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Everything posted by -Kate-

  1. I'm sorry Natalie! Sad. I did 35 minutes of cardio and weights this morning before work.
  2. The soles of my shoes are red - I guess a black sharpie would show up. But one of my two BM is married so I think I already know the winner.
  3. You must go to Mi Casa for dinner!!! The original - not the one by the marina (but that one is yum too.) I would do the boat trip with snorkeling - we did a trip sort of like that and it was so much fun!
  4. Another 45! The Off-Beat Bride: You are someone who dances to her own beat and wants a wedding to reflect that. You see your wedding and a special and personal creation and intend to put your signature touch on every part of it. Because you are so creative and have so many ideas, you probably are an independent operator and would not enjoy hearing the input of others about what you should do or how you should do it. In fact, you probably want to just surprise them all with the result. Since you will probably be paying for it yourselves, you have some assurance of being able to create what you want on your own.
  5. My new motto - and feel free to adopt it - is "F' them". I have had similar trouble with FIs family (Tammy's post at the beginning of the thread is about them - and rightfully so.) They have this heir of entitlement like deadlines don't apply to them bc they are family of the B&G. After stressing about his family I finally said F them. If they come they come. If they don't oh well. This day has jack to do with them. If the come and start bitching while there, I'm going to walk away. I'm done humoring selfish people. Sorry - that turned into a vent! Anyway - try to stop stressing. they are adults. If they want to get themselves there they know how. It's out of your hands. You two will get married and have an amazing wedding. If they miss that it's not your fault.
  6. This may be a dumb question (and since I'm a lawyer it's probably triple dumb) but let's say I get legally married in Mexico per their rules. What is the harm in getting "married" again once I get back to WA just to make sure it's all legal? I know it would be a waste of $$, but are there any other downsides. I ask bc my FMIL knows the legal requirements in MX and will know if we fake it there. But for own ocd peace of mind I'd like to be sure it is legal here too.
  7. Brett is actually not going to wear any pants for the ceremony. Some sort of weird Jewish ritual. Ok - totally kidding. I just don't have anything super creative to add. Oh!! I forgot about the autograph fiesta donkeys!
  8. We go running together, hiking, camping, rock climbing, and snowboarding. That makes us sound way more active than we are. We love food - new restaurants or cooking at home. I prep and watch while he cooks. We are also big fans of sitting on our butts on the couch with the dogs. We travel when we can. We are actually planning to do our honeymoon a year after the wedding in South Africa - I'm so excited!
  9. Leigh - our men could be friends. My FI works as a lead program manager at Microsoft. He's been there 7 years and loves it - the people, not so much, but the job he loves. He also went to compuer camp when he was little. Nerd much? The combo of the Microsoft guy and the prosecutor makes us sound like the most conservative couple ever. Thank god he has a s#!t ton of piercings so people know we aren't super uptight.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Ok I am joining this for the first time. Do I need to put my starting weight and what my goal is? I am suppose to go to marital arts class 3 times a week for 45 minutes. Short version how does this work Just like a DW - there are no rules! Just post if you work out, lose weight, whatever.
  11. We registered for the same reasons as everyone else. We had people who weren't even invited asking where we were registered. Also, 50% of the people we invited aren't coming and the will get us stuff no matter what.
  12. Check out the "Have you exercised today?" thread. That's what we are all about!
  13. I'm taking today off. I've been feeling weird lately - out of it, feverish - so I've decided that maybe I should take it easy. I'll go for a run tonight if I'm feeling more normal.
  14. For those of us not changing our name, do we just need to take the translated apostille to the sos office?
  15. Our numbers were a lot like Ann's - 130 invited, bw 50 and 60 will be there. I blocked 35 rooms and will be using about 25 to 28. I have a few couples staying outside the resort - I think 5 people total fall in that group. I will be making the penalty date cutoffs so no fees there.
  16. I got up this morning to do 30 minutes of rowing - but only made it 10. I am just feeling off lately. I did do strength moves though - lunges, squats, triceps, shoulders. I'm going to have to run when I get home.
  17. I got your PM at work but couldn't log on to email the template to you when I got home. Sorry!! I'll try again tonight.
  18. About 80% of our guests are using Tammy. Some of my FIs family used their own TA. There is nothing you can really do to make them use your TA - just give them your TA and no other options. If they do research on their own you gotta kinda let them.
  19. I went to the gym this morning - 35 min cardio and the rest was abs. I wasn't super into it. But - this thread did inspire me to pass on a regular ice cream sandwich (my fav). I'll have a skinny cow tonight and be happier bc I didn't blow my workout!! Keep up the good work ladies!!
  20. We are doing this for our wedding. I got some of the candy from Costco and the rest I ordered online. We are using all red and blue candy. After reading different articles, the best tip I got was to not go by the 1 lb per person rule, but to get the right quantity so that it looks good. They suggests 10 - 15 lbs of each type of candy to make it look good. You can go from there and pick the number of types based on number of people. Does that make sense?
  21. -Kate-


    Welcome and congrats!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by dallas_texas09 I'll take anything to keep myself from going crazy! Thanks!!! Catherine PM me your email address and I'll send you what I have.
  23. I'm sorry!!!! I made mine in Word so I'm no help. Miine were very plain though. If you want I can email you those templates and you can try that.
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