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Everything posted by LUVEDALWAYSI

  1. ok sorry it took me so long to get back to you girls. But I'm gonna try tto answer everyones questions. As far as Scott Parsons explination, he said he was delirious from a very high fever and thought our wedding was Sunday instead of Saturday, although one of the service providers saw him out shopping on Friday the night before. AS for Lazy Gourmet, they were awsome! The food and service was absolutly fantasitic! We got our cake through them and it was sooo good. It was chocolate cake with coconut cream filling, buttercream frosting, and chocolate ganache for the scrollwork decoration. I worked maily with Tracy who was great! Their prices were very high. But food was a big thing at our wedding since I'm Italian and Justin is Mexican. Big deal!! So we had to splerge there. Sunset wedding did our flowers which were great! The calla lily bouquets turned out perfect! They also put the flowers on top of the cake. They were just beautiful! The first pictures are from the rehearsal dinner. We rented out a villa and just ordered pizza. And yes I got the dress from white house black market. What was happening in the bathroom was Justin was trying to put eye drops in my eyes. I am also really weird when it comes to that type of stuff. I cant stand when people touch their eye balls, put contacts in, or put eye drops in. My dad had said something really sweet and make me cry. I didnt want red eyes for any of the other pictures so Justin was trying to put eye drops in my eye while I cringed and squirmed. The place cards we got from whiteaisle.com. They matched our invites. Over all it was awsome!!!! I could not have asked for a better day. Let me know if you girl have any questions. I will be glad to help!
  2. Ok guys I can't write as long as a review as I would like because work has been crazy but I will give you the main points. And I finally have pictures!!!! Sunset weddings: Absolutly incredible!!!!!!!!! We worked with Tara Freeman and she rocks! Totally attentive and just a kick in the pants, totally love this girl! Lazy Gourmet Catering: Rocked as well. They hooked us up with the cigar roller (totally worth it), the cake, and the mariachis. All were wonderful, very professional and VERY GOOD! Reverend Scott Parsons: well I hope you all read my earlier review on him, if not, don't book him!!! He never showed up. But we had another minister who was perfect. I don't know her name but she was exactly what we hoped for. The El Encanto Inn: Oh my god!!! Some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. Loved the staff, very detail oriented, and honestly one of the cleanest places I have ever seen in my life! Everything was absolutly beautiful! It could not have been more perfect. My best advice....roll with the punches, and don't worry about details beacuse you will be having to much fun to notice and no one else will I promise!! Finally the pics. Click on Justin and Danielle 1-13-2007. I will try to post more about everything later! PhotoReflect - Summit Photography
  3. Well I think if you legally want to get married down there it has to be in spanish. i think. We got legally married in Washington and then had our ceremony the way we wanted it. Ministers are around $200 or so.
  4. Glenda I am working on the pics girl I promise!! I am waiting for the photographer to finish touching them up, And there is something like 3,000 pics and he touches up each one so it should be like one more week!!! I am also going to post my review tomorrow as well. I'm a slacker I know!
  5. That would be totally fine with me if you mentioned our wedding. Whatever would make you girls feel more comfortable with having him do your wedding if thats what you choose to do is totally cool with me. Danielle
  6. Ok so I got married on Saturday January 13. I plan on writing a review about the whole thing I promise! But one thing I had to say sooner than later was what happened with our ORIGINAL minister. We booked Scott Parsons months ago and have had plenty of contact with him since over the phone and on the internet. We had sent him the ceremony that we had written a week before we left for Cabo so he was well aware of the time and day of our wedding. Our wedding planner (Tara from Sunset Weddings wonderful by the way!) had been trying to get ahold of him for a few days and heard nothing. The wedding day rolls around and he is nowhere in sight. He never showed. So we had to find a new minister within an hour who turned out to be absolutly fantastic!!! But because of him, our wedding didn't start on time and we had to push it back almost two hours. We had to pay all the catering staff overtime hours which added up to alot!!!! The mariachis could only stay an hour because of another engagement, so my husband and I totally missed them completely because we had to take pictures before the sun went down, which we also didnt want to do because we didnt want to see eachother before the wedding but we had no choice. Two days later on Monday a letter is dropped off at the hotel by Scott Parsons basically apologizing and saying that he had a high fever and was delerious and thought our wedding was on Sunday instead of Saturday. But he never did show up on Sunday for the wedding that he "thought" was that day, and we could not get ahold of him for days before the wedding either. He was not in the hospital or anything either. So pretty much...he forgot. I love all you girl and hope that you love your wedding as much as I loved mine (even with this), and I would never want this to happen to anyone else. If you want my advice, DONT BOOK HIM, and if you already have booked him CANCEL!!! Thank god there was another minister who was able to get there in time or even at all! Please take my adivce I don't want anyone else to go through this. Danielle Incontro
  7. Wow awsome! I will totally use it! What company is this through so I can call them and reserve?
  8. Hi Cindy. I have tried Weddings in paradise and Baja Weddings and stoped with both. They were horrible no comunication! I am now with Tara at Sunset Weddings and she is good. So far I really like her! After the first two cordinaters I tried to do it on my own. I had some trouble because I work 10 hour days as well and did not have much time to do it. Another hard thing about doing it on your own is that there are alot of very good vendors that are not on the internet or do not speak spanish. I was having so much trouble I almost had it at home as well. But it is important to have the wedding that you want. Don't settle hunny! Everything is going great for me now and I am very happy I stuck with Cabo. Let me know if you have any questions. Danielle
  9. Another thing that you could do is rent out a villa for a night and cook for your guests. Thats what my finace and I are doing. He is Mexican and I am Italian so we are each making mexican and Italtian food for everyone as a thank you. I think we are spending $700 for the whole thing including food.
  10. Karla, It's totally cool! And when they came they had the frayed edges but it fit our wedding. We are kind of going with an old world elegance theme so they looked old and worn so it was really cool and fit it with the wedding perfectly!
  11. You will love them when they come in TOESNTHESND! I got the Barcelona ones and they were so much prettier than even the samples they sent! Some people said that they didn't like them but I love them!!!!
  12. What a great idea! Mexico is all about bright multi-colors anyways!


    My name is Danielle and I am getting married January 13th 2007 at the El Encanto Inn.
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