much color against the dress. Overall though, it's your wedding- if wearing purple will make you happy, then go for it!! And try to pick something comfy too so you don't make yourself crazy that day Good luck!
  2. Yayy!! It will be here before you know it! So exciting!!
  3. Congratulations and Welcome Chantelle!! You'll find tons of information in the Dominican Republic section to help you get a feel for some of the resorts. I have stayed at Dreams Punta Cana and the Grand Palladium punta cana for vacations and loved them both. Happy Planning!
  4. Congratulations and welcome to the forum Helen! You'll find tons of informtion.. just check out the Dominican Republic section of the forum and always use the search function if you're looking for a specific topic! Happy Planning!
  5. I felt the same way when my friend was doing it. But the one I did was only $10 so I figured not much to lose!
  6. Congratulations on being a Mrs!!! I'm so sorry to hear about the problems you had and how they treated you, but I'm glad the wedding itself turned out great! Can't wait to hear more about it and see pictures!!!
  7. This is hilarious!! Love it. Def makes me think of some of the ridiculous stuff I've sent back in the day.
  8. Congratulations Emily! So glad to hear your wedding is not letting swine flu get in the way!! Have a fabulous time and we can't wait to hear all about it!
  9. Wow Savannah that's pretty crazy.. especially about the kids! You can't make that one up! It's pretty cool to look back on it years later!
  10. Oh Desire I'm so sorry to hear that your SIL and friend are being such jerks!!! You do not need to be dealing with this and I think you said it right.. the most important people will be there no matter what and you are marrying your love in paradise! I hope everything turns out beautifully for you! ((HUGS))
  11. Congrats Shelley!!!! Have an amazing time!!!!!
  12. **bump** for one of the mods to possibly fix this? It's one of the crazy posts that got out of order and its quite confusing because the info I posted about her is a few posts down. are you guys able to adjust the order??
  13. YUCK.. snow at the end of April is not cool at all. I second Carly though.. its been TOOO HOT here. upper 80s 90s and its too much too fast. gross. Why can't we all just have some nice SPRING weather!
  14. I'm so so sorry you're going through this! Are you thinking of trying to re-schedule? Or just having it with you two and whoever else comes? Either way I hope things work out for you and just remember you are with your FI and that's the most important thing. Agreed with the other girls.. if you need help with anything.. let us know!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Royal_lady10 When i was younger I used to frequent one good "medium" or psychic and have even met Sylvia Brown.. I would say that it was very different, intriguing, but still questionable. Also I had my palms read by my coworker and he pretty darn accurate. So here is the run down on the "psychic". First Mom went, and was told that she was holding a baby boy in a christining outfit, would not divorce her ex-husband, woudl be school dealing with deeds, When I went (separate from Mom),right on she mentioned she saw a lady close to me hodling my baby at christining and only gave my moms first initial of her legal name (as she does not go by this name) mention the woman is very close to me, motherly, but does not go by mom (which she didn't) I could only push back the birth of my child for 3 yrs, I would move to the south, live very comfortably, marry someone I already knew-only given the first initial of first name and physical description, I would officially meet my husband when I go away to school,would recieve a engineering degree. One thing that really freaked me out was the references that were made towards my grandmother (i.e., things of hers that I had, telling the location of things we were looking for in the home, knew that i somewhat blamed myself, etc), mentioned I am able to read tarot cards, and I would have a baby boy in 3 yrs. So how much was true.. Mom-everything, except the lasting marriage Me-everything except the baby.. I know for me, I took it all a grain of salt and didnt base my life around what was "predicted".. but all in all... I was very shocked. That's pretty cool. Yours was very specific too so to be accurate with so much stuff is kind of fun!
  16. Good luck ladies- you're all very deserving!!
  17. I love wine too! I have to stay away from the reds... terrible headaches! The only time I'll drink reds is in sangria. i love it so much it's worth it! My favorite is Pinot Grigio! We've always been trying a few local wineries lately.. and some favorites are the Harvest Moon (white table wine) from Warwick Valley Winery and The Riesling from Brotherhood Winery (its on the menu at the white house!!).
  18. Agreed with the other girls... that could get a little sticky. Is she the type of person that would get defensive or insulted? Or do you think she'd be ok with it? Maybe you can even mention it to the photographer to try to catch her at certain angles that hide them?
  19. Oooh Jess I totally missed the first pair in the shout box... but i LOVE them. Super cute. Between 2 and 3 only thought I still like 3 better.
  20. AWESOME review Abbie!! Everything looks absolutely beautiful and makes me want to go! I've actually never been to RM and we were just talking about breaking our habit venturing there (I'm sort of in love with Punta Cana and never go anywhere else anymore LOL). Your review has def convinced me to check it out!!! So so glad you and DH had an amazing time, you totally deserved it!!!
  21. Just checking in to see how you are holding up. We're all here if you need to vent!
  22. The link won't work for me But congrats to the beautiful Miss Roja!!!!
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