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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. Stefani! I'm getting married May 7th- it's coming up fast, isn't it! It's great to have you join us, let us know how we can help. Happy planning!
  2. Kash- I really like the first one you posted. But, I agree with what Tammy said- if you don't instantly love it, then it's not the one. Too funny, I have to share...Last night I dreamed that I went to have one of my wedding dresses altered at a seamstress' shop in town. When I went there she had started carrying consignment bridal dresses and I asked if she had the ML Scarlet. She said she did and I was sooo excited. She said it was a size 10 and I thought of you, so I called you on my cell phone while she went to get it for me. omg, she brought the dress out and someone had dyed it pink and added red ruffles to it (!) and the train was ripped. I was so sad. Then I woke up. Anyway, I just thought it was pretty crazy that now your dress shopping has invaded my dreams too... lol
  3. Yeah, I know what you mean. For me, I do awesome for one week, then not so great for 2 weeks! But, I'm happy with my results so far, so that keeps me motivated to keep trying. I'm sure you'll feel much better after you go put it on again!
  4. I forgot about that dress Kash- that would be perfect! I'm planning to do this with my 1st dress I bought forever ago...
  5. I agree with what someone else suggested to you in another thread- go try it on a few more times before you make the decision to buy it at full price. You will have several months until your wedding, you have a little bit more time to make a decision. Not that you will necessarily change your mind, but you never know, you might find something else you like just as well and might save you a ton of $$. Also, the longer you go, the more weight you will have lost, so you'll just look better in anything you try on!
  6. Edyta, my hairdresser and I were just discussing what to do with my hair last time I was there. She said that she would arrange a session with me to do some practice updos with my veil and decide on what I liked. Then, she said she would let me take pictures of what we did, but then she'd teach me how to do it myself. That way, I can take my pictures with me to the salon in Cabo (wherever I end up going- no clue yet!) and if I don't like how it turns out, I'll be able to do it myself. Or, maybe I'll just do it on my own anyway... I want a loose, wavy, half-up, half-down sort of thing. Not quite sure yet, gotta start looking at some pics!~
  7. I would definitely go try that one on. Not that it would beat the ML Scarlet, but if it was close...You never know until you try it on!
  8. Great find Kash. I really like the beaded Nicole Miller too. These would be great for brides looking for a less formal dress. Thanks for sharing!
  9. Amanda! Happy planning!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by NABUMBAH thanks, I am confident that his work is great & we'll have some great photos. Thanks for sharing Natasha- I love his work, I'm sure your pics will be great!
  11. Taryn! It's great to have you join us. I love the private villa idea. That one something we considered in the beginning, but as I'm not an event planner by trade (lol) decided the AI route was the better option for us. You'll find tons of info on pretty much everything on the forum. Let us know your questions and we'll try to help! You will find that the weekends are a little quieter on here, but there are usually a ton of girls on here during the week.
  12. I agree with Jackie. With that color bridesmaids dress, I would definitely go all white for the bouquets. Anything else would be distracting in my opinion.
  13. I do have a 403b through work and also a Roth IRA fund, but I just wish I did better with a general "savings account". Mostly because, like Natasha said, I spend whatever is in my checking account- if I get rid of it before I can spend it I would save so much! It's just really hard right now with the wedding stuff because as soon as it comes in, it goes right back out!
  14. I vote for #2. I love the orchids and the touch of red the berries provide! Great choices Tammy
  15. Sarah

    Newbie in PV

    to the forum! Thanks for introducing yourself and sharing your work- very nice!
  16. Tammy I think those are perfect! I love the little layers- would you still be doing that?
  17. She does some great shots Ann! I'm sure she'll do a great job on your wedding. That must feel so good to have this task accomplished!
  18. I just read that in the other thread- what a bummer! I'm sad- but especially for you! Hope the rest of the week is better...
  19. Great review Natasha! I'm so glad that things turned out so well despite how the hotel treated you. I've never heard of such shady dealings by a hotel- and for someone's wedding no less! I'm glad you were able to deal with the issues and enjoy your day anyway- it looked gorgeous. Do you know the name of your mariachi group?
  20. Yay you get the weekend free!!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM Sarah I without question think you should do a workout that challenges your body, if you can only do it twice a week at first, thats fine, just keep building it up over time, the workout will get easier for you. This is my theory, if you work half @$$ on a workout your only cheating yourself and you'll end up quiting because you don't see the results you wanted to. Sarah do the workout twice a week for 3 weeks, then 3 times a week for 3 weeks, and keep increasing it. Thanks for the advice- we'll see how it goes!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM LOL.. I tried the Ty-bo (question spelling) and it was great, but my problem is I get bored doing the same thing day end and day out. So I had to change it up. Sarah, its a VERY good thing that your sore from the workout, that means it's working, however the bad part is that you may have "overworked" your muscles and it will take longer to repair them. I'd say do the work out everyother day to start.. Maybe even twice a week for the first couple of weeks and build yourself up. You don't want to be too sore that you don't want to work out the next day. Also remember girls that your muscles need time to relax so never work the same body part two days in a row. Ok that's all I have to add for now.. Good luck everyone. Oh, I definitely agree that I overworked myself- there is no way I will be able to workout like that more than twice a week. Tammy (or anyone else), what do you think is better for me to do: kick my butt like I did the other day and do it 2-3 times a week, or do the workout half-a$$ed every day? Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Ann & Sarah, my mom had that tape when I used to live at home and I used to do all the time and I lOVED it! Oh and I hear you on the sore thing, I remember when I used to do her tapes that I could barely sit on the toilet, thats how bad my butt hurt, and every other muscle in my body!! Its funny that you brought this up because I was just thinking of asking my mom if she still had it so I could steal it. I think they're may even be two videos, I think my mom had the second one, not sure, I'll have to check. I really like to feel something after a workout so I know its doing something. Yeah- you'll have to get it and try it again- let me know what you think! Quote: Originally Posted by akh I say we all try to do this (or something similar) and report back a few times a week! Then we'll at least feel the pressure to be able to say "I did my workout!" Ann- I think that's a great idea, we can report to eachother and we each can be sympathetic:)
  23. Beautiful and personal Natasha- this is what I hope to achieve when we write our vows. I like the idea about making him vow to split the difference on the thermostat- this is almost as important as love, honor, and obey (hehe)!
  24. You need a chair to hold on to for balance for a couple exercises, and you need small weights. I started with 6lb weights- waaay too much. Unless you're really strong, I'd go no more than 5lbs to start out with, maybe just 2.
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