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Everything posted by SPRINGBRIDE

  1. You are such a beautiful bride!!!! Your pictures are amazing and you look like you were having such a great day!!!! I love how the emotions of the day were captured, now you can re-live the day over and over. Everything looked perfect. Congrats!!!!
  2. Okay, I don’t even know where to start with this so I apologize if it’s ends up long. I asked one of my good friends to be a bridesmaid as soon as I got engaged in December 2005 (16 months notice). She said right away she was going and was going to start saving money. I got a special group rate with the cruise line (I’m getting married in port in Jamaica) and had airfare included and the overnight hotel in Miami the first night before the cruise. She had all the info sent to her several times and still didn’t book. The special rates expired in February. As of this past December I knew she had no money saved, but said she was still going. She left the beginning of January for 12 week French program in France. I know she was considering it but she just left without letting me know. I sent her an email asking when she would be back and I didn’t get a response. My only correspondence with her was group emails to all our friends. I had the dresses picked out before she left and ordered them in January and got a size too big for her so she could get it taken in (b/c I didn’t have her measurements). But when she left she still didn’t have her trip booked. So she calls yesterday all pissed off because she had to pay more then she thought, the special rate airfare was sold out so she had to pay more for airfare and book her hotel separate. In all it will end up costing her approx. $800 more. So she calls…â€Well, what am I going to do? Can I stay in the hotel the first night with you guys (Hello, it’s my wedding!!!)? How am I getting from the airport, I can’t afford a cab by myself it’s like $80!! So what do I do?†It was almost like she was waiting for me to say I’ll pay for it. Then she asked about the dresses, “What are we doing for dresses, what are we wearing?†So when I told her I have her but she’ll have to get it taken she reply’s “I don’t get back until April 8th, how much is this going to cost? Who’s going to do it? Are you going to make the arrangements for me? Etc…. My other bridesmaids have their dresses altered already. I’m pisssed!!!! I never heard from her all winter, last week I didn’t even know if she was even going!!! Now she’s all snotty over the price, her dress etc. The reason she has to pay more is her own fault and she’s making me feel bad and that I should do something about it. I have enough to do besides get her straightened out. The other bridesmaids are ticked because she hasn’t been involved in helping at all and never bothered to get in touch with them. I’m afraid of confronting her because I don’t want to make the week uncomfortable for everyone. AAAHHHH!!!!! Okay I feel a little better now, I needed a good vent.
  3. Wow, the pics are great!!! You guys look like you were having so much fun!! Congrats and can't wait to see the wedding pics
  4. If it's a US site then it likely means they will only ship to US addresses and not international. There are a lot of sites like this. I've picked out lots of things for my wedding and spent hours finding stuff only to find out they don't ship internationally (Canada). I think they do it for cost and logistic reasons, so I think you should be find with transporting the matchbooks.
  5. How many of your FH's are wearing suit's (or jackets) for the ceremony? My finace isn't to big on the idea, he thinks he'll get to hot and uncomfortable.
  6. I went to places where they wouldn't let me take a picture. I chose the largest dressing room and had a friend come in and "help me get it off", and she took pictures. They weren't as good but at least it gave you and idea and helped you remember. The camera phone idea works to!!!
  7. Your pictures are beautiful. You looked amazing and it looked like it was such a great day!!!!!! Are your dresses from J.Crew? I think mine are the same color, but the Whitney style!
  8. One more I forgot to post.............. 15% off $50 or more if you order by February 28, 2007 Code: WC75876
  9. For anyone who's ordering $60 or more from Oriental Trading the following code will get you a flat rate of $2.95 for shipping RT2XY06 Expires February 28/07
  10. I'm thinking about parasols as well. The only question I have on the Oriental Trading ones is the size. It says they're 22", all of the other sites it seems to be 28" - 32". I don't know much about parasols, so I was wondering if the 22" would be large enough. I think they would look really nice painted. I'm not very artsy, but I'm sure it can be done if a light coat is used.
  11. My friend suggested I look at wine carafes. They often come with lids, most are small openings so you'd have to use a funnel. I'm trying to figure out a way to seal the top - I'd have to glue it maybe? Here are some ideas I found. OVAL OAK WINE CARAFE - UncommonGoods Metrokane V1 Vacuum Decanter - 6500- HomeClick.com This one has a vacuum seal, that I'd take out once I got home Bodum Barrique Wine Decanter w/ Cork Lid (Ball Shaped) 1.0L, 34oz 10361-10 from iKitchen.com eva solo water & wine carafe | scandinavian details
  12. I'm thinking of doing both. I was going to have a fan on each chair, with parasols for the women. I'm going to have the fans double as a program as well. I think it's fine to use both.
  13. I just did a search on nautilus seashells and came up with all kinds of places to buy these shells. Here are two other ones. Shipping Info - Sea Shell City Large Seashells 5"-17" ~ SealifeGifts.net<
  14. These were some ideas I had. I'm keeping my makeup and accessories simple, so I'd like my hair to "match".
  15. Glass Bottles & Jars - Small Size Collection Glass jars and containers with cork wholesale by Couronne Company Inc. Message in a Bottle - Specialty Bottle Message in a Bottle - Specialty Bottle These links have jars with corks that go in the top Some more with lids..... Vases and Cylinders-Floral Supplies - Vases - Decorative Items for Home - Clear Ginger Vases - Cylinder Vases - Balmoral Jars - Pole Vases eBay: Sand wedding ceremony unity heart glass DLX bottle set (item 180076339176 end time Jan-25-07 11:27:45 PST) Another idea might be the oil and vinegar clear jars that sometimes come with a stopper
  16. I've included some websites below that have sets vase sets for a sand ceremony. Kensington Classics: Unity Sand Ceremony Vases Glass Pouring Ceremony Vases - Unity Ceremony -Unity Candle Sets, Unity Sand Ceremonies and Unity Candle Stands Unity Sand Ceremony Sets Wedding Favors: Nesting 3 Piece Bells Vase Set Sand Ceremony Unity Kit - CC-S3900 Other ideas I've come across is for the middle vase using one that you already have. One I read about was she used her grandmothers vase for the middle.
  17. We've pretty much decided on Jamaica for our honeymoon, but that's about it. I have to book it SOON!!!!! I was looking at Couples Negril or Couples Swept Away. Has anyone been to either? I've also heard good things about Sandals. Anyone have any suggestions?
  18. Are many brides having a sand ceremony? What type of container are you using for the ceremony?
  19. I think I'm going to go with the 2 pedestals (but I keep changing my mind). It won't will add the wedding beachy feel but not take away from the location too much. Now I just have to figure out what I want them to look like. The list just keeps growing.............
  20. Hi Alice, It's hard to decide on a destination. I found I kept changing my mind all the time!!! I started with must have or must not haves first and went from there. My Fiance was set on a legal ceremony, we had to have kids (so an adults only wouldn't do), cost was a factor, I wanted meals to be included, and was somewhere that had activities for a broad range of ages. Once you have your restrictions some places automatically get crossed off!!!! Good luck with your decision, and there's a wealth of information here to help!!
  21. I'm getting married on a beach and some of the set up pics the coordinator sent me have an arch. I'm not sure I want one. My options are arch, no arch, or pedestals on either side. With the background, I'm not sure if it's needed. I've attached the pics, for some reason I couldn't cut and paste them in. Beach Pics.doc
  22. I haven't emailed, I was actually going to call tomorrow with my order, so fingers crossed they'll ship. The international shipping info came off their site, so I took my chances and picked out all the things I like. I'll keep you posted.
  23. I love oriental trading, I have a list that's getting longer and longer, the only problem is getting it all there.......I have to STOP!!!
  24. Are you sure they won't ship to Canada? If you go under FAQ and international order it says that they can't take online order for international destination but gives a phone and fax number to place international orders. It actually gives two one for USVI and one for all other international orders. "At this time, we are not able to ship international orders that are placed on-line. This includes orders shipped to freight forwarders. If you would like to place an international order for Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, or if you prefer to speak with a Spanish speaking agent, please call 800-537-3857. For all other international orders call 402-331-6800, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Central Time, to place an order via telephone, or fax us your order at 402-596-2364, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week"
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