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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. I'm in ... I just joined too Sproullie Designs (Sproullie) on Twitter
  2. Hi Jennifer! So glad they arrived safely- I loved all your bright colors - they're so fun! Yes, her name said "Jennijer" on the side panel. Oops! Glad I caught that before I sent them out - my first official typo! lol
  3. I lose 3.2, but I'm sure it's just water weight since I cut out a lot of the salty snacks I usually eat. But I'll take it! DH stayed the same... I'm beating him
  4. How fun Shelley...I can't believe your wedding is FINALLY here! I'm soooo excited! Everything looks amazing - you've done so many awesome diy projects. Your dresses are gorgeous, your jewelry exquisite, your accessories so fab!
  5. Kelly I think those tips are great and would love to see a thread where you share them
  6. I always have that problem at the beginning of a diet/exercise routine too. As your body builds muscle you'll gain initially, but it will drop as the muscle starts burning more fat.
  7. My DH is one of the men competing and as he is a big guy, yes he might lose weight faster, but that's because he has more to lose. To exclude men from participating would be, in my eyes, the same as excluding heavier girls as they also have more to lose and will lose it faster. Some of us have 5lbs to lose, some 50. It seems as though it's been the concensus to move on, but I just wanted to add my $0.02 fwiw
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa sure Em i will take care of it! beat ya to it...lol
  9. No prob ... it's done You also can PM any mod you see online to take care of the problem, then you don't have to start a new thread... just an fyi!
  10. Ann I think you should pay and play. You're honest- I'll vouch for you! You could always send your weight to one of us for accountability if you want, but if you have weight to lose with a pot this big I really think you should get to participate if you want... Any thoughts anyone else?
  11. Got two more... my best friend & my DH both want to play along. Just Paypal'd Ann. I actually ate terrible today and am starting tomorrow lol
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl check out this thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t40598 even though her dress is more on the blue side than yours, i think the same holds true ... lime green would look fabulous with it! I agree with Lisa - other shades of blue as well as lime, accents of chocolate for sure.
  13. Hey Lisa! I ADORE blue & lime. Any blue with lime- royal blue, navy blue, ocean, turquoise, love it all... and, I would accent with ivory and chocolate. Very classy combo You can use limes as centerpieces, chocolate ribbon... so many great decor possibilities with this color scheme- yummy!
  14. Here's a list I give my clients for suggestions of what to include either in pocketfold invitation inserts, or passport invitation pages: Wedding day info / Reception / Rehearsal dinner / Welcome dinner Country Information / Local activities / Weather info Resort Information / Accommodations Booking / Travel Agent info / Travel tips / Ground transfers Itinerary What to pack or Wedding Dress Code An “about us” or “how we met” page Passport Requirements etc...
  15. I'm addicted to Dreams' Miami Vice. When I was there last summer I was pregnant (I know, what a bummer to be prego at an AI!) and I had virgin Miami Vices all week long. It was great
  16. I really don't watch a ton of tv, but all the shows I love are on Bravo... Top Chef, Project Runway, and now The Real Housewives. I started getting into it during the last season of OC, now I'm watching New York, and just saw the preview for New Jersey. Oh, and I love Millionaire Matchmaker too... I had a bit of a crabby baby while that teaser episode was on so I didn't get to pay as close of attention as I'd like to- but it looks like they're all (or most of them) related or connected through family somehow? Interesting... it's definitely my "guilty pleasure" show so I'm sure I'll follow this spinoff too.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie the only thing bad is i wish the pictures were bigger sarah is awesome!! Here you go Abbie... Keep in mind though that this is just her mock-up... it's lower quality draft printing, the margins for the inserts will be different and the onogram on the front is still a work in progress...these were just the pictures to get her approval of the overall design.
  18. Hola Mishka! I love your Talavera April Fools maracas- gorgeous as always You are a busy girl! Hugs...
  19. Aww thanks Shannon, you're so sweet I really love your invitations - I'm so glad we were able to find a way to incorporate that Japanese Cane Basha paper... it looks awesome. They're so elegant and beachy looking - I know your guests will be impressed! I logged on here before checking my email so I'll do that next - I'm assuming you've sent me one saying that you like the mock-up design! lol Talk to you soon...
  20. I'm another one that's on at all hours... I'm still on maternity leave right now, but in addition to my design business I'm also a nurse and work weekend nights, so it's not uncommon to see me on here at 4am. Cheers to my fellow night shift girls!
  21. Hi Kim, welcome to BDW! Where are you from? I'm originally from Big Rapids. Happy planning!
  22. I ate! The morning of the wedding I ate at the omelet station- well, I ate there EVERY morning, so the wedding was no exception! Then for lunch I ordered a sandwich up to my room. I don't think I ate much of it though... but it was nice to have a small snack.
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