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Everything posted by Sarah

  1. That's a great idea Christa! I love the white and aqua idea- it will look so beautiful in pictures:) Yeah, she's really not a dress kinda person- can't remember the last time she wore one actually! She's very tall and self-conscious about her weight, so I think this dress is very flattering for her.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MERRYME I'm here!! and it is GORGEOUS. WEATHER IS GREAT ! A little chilly at night but gorgeous. The town is still as cute as I remembered. Everyone arrives tomorrow! I am doing the last minute details but all in all everything seems to be under control. Let's see if it will be on Friday.LOL I know something will go wrong but I really don't care anymore. It is gogeous and we WILL have a great wedding and everyone will have a great time no matter what happens! I'll post as soon as I get pictures. Yay! I'm so excited for you! I'm sure everything will turn out in the end, don't worry- just enjoy yourself. We can't wait to hear everything!
  3. Nope, not too much info- we love hearing details! Welcome to the forum, and let us know how we can help
  4. Christa- those are so classy looking! I love the metallic paper. i think I'll have to order a sample pack from them...
  5. Here is my stepmom's dress. We found it on sale at Younkers. She's sooo not a girly girl, but she really liked this dress. I actually went out and bought 8 outfits for her to try on when she came to my house this weekend. She ended up keeping 5 of them, so I think I did pretty well! We are going for the "white wedding" look, so we're trying to get everyone to wear white, khaki, or cream. Anyway, here it is:
  6. I think I found my RD/Welcome dinner dress! It's hard to see in the pics, but it's allover beaded lace, ivory in color. I need some spanx, it needs to be altered a little (too big), and I think I want to have the straps made thinner,but it was over 1/2 off so I had to get it. What do you think? This is my stepmom with me:
  7. That looks like alot of fun Karla! I love the pics of Tim and his funny "model" faces in the beginning, you two are so cute together!
  8. Tammy- that is an amazing gown. I'm sure Cain will be beside himself... And Jenetta- I think that lingerie would get any guy in the mood no matter how tired they are!
  9. Janet- those are so awesome! Great job, I love handmade cards. If I'd had more time I would have done that too. They look fantastic!
  10. I LOVE Vistaprint! I ordered my cards on Monday evening, only paid for the slow shipping (10 day) and got them this morning! The quality is great, the cards are glossy, the pictures vibrant, and I totally love them! I just wrote our Christmas/Wedding update letter, for those of you who are interested, it is attached.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM Hmm Sarah were are you,, I think since you live close then it's on you.. ROFL.. lol What? Hell no! I'd be in jail- I want to get married! hehe Seriously, maybe we could get her involved in a a hobby- does she knit? I could invite her to knitting class! Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL Hey Tammy - I'll trade your FMIL for my F-step son.... (when I read the F in my head does not stand for future!!) too funny... Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM ******UPDATE******* You girls would be so proud of me, I made dinner last night and when it was done I told Marty if she was hungry I had dinner ready. She has been eating cereal for the past week and a half at night.. So she came down and we ate dinner together, the B*tch still didn't say she was sorry for what she said, at this point I don't think that is ever going to happen. Cain's lucky I love him so much because it about killed me last night asking her to eat dinner... You are a bigger woman than I...
  12. I said yes right away- it was such a beautiful emotonal proposal that was speechless! Natasha, your poor husband, but that is a cute story! Quote: Originally Posted by host natasha, your poor hubby...you probably made his heart stop when you didn't say yes right away! hmmm...not sure if i should tell my story becuase it may be TMI... Tammy, you know you can't tease us like that...
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by SASSYGIRL i got my kit but have been moving and haven't even opened it yet - i will post pics once i get some done Sarah - I think these look really cute - great job! I wondered where you had been!
  14. Welcome to the forum! I live in Lansing too:) I'm getting married in Cabo, so I'm not too much help in terms of location, but there's tons of other stuff we can help you out with. Let us know what questions you have! You are very brave to plan a DW in 3 months!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM Yes, that is an idea I've been playing with.. Oh and just an FYI if you go to a craft store it's much cheaper then buying one as say Pottery Barn. Just a little helpful hint. In Michigan we have a store called "Meiger and I seen one there for 10.00, includes mat & pen. It would fit an 5x7 picture, and all you'll need to do is find a frame.. Was this recently Tammy? Wow- I need to get myself over to Meijer!
  16. Tammy, I think we've all been there with you. It's so hard when we have to have everything perfect and the world just won't comply! I also know the added stress you feel because of the little foster dog. I have a very soft heart for animals too and have done foster work of my own (used to foster greyhounds). It takes alot out of you when you have an animal suffering. It sounds like the little guy has some major issues. Have they done bloodwork and checked kidney & liver function? What about diabetes? All of these things can cause inappropriate soiling in the house and a general decline in health. I know you know what happens in that case, we won't go there...Just wondering what diagnostics have been done, that's all. Hang in there girl- don't worry about the wedding right now. You seriously do not have to deal with cake and flowers for like another 3 months. I know you want to get it out of the way now, but I think you need to focus on the other aspects of your life right now. Take a break- the wedding will still be waiting for you in a few weeks!
  17. I'm still worried about that too Natalie. I'm still not sure if I'm actually going to use these as centerpieces or not. Jeff actually thinks we should do HUGE arrangements of the little ones, but again- how to get them there! There is NO way I would have time to put them together on site because they are so time consuming. Maybe they wouldn't be super expensive to ship though because they are so light...hmmm... have to think about that one.
  18. Karla! Once you decide on a location, the rest will fall into place. That is the hardest part- try to think of places you have visited and what type of atmosphere you envision for your wedding. Have you visited any of the destinations you are interested in, or are you wanting to try something new? Let us know if you have any questions!
  19. Those are great Natasha! I love the rustic backgrounds. You two look so sweet together and girl you have gorgeous hair! Is this the same photographer who is doing your wedding? Nice work!
  20. Back in November, Sarah (sassygirl) and I ordered these paper flower kits with the grand delusions of making them for centerpieces. I got mine in the mail like 3 weeks ago, and finally got around to making them today. Sarah- where are yours? We want to see!!!! Anyway, the large flower is like 16" in diameter. The small flower is probably 4 inches in diameter. I did the small one first with just plain white copy paper and then got brave with the big one and used some metallic cardstock I had laying around the house. I wanted to save the nice paper that came with the kits until I got better at making them. But, here are the pics of my first attempt: I think I will experiment with some different papers and see what different results I can get. I think they might be cool with some tasteful embellishment, maybe some glittery stuff or something, so they would sparkle with candles around...I also am not quite sure about how to transport. I could make all the petals and bring them flat and assemble the flowers there, but that would be time-consuming. You can squish the big flower down quite a bit, maybe they could fill a couple boxes. Any ideas? I think a big bundle of them would be cool- if not for the actual table centerpieces, maybe just for the cake table or guest book table? Not sure, just thinking out loud at this point. I just think they are really fun! I'll post more pics after I make some more... If anyone is interested in ordering, here's the link: flower kits - Paper Source
  21. Christa, if Martha says its ok then you go girl! I'm hoping these get out before Christmas, but I'm not holding my breath Tammy, we tried and tried to get a cute picture of Loomis, but he sadly isn't very photogenic. Actually, it's more that he has a terrible time sitting still for the 5 seconds it takes our camera to go off...oh well! I wanted to take a pic of us in front of our Christmas tree, but I decided that would be better suited for cards next year- that way the uptight relatives don't have to freak out with the fact that we're "living in sin" right in front of their face! lol
  22. Hey Girls, I just ordered my Christmas cards from Vistaprint (I know, better late than never though!). I just thought they turned out so cute that I had to share. These are going to serve double duty because I plan to insert a newsletter and send them to everyone on our invite list as an extra "push" to get info out and encourage people to book their rooms! Vistaprint is having a Christmas Card sale right now, $6.99 for the first 10 cards and $6 for every 10 after that. If you're interested and don't already get vistaprint emails, send me a PM and I'll forward you the email. Here they are: I also ordered these postcards during their sale last week. I paid for slow shipping and got them in 5 days! Can you tell I love Vistaprint? lol
  23. I like it Christa. It's simple and casual. If you wanted something more formal, I think you'd have to do just that- make it sound more formal. But, if casual was what you were going for I think it's great!
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