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Everything posted by RAENJAY

  1. I know that there is a big Hilton thread, we are out numbered by Dreams girls, and there was a Sheraton thread started a while back too. So I though, why the heck not.. Let's start the official RIU thread. I've included the links to many other RIU conversations, please feel free to add others if you find them. I thought maybe it might be easier for the new RIU brides to have all the info at their fingertips. Please remember, not everybody's experience will be the same, and of course prices are subject to change without notice. Pictures from the RIU & 2006 extras/packages/costs: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t727 There is hope thread: (lots of WC comments, concerns, ideas) http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t1347 RIU Wedding Slideshow: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t1602 RIU Spa Info: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t1432 More RIU Extra Info: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t1369 Hope this helps us all, and the future brides too... Happy Planning Girls!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by BEACHBRIDEMA Raenjay Thats a great idea! I think I might steal your idea! Sarah Why thank you - and please steal away, that's why we are all here.
  3. Well, let's see with the WC we have decided on the location for the ceremony & reception, we have also sent cake ideas to see if they can do something similiar. I have talked with her about flower ideas (but won't pick until we get there)... I've got requests in now for the cigar roller & am deciding on the DJ. We've got the ipod, but may put their DJ in charge of it. The other few questions I have for them yet, is about the arch on the beach, and then I'm freakin' out about the minister/judge. I do not want my cermony in Spanish & translated. We are getting married in the States first and then just having a civil service in Meixco. My guests don't know this though, they think it'll be legal in Mexico. :-) I also have my dress, my girls have their gowns, we have the guest bags figured out, have our rooms booked, have our flights blocked. I think pretty mcuh everything but the little details is done. YEA!
  4. I'm doing the guest photo polaroid type of book. But my guest photos will be digitals, and then when I send them their thank you card, I will include a copy of their photo for them. I'm going to use a 7x7 scrapbook, with the pages predetermined where the photo will go. People can then sign around the spot, and leave us their wishes. We also only have about 20 people going, so I thought this was a great idea.
  5. Welcome & Congrats! I'm a Cabo bride, so I can't help to much with Cancun, but can't wait to hear all your details. Maybe it'll make me want to vacation there someday.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by riubride Thanks for all the info Kim! The bonfire is such an awesome idea but I don't think I will be able to fit it in my budget. I would also love to use Juan for my wedding but I'm sure he's booked. I need help from my fellow riu brides.(what's new?) I've confirmed my date & time but now what? I emailed Adriana to ask her what I have to do next but she hasn't responded me yet. I really want a beach reception and I want to make sure that I have that booked before someone else takes it. Aimee Hi Aimee! I've been noticing that it's been taking 3-4 days for her to respond. If you don't get an answer email again. Also, I've noticed that sometimes you have to send a new email rather than replying to one. I would let them know ASAP that you want the beach reception. We were able to secure our beach location about 6 months in advance, so you should be able to do that now. From what I hear, you won't get a lot done until 1-2 months before the wedding. I'm at 4 months so we'll see if the communication starts to pick up any.
  7. We will be taking our rings, and doing something with them - be it in socks in a locked suitcase or whatever. I can say we did not use the safe at all last year at the RIU, and did not have a problem - maybe we got lucky or maybe those few people who have had problems are just really unlucky? We also got left a little note the one afternoon from the cleaning people to put my necklace away (very simple gold chain with a small heart on it) which I thought was very nice of them. I think if you use common sense you should be fine.
  8. Sounds absolutely wonderful.... Congrats to all on picking the perfect spot.
  9. I agree with Glenda, have Cain go check in. You don't want to be rushed. I'm so glad you asked this question, I've ben wondering the same thing.
  10. I'm not using the RIU photographer. The WC was supposed to send me some samples of his/her work, but never has. I hired an outside photographer, and my understanding, you only have to pay for the day pass $80.00. If I ever get the list of who the RIU uses, or some photo's I'll let everybody know.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM Hmmmm,, or you could throw the stones at your FMIL in hopes to knock some since into her.. lol... J/K OMG! LOL! Really, I'm about to die. But, I really do love this idea. TFS!

    EDR in April

    Welcome & Congrats on picking your spot.
  13. I agree, we sent STD to everybody, and now the actual invite list is down to about 25-30... And yes, the DW pisses everybody off - O'well.
  14. I think I like the bigger design better. Great job!
  15. Here are some that I have picked up from all over the web (ok, mostly peoples bios but....) I have yet to decide 1/2 up or all up.... No way my hair will be at long as #3, but I really do like it.
  16. My dress is supposed to have the slip under it, but I didn't get it. I figured there is enough tulle underneath to make it puffy enough. PLUS, I didn't want to be way too hot. The only thing that makes me think that I should have gotten the slip is that it would help to keep the dress from going in between my legs and things. I've got a final fitting to go, so I might still change my mind. As for a bra, I'm undecided. I did buy one, but now I'm thinking about the cup thing.
  17. Your invites are wonderful! I am in the process of trying to decide on mine now. GRRR!!! I hope you receive many more yes respones!
  18. My cousin got me Noelle's Pilates 3 dvd set for Christmas.. I have never done pilates before, and I seem to like them. There is a 10 minute, 17 minute, and 30 minute dvd. Right now I'm alternating between the 10 and 17 minute ones. I have heard that Windsor is the best though. Noelle's Powerhouse Pilates Method - Pilates Video & DVD Reviews I really like the 10 minute one because I can do it in the morning before work while the dog is outside doing his business.


    Welcome & Congrats! I'm sure you will find all kinds of inspiraton on this board, everybody is very helpful and full of ideas.
  20. Welcome! You will find a wealth of information here - it's almost overwhelming. Congrats!
  21. We picked Cabo as our locations for a few reasons ~ 1) It's where we got engaged and 2) we knew we wanted a destination wedding, and thought that a lot of our friends & family would never go to Cabo on their own, plus it holds a special place in both of our hearts. We are from the East coast and most people around here still think Cabo is a West coast thing. We did toss around the DR idea, but FI was afraid the resort wouldn't be as nice. With the one in Cabo we know what we are getting into.
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