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Everything posted by RAENJAY

  1. Great find, and beautiful tiara's girls... I really like them both - I love the simplicity of Anny's, and I love the other one becuase it kind of reminds me of mine.... :-)
  2. Hey Tammy! I agree, start going to get your manicures now and go about every two weeks. I am not going to do acrylics for the wedding, but want to have healthy looking not too long nails. I'm starting now, I figure that by the time June rolls around, I should be in pretty good shape. Also, you might want to pick up some cuticle conditioner - it's usually just a little tube and if you put it on daily you should see some great results. Stop cracking your knuckles - I know easier said that done. :-)
  3. Congrats! I can't wait to hear all about your day.
  4. Danielle - Congrats! The photos are wonderful & it looks like everybody had a great time.
  5. I've decided to just the the invitation, with the enclosure card with the website too. I don't really need the invitations, sort of in the same situation as you, but I want to do them.
  6. I think those look wonderful. I love all the interesting angles.... I think that ultimately, the photos need to reflect your style and personalities.
  7. I'm trying to figure out our ceremony music, and now officially have music overload. If you need some ideas, here are some places that I found tonight. DJ Wedding Planning Guide Wedding Reception Order of Events DJ Planning Last Dance Wedding Music-Wedding Songs Last Dance-Spokane Wedding DJs I actually found a couple of songs that I would never have thought about using. I'm trying to find something different for our recessional.
  8. Ok, these are really bad scans, but this was the 1st newsletter went sent out. It went out about a month after our save the dates. I had it printed on 8.5x22 paper so that it could be folded in half like a book, and then folded in half again, to be mailed. I have pulled info from all over the web, so if I took any of your ideas, wording, or whatever ~ Thanks in advance, and I hope it was OK. The newsletter was done in Publisher. Sorry about that, I have added just the wording. The scan is full size on my PC, don't know why they came onto the web so small. If you click the Word document, you can read what I put in my first newsletter. I am working on the 2nd edition now.
  9. Welcome Tracy... You are going to love it here, you will find a wealth of information, and ton of helpful people. Prepare for information overload though.
  10. I would say that they have their sales more often than you think. It seems like I'm always getting an email from them saying "SALE"..... :-) And my color for the BM dresses is Pool. It's very nice in person.
  11. I actually am in the process of setting this up with a photographer here in Charlotte now. I am very excited to do them, and I just know the FI is going to love them. I actually just asked my photographer if she does them, and she said yes. I don't know of her actually advertising the service though.
  12. Welcome & Congrats Shawna! I'm sure you will find answers to many of your questions here, we are a pretty helpful group.
  13. We will have a few days at the end by ourselves. And even before I've made it clear that I want some just us time. I'm excited to have most of my guests stay for a while though.
  14. They came out great and thanks for the tip about the clear labels.
  15. So earlier tonight, I had this terrible craving for oranges, so I went to the grocery store. For some odd reason, I was pulled to the little rack of workout videos that they have, and found this 30 minute QuickFix Total Cardio Kick for only $9.98 or something, and thought, "Huh, that might be fun." So I bought it, came home and did it. And you know, it actually was a lot of fun. And really something that I was looking for. I have the pilates and I also have Crunch Cardio Salsa that I do, but this was just different. It's broken into 3 10 minute segements, so you can either do it all, or pick a chapter. https://secure13.nexternal.com/share...products%2Easp Just thought I would pass it along in case you are looking for something new.
  16. Mine is also Chiffon, as our the BM dresses. It does seem very light.
  17. They look great, and I love the idea of the real grapes (I love grapes)... I think that the mirrros underneath would be a wonderful way to display them
  18. Did you all do the Spanish/English translation for your ceremony, or did you hire an outside source so that it would be done in English? We are getting married in the States first, and so the ceremony there will only be a "renewal" or whatever they call it. I'm hearing from the WC at the RIU, that the ceremony will still be in Spanish, but they will translate it. Is this the way that it usually happens, or did you all hire somebody else?? I thought I had this already figured out, but have misplaced my notes. I do have info on one English preacher/minister - Cabo English Church - does anybody know anything about them?
  19. I would like to send them early for 2 main reasons, we have a couple of people still on the fence and we loose our room block on April 15th, so if they are going, I would like them to make their reservastions before then. And I have the next edition of our newsletter ready to go, so I was just going to make a packet out of it and send the invites along with the newsletters. I'm guessing that 03/15 would still be plenty of time. That would be about 3 months out from the wedding.
  20. We were going to do a simple invite, just something on white very basic because we put so much into everything else - newsletters, save the dates, and the wedding itself. But now, the more I think about it, the more I want pretty invitations - maybe something along the oliostyle ones or something. Because we were doing simple, I wasn't worried about printing, can have them done local within 7 days. Now, I'm concerned, because I would like to have them postal by the end of February - have I waited too long?
  21. I came across a few more styles that I like. I know my hair won't hold the curl in the 2nd set, but I love, and if your hair will hold curl, well you might like it. FI asked me last night what we were talking about on the board, and when I said hair - his only comments was "all up is not good" - so apparently, that is off the table for me as an option.... I really wanted up. O'well.
  22. You are not a bad bride... I'm sure your guests just want you to be happy with their gifts. I agree, it's hard to know what we want when we already have what we need. I say think of those odd things that you never buy for yourself and maybe give a few suggestions that way.
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