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Everything posted by KARLA

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by akh I don't know the area well - I think I may technially be in Durham. I am roughly at Page Rd & 40 - does that make sense? I don't pay too much attention since Paul is usually driving - I actually just turned to him and said "where are we?" Sad. You're in RTP which is technically Durham. That's where I work also, but on Miami Blvd, it's 1 exit away from the Page Rd exit off 40. Small world!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by akh I am in Raleigh right now (I work here during the week) - you never know, maybe I will send it from work! Heehee Where are you in Raleigh??
  3. Ok, so you want to set a "rule" of sorts to reveal the secret santa on the forum and just put a return address? We could even do a guess who sent it to you!? (By the way, I think my return address will be pretty obvious, but no biggie....)
  4. Oh, I'm confused... so when we send the gift we're not supposed to reveal our identities?
  5. I would want my closest friends to be there, so I would go with Choice 2. A honeymoon is a honeymoon, no matter when you go... so 6 months later you can take another trip! Not a bad deal if you ask me!! I owe you pics don't I? I'll see if I can track down my neighbors. We've been so busy we haven't seen them lately.
  6. It was really fun... those pics were taken pretty early in the night.... we got rowdier as the night went on. I did not even notice when the staff left for the night until Paul tapped me on the shoulder and told me he was leaving and the night watchman would stick around and to feel free to stay as long as we wanted to. I miss Cabo!!
  7. We had a Margarita Party there on Thursday, Nov 2nd. It was a big hit and the food was very good. Here's some pics. Let me know if any of you have any questions regarding Tabascos. (I FINALLY figured out how to post pics!!) Here's the view when you walk up to the restaurant: The table on the left with the yellow and red tablecloth is where they did the buffet setup for us. They already have tiki torches there that they light up every night. Here is another view of the beach setup: Here's the bonfire setup while we were having dinner: (We provided the luminarias ourselves.) And here's a shot of how we moved the chairs around the bonfire:
  8. I'm kind of late with this also, but just wanted to say Congratulations! It is so much fun to see how all the planning came together for you. It all looked beautiful! I can't wait to see the pictures... when when when?? ha ha, Juan needs to hurry up!
  9. We just had one in Austin over Thanksgiving weekend. Overall the party was really fun, but night and day different from Cabo. Pretty much, it was a party for my husband's parents; family and friends. I think the average age was 50. It was definitely unanimous between my husband and I that going to Cabo was the best decision ever! His mom was a mess all weekend long!! I would have been in her shoes if I had planned a traditional wedding... not fun!
  10. Tammy, Sorry I'm chiming in late also. It seems like you've got a pretty good solution already, but hopefully this info may help you out a bit more. We stayed at the Pueblo Bonito Rose on Medano Beach prior to the wedding. It is 2 hotels down from Melia and on the same beach. We walked down and ate at Nikki Beach (at the Melia) and a little past it at Mango Deck. That is one of the busiest areas of Medano Beach, since there are a few more independent restaurants and all the jet ski/parasailing/etc rentals. I don't think it quiets down/empties out until sundown. I took pics on the beach and my dress was a bit dirty on the bottom, but not bad enough that it was noticable. So as long as you don't get it wet, I think it should be fine.
  11. Welcome Shannon! Like Tammy said, picking the place is the hardest thing!! If you have chosen Cabo for your destination, then you just have to narrow down to what hotel, probably based on budget, size of wedding, etc.... and then go from there! Any questions, ask away!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL Yeah, I think it's a nice balance between DIY and sanity maintenance! Christa, Let me know if you need any help with this DIY project. I got my pocketfolds from cardsandpockets.com also and did my own invite.... I sent out each and every one of them (my parents did not tell me they needed about 20, I thought they needed 5.... glad I ordered extra!), so I don't have a picture of it. But it was relatively simple to do the whole thing, especially with the inserts they provide. Cutting them to size was a simple. I got the vertical pocketfold though, not the horizontal one like you did, but should be pretty similar.
  13. I wished it would have been me to run into the other brides. You know when you're all giddy and want to tell people about your wedding??.... but nope, not me. I can't wait to see the pics and hear all about Anna's wedding!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by host i know...i wish i had more pics of me and my family but we just rant out of time...thats why i try to warn people to get that extra hour if they can. I agree, one extra photog hour would have been great...and hopefully more brides will heed our advice! We ran out of sunlight, which was fine, but then we ran our of photographer time. There were so many more pictures that were on our "must take" list that we NEVER got time to do. It's funny how you come to realize all this once you've come from the wedding high!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by host send me some pics(about 15 or so of your favorite) and song ideas...and i will try to make 1 for you... Tammy, what slideshow program do you have? I might tackle making my own fancy slideshow with more pics, but have no idea what program to purchase. I saw KarlaV's link to the slideshow software, not sure if that was the one you use. Let me know, that way I can just create my own.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by host not working, that is why i hate kodak...so hard to share the link. I know.... Kodakgallery.com it is stupid, yet I use it all the time! Once you get into the habit... Kristi, send yourself the photo album and then cut and paste the link that you get from the shared photo album. That's the only way I've gotten a direct link.
  17. Edyta, I was about to scan in the Aqua menu for you, when I realized that since I talked to the concierge at the Marquis in Spanish when I made the dinner reservation, he relayed the msg back to Aqua and told them that both of us were Spanish speakers. So the menu they gave us is all in Spanish. I don't think it would be helpful to you. If you still want it, let me know.
  18. Congratulations Wendy. Thank you so much for sharing!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by host i think someone did get a quote from her for cupcakes...was it karla or tammym? No, sorry it wasn't me. I do think it was TAMMYM that was looking at getting cupcakes though, so you narrowed it down pretty well. My parents just told me that they actually got the top layer of the cake from Georgina and brought it home (we had fridges at Pueblo Bonito Rose). It's in their freezer. Yum!! I'm so excited.... I'm not waiting until our 1 yr anniversary. I think I'm going to defrost some now and save half.... maybe, ha!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM Well to be honest with you. I HATED driving in Mexico, the road signs sucks and it took forever to find just about anything. So when I was meeting with Maye C. I asked her about Pedregal and she said she would take me there but she didn't even know exactly how to get there and that it was really confusing and she wasn't sure if we would even be allowed on the beach. So I thought I didn't want my guests to get lost to our ceremony so I'm now going to have our ceremony at the Sheraton on the beach. I think that's a very smart idea!! I'll be honest with you, getting guests to a different location was a PIA! And the driving there did suck! Those lanes on the side of highway lanes, what is up with that?? And the different lane to make a left turn, and all the U-turns you had to make... it was really annoying. Did you ever get to see Pedregal Beach? We went into the Pedregal neighborhood (with all the mansions), right past the marina, but never really saw a straight way to the beach. Is that were it is? If so, I could see why she was confused... it's tons of winding roads through humongous houses!
  21. Tammy, welcome back! So are you thinking about not doing Pedregal Beach anymore?
  22. I highly recommend her also. My cake looked exactly like the picture I sent and it tasted great!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by REBECCA Karla, Wait until you see my pics. Our groomsmen have the same attire, our husbands are wearing similar attire, our hair is similar, our rings are similar. Funny!! You look beautiful and the location looks amazing! Hey!! I saw your pics, and you are right.... I guess great minds think alike! I absolutely loved your hairstyle. It looked like you effortlessly put it up. I remember your sample hairstyle pics you put up a few months back and you duplicated the look beautifully.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by NABUMBAH Wow, Karla that totally sucks about the starfish. What a pain. I would be upset too, if for no other reason than that you didn't have them for Natasha. And the candle situation sounds like a pain too. I am really sorry to hear about that. What I am pleased to hear is that you enjoyed the Marquis so much. I am so excited now I'm trying to organize my pics, hopefully by this weekend I can send you some of the Marquis. We also visited the spa. It was pricey but felt great to be pampered. The spa was really nice.
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