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Everything posted by KristinaM

  1. Congrats on being one step closer!! Such cute pictures too! You both look so happy and excited!
  2. Congratulations Tracy!!! I hope everything is amazing and can't wait to hear all about it!!!!! Enjoy!! :smil e29:
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride Tell me about it. I've thought many, MANY times of just hitchin a flight back to SD an scouring the coastline for this chick. hahaha haha seriously! If you find her let us all know so we can seek her out too. Maybe we can get her on BDW to do readings LOL Quote: Originally Posted by budgetjamaicabride A psychic when I was a teen told me that I would marry a man with a first name starting with a J. I am marrying John. Of course my first husband was James and my relationship in college was Joe... hmmm... Well I guess its clear why she saw "J" so prominently! Thats the kind of stuff though that makes me skeptical.. the general stuff.. but when they get so specific.. it gets a little weird!
  4. Do let us know how it goes! Its def a great idea so you dont have to think about it the whole time you're gone. Take some advil before
  5. I'm so glad to hear that things turned out so well despite the crappy situation! Can't wait to see all of your pictures!!
  6. Well said! And if nothing else it will at least get your annoyance off your chest since you have to order anyway!
  7. I can't believe your wedding is almost here!!! I love the koozies and everything is going to be beautiful!! As for the box-- that was certainly crappy how the handled it.. but if you're short on time and ideas- you may just want to suck it up and order. Or see if theres something else you need for an upcoming gift on the site to get your free shipping and take care of something else??
  8. Oh gosh Kristy! Isnt that the worst feeling!! I get that way sometimes in the winter when i'm lazy and dont shave my legs LOL Are you getting everything done at once?? I regular get my eyebrows waxed and bikini waxes.. but I've never gotten anything else! I've always wanted to try the legs before a vacation or something but I was scared of how much it was hurt. Let us know how it goes!!
  9. Congratulations on turning your life around-- that's what is #1-- making the decision and sticking with them is totally commendable. I was going to suggest the same thing as Kristy... I think Jack and Jill style engagement party/showers are more and more common these days. This way you can be there to support eachother, share the spotlight and invite anyone who you want to be there despite their sex! Quote: Originally Posted by Kristy! Have you considered a co-ed shower? We did a luau theme for my brother and his now-wife and it was so much fun.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by nickicolb123 i am totally sucking! i am back to smoking again. New quit date set for monday. i hate the fact that i can't seem to quit for any extended period of time. It is so awful. i wish i could kick my 16 year old self in the face! Right??! We didn't know what idiots we were for starting that first one or two cigarettes then! UGH. Well girls, I am supposed to try to quit because 1. I am trying to pay off a large amount of debt and the current price of cigarettes just doesn't fit into my budget! and 2. I am so tired of the smell, the grossness, the cough, and everything else icky that goes along with it. Notice though-- I put the money first as a reason. I think part of me still doesn't WANT to quit. I've been prepping myself to cut down, and eventually quit but instead the thought of it has made me start smoking so much more! aaah. So anyways, I'm hoping to pick a quit date soon and I will keep you guys updated! Good luck to everyone!
  11. These are a great find! They're definitely helpful when different girls are flattered but different styles! Thanks for sharing
  12. Glad to hear you're loving the forum! It really is unique in that there is a great group of girls on here and Tammy and the mods do a wonderful job to keep it running well! It really wouldnt be what it is without them. Looking forward to hear all about your planning!
  13. They came out great! I really like the design and I'm betting your guest will love them! Thanks for the recommendation
  14. Great great pictures!!! They really came out awesome and you guys look so happy!
  15. Congrats and welcome Jorge! If you want- PM me I have a map of all of the Punta Cana resorts I can email you so you can get an idea of where they are in reference to eachother. Happy Planning!
  16. I'm can't say for group travel but when just my boyfriend and I went we were fine just grabbing a cab at the airport. Just do your research before hand so you know what the cost should be. Also, there's a company highly reccommended on tripadvisor. get a quote fro Bronly at IBK Turist Services on [email protected] Just a note that the tripadvisor punta cana forums can be helpful for logistics once you are in punta cana! Happy planning!
  17. Nonnie- I stayed at the Grand Palladium Punta Cana this past October and LOVED it. My honest advice is to choose whichever one is cheapest! The resorts don't feel like 3 "seperate" sections at all. We used all three sections for different things, all different pools, and went to all three lobbies and honestly there's not a huge difference depending on which you stay at. We liked the punta cana section being pretty central.. but the bavaro has all of the ala cartes and main theater.. but honestly nothing is more than a 10 minute walk away. Let me know if you have any questions about the resort. I also have a ton of pictures I could send you.. not wedding related but just of the resort in general. PM me if you'd like to see them.
  18. UGH, this is so annoying! Maybe you can send out a mass email and just REMIND everyone that its passed RSVP time. I don't understand why people just dont honor RSVP dates with anything anymore!!
  19. Great pictures!! You look gorgeous! The pool pictures are awesome too! What a great idea to get the family in there too aside from the normal TTD! Can't wait to hear all about it!!
  20. Great pictures!!! You look absolutely beautiful and so happy! I love the underwater shot as well.. where did you guys take that?
  21. That is sooo sweet! Great story! Thanks for sharing!
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