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Everything posted by -Kate-

  1. Welcome! yea for new Seattle people!
  2. Can you call Hilton headquarters and ask? 1-800-445-8667 1-800-321-3232
  3. My DH ordered his suit online from Banana Republic. There was some normal altering that had to be done - sleeve/pant length - but it worked out perfectly.
  4. I watched him on Primetime - I still have the episode on my DVR. Makes me tear up just thinking about it.
  5. I can't pick one, but I'm going to try to limit it down from "everyone." 1) Kashmira - for real, she's hot. And her wedding dress was to die for. 2) Rebecca - so beautiful and she seems balanced and "normal" 3) Maura - Because we went to the same college (and TammyB, Tammy, Sarah, Ann) What can I say? I'm old school.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG Good idea!! Mine is still in the closet - unused. Someone did see how upset it made me and added, I love you, you "dumb ass". So it made it a little better...but still. Can you draw over it? I had a friend that used a sharpie to color in a heart over a nasty comment.
  7. I've seen many a mat ruined like that. Make sure someone takes the mat away by the end of dinner to help prevent the nasty comments.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG I know someone on here got some of the signature donkey's to sign. Like an autograph dog or something. I thought about laying out shells and sharpies and having people sign a message on their own shell. Then put all the shells in a bowl somewhere in the house for a keepsake. We had the donkeys. Party supplies, crafts, party decorations, toys: <%=OTCApplicationConstants.LABEL_SITE_BRAND_NAME %> Beware - they end up in humping positions by the end of the night.
  9. Seriously, you know us better than that. We need MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I love Canadian smarties. They are not our Maura. Ours all like sugar wafers. Canadian smarts are like M&M's but the candy shell is much harder/thicker.
  11. Have fun!!! I'm sure it will all be perfecto!
  12. We have poutine all over Seattle now. I do heart ketchup potato chips. I also love your dill pickle chips.
  13. My old neighbor had this done. But - she put on eyeliner every day. She was 50 when she got it done and had seriously worn eyeliner every day for 30 years. I think it's perfect if you are that kinda person. If you ever love to be natural, I wouldn't do it.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by meghanmbm Sam, i love BCBG but they are $$$. I spent a ton of $$$ on the actual dress and would feel guilty spending $300 on another dress. when would you expect the 50-70% off sale to be? They have those sales a lot. Everytime I go in there they have dresses on sale in the back.
  15. How do you think it would work on shorter hair?
  16. To participate in Martha's We have a crazy neighbor who loves to feed squirrels. That would be great - but our hunting dogs go crazy and have cut themselves on our stone wall trying to get to at the squirrels he feeds. We've had to get stiches on big dog twice. Long story short - we put out a trap (but tied it open because we couldn't actually trap an animal!) and he came over, offered to pay us for the trap and stop feeding if we would take it...then showed us a whole photo album of pics he took of the squirrels IN HIS HOUSE!!!! He has a tiny opening they come in then he lets them creep all over. They also all had name. It was like weird squirrel porn. Now he walks around the neighborhood placing almonds in trees and looking up in the trees like a little boy looking up a lady's skirt. And he has a high voice like a woman. Anyway...my hometown is home of William T. Sherman (civil war, march to the sea.) He actually grew up across the street from my parent's house. My neighborhood in Seattle - I like it, but I don't know any cool facts about it.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 So I have played bunco in a group a few year ago and I am trying to start another one. I thought I would ask you gals/guys to see who plays and what your group does as far as: 1. where you meet (house, restaurant, etc...) 2. what night do you play 3. Do you have different themes each month 4. Do you play a unique way? 5. What other creative things does your group do? I would love to hear it and get ideas! We meet at a houses and we just rotate around the group. We also do the parties in teams of 2, so it's not as stressful to plan. We also all bring food so the host doesn't have to do all the work. Host provides the drinks. We play on the first Friday of every month. We never have themes. I guess we are lame. The gifts usually have themes though - but nothing preplanned - just whatever the host wants. We do gifts for most wins, most losses, most Buncos, last Bunco, and a booby prize. When we don't have the right number of people we have dolls that fill in with super fab names like Chucky and Shanaynay.
  18. You can totally do this. Stay strong - when you need one, come here and post - type till your little fingers are so tired they couldn't dream of holding a cigarette.
  19. CONGRATS!!!!!!! I can't believe you kept that secret from us!
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