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Everything posted by BRIDEZILLA

  1. Funny this should come up…. I also have a weird situation. A girl who I kind of know through some friends asked if she could go to Cabo because she knows many of the same people that I do and they are going. We have a weekend of events planned and I told that she is welcome to attend all of the events but the ceremony and reception are full. I did tell her if someone cancelled that she could have their place, but, it would be unlikely. She is a sweet person. But the fact is that neither my FI nor I really know her that well. There are 31 peopled attending our wedding all of whom I consider to be a very important part of our life. I like it that way. Anyway. Long story short, she bought her ticket and is going. A few weeks ago she cornered me at a party when she was heavily intoxicated and tried to guilt me into letting her go to the wedding. And now I’ve heard through mutual friends that she is extremely upset and is complaining about how she should cancel her trip because I won’t let her go to my wedding! Crazy! Someone did cancel, but, I’m not giving her their seat. I doesn’t feel right. I guess I am big B$%CH! Screw it. LOL!
  2. TransCabo wants me to pre-pay in full. Does this sound normal I’ve contact Monica at Xchel. I sent her three emails and have not heard back from here (I know that Christa said that sometime she does not get her emails). I leave this weekend and might have to Pay TransCabo if I do not hear back from Xchel. Should I be okay with this?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by annkaley Will you post pictures of the runners and ties you are making?? That sounds like such a good idea so you get the right color! I am almost finished! I will get them up when I do!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jfwolfe72 We're going to have 5 to 8 appetizers that the resort provides -- I think it's a Mexican themed based cocktail party. We're also getting a donkey that will wear a sombrero and carry Corona.... :-) I hope the donkey won't mind this too much! What?! A donkey that serves beer?!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 Amber, I just got back from Cabo last night, and Costco has several cakes that looked delicious, and a huge flan...like maybe 16" in diameter, that could serve a crowd. So check out Costco when you stock up on alcohol & water and you should definitely be able to find something! Thanks Jill!!!! Now I can sleep at night!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by JENESIS Jorge Vazquez ([email protected]) Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I love how many crafty brides we have! I see a lot of us made/are planning to make stuff! I am totally going to get a cheap cake, have it frost and sprinkle flowers on it! What a good idea! I almost forgot…the night before my wedding we are hosting a welcome fiesta on the private terrace at Marina Fiesta. Because we have enough rooms booked there, I’m sure they won’t charge us. There are already tables and we will have to do the rest. I plan to use plates/linens/and flatware from the hotel. We are having a slideshow. I’ve checked around for renting a projector and the cheapest I found (through Maye) is $300. So, my FI was looking on Ebay and Craigslist and found some in the $150 - $200 range. We’ll save money and then sell it. BUT…there is the whole food issue. I plan on going to Costco and buying several cases of wine and beer (and some coolers to keep them in). Then I’m going to El Toro (this is a little taco stand in DT Cabo that has the BEST TACOS) and ordering like a hundred tacos. I’m not sure what to do for side dishes/appetizers….I know chips and salsa. But what else is easy? I have a kitchen at out timeshare (no oven though ). Any ideas? I even contacted the Lazy Gourmet catering company. But no word back. Maybe they were scared by my $10 - $12 pp budget? LOL!
  8. Awwwww thanks for letting me know I'm not the only cheapo bride!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Amber are you referring to transportation from the airport to the resort or some place else? B/c if that is what you are referring to, your guests could pay their own transporation (i.e. if you have a TA you could just have them include it in their travel price) and this way you wouldn't have to pay for transportation. As far as the cake goes, I have no idea how much that costs but if your crafty enough to make most of your stuff maybe you would be willing to have a friend help you bake one when you get down there. A simple cake would not be hard to bake, especially if cake is not important to you. This would save you a ton of money. No way I'm paying for airport transfers...I'm too cheap! LOL! I need to transport my guests from Downtown Cabo to CSH for the wedding.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JENESIS Transcabo picked up 35 people from 6 different locations and had everyone at the Hilton on time. THey were great. Do you have contact info? Thanks!!
  11. Okay Ladies. I have to spill my guts. I am a total cheapo. I have cut corners on everything and I am still finding ways to save money on my wedding. I started out with a $10K budget and now we are at $14K and some change. BUT this includes everything (travel, hotel – we have a timeshare so it is a small maintenance fee, wedding bands, etc.). Anyway, I am going to shamelessly confess some outrageous things that I am doing to save money: 1.I am sewing and transporting my table runners and chair ties. This not only saved me money, it ensured that I would get the exact turquoise that I was looking for. 2.I plan to make and transport my luminaries. 3.I am transporting (actually my BMs are) 50 small glass votives and candles. CRAZY, I know! 4.My flowers will only consist of 5 BM bouquets, my bouquet, aisle/table flowers and one flower for my hair. 5.We are renting a sound system instead of having a DJ. 6.I bought my DREAM dress on Ebay and saved serious money! 7.We are not serving wine with dinner – we opted for 4 hours of domestic (no top shelf) open bar and left it at that. 8.I found a wonderful, talented and amazing photographer that is juts starting his own business and he cannot use the images that he took at his only company who gave us a great deal (HUGE $$$$$ SAVER). 9.We chose plated dinner over buffet. 10.No fire dancers  But, we are budgeting for salsa dancers! BUT there are still some things left to do. Do you have any suggestions? 1.I do not have a cake. The baker at CSH is off for the season. So I am budgeting $100 for our cake and I am going to get one when we arrive. The cake is not super important to me. Any suggestions on where to find a cheap cake for this cheapo? 2.I do not have transportation for my guests yet…but that is being worked on. I budgeted $15pp for 35 people. WHAT DID YOU LADIES DO THAT WAS SHAMELESSLY CHEAP. SPILL IT CHEAPOS!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL Well I had a great experience with Ixchel in March of this year. I paid $12pp round trip from CSH to down town Cabo. Hey Christa, Do you know who you worked with or their contact info? I sent an email to the general email address a few days ago (it was a @prodigy.net.mx address) and have not heard back. Thanks!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 I haven't used any...but I was looking into the earth sea and sky transportationo they use. I don't know if it's them or if they contract out but I got the info from Cabo Villas website. Basically I can rent a deluxe Maxi van (whatever that is) that holds 14 and rent it and a driver for 12 hours for like $320....this attracted me because I didn't want to get stuck with a time limit as far as the last pick up had to be at 11:00pm or something Plus this is for a long period of time so i can have them keep chaufering back and forth!!! I still have to looking into more exact details but you might want to check it out?? I totally agree about the time limit issue. Right now I am looking to just pay for round trip with a specified pick up and drop off time.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 Just another referral, but we have used Transcabo several times and had great luck with them as well. Thanks! Have you used them for large groups of people? If so, what was your cost per person?
  15. Thanks Christa! I wanted to hear good things before I contacted them!
  16. Hello Ladies. I need transportation for between 30 and 35 guest from downtown Cabo to Cabo Surf. I found so older threads, but, has anyone had a good experience with a cheap vendor lately? Is Ixchel still bad? I would love to spend $10pp, but, this may not be possible. Thanks!!
  17. Open bar was the way to go for us. It seems to save money and you know exactly what your total bar cost will be without any suprises!
  18. [We've got a bus for round-trip transportation for all of our guests for $330 each day (Thursday and Friday). Even checking independently with groups off this website - this was the best price we were quoted. (Transportation for 35 to 40 people). They are even giving us the option of having vans return back to the hotel since there will be some that will want to stay and go out in Cabo and some that will probably return earlier. Welcome Corey! Wow you've got your planning together. I'm doing a Pez Gato cruise as well. Should be fun! May I ask where you are getting you transportation from? This is a very reasonble price! I wnat to use them!
  19. Okay so, I've made a decision for 3:45. The extra 15 minutes is giving me peace of mind. I'm silly!
  20. Janet.... Did you do your beach pics before or after the ceremony? Both you and Christa had great light. I'm just wondering if I shoudl schedule my coupls shoot before the ceremony. As of now...I' even considering 3:30/3:45ish to start the ceremony. The problem is then I have to pay for another hour of open bar and go into the poorhoues (even further)! LOL!
  21. Do you know how the sun sets on the beach? I am getting married on Daylight Savings and the sunsets at 5:45. I am freaking out that there will not be enough sun for my pictures since apparently the beach doesn’t get very much sun in the evening (due to the sun setting behind the hotel). Maye told me to have my wedding at 5:30 at first. But, when I brought it to her attention that the sun was setting 15 minutes later, she told me to have it at 4:30. I’m thinking 3:30 to be safe. She is waaaaaay to relaxed about the situtation. God-I am soooo Bridezilla about this – BUT the pictures are important. Anyway, what has you experience been with the CSH beach, pictures and the sunset? Please share ladies….ease my pain! LOL!
  22. I a Cabo Surf Bride 10/28/07! Let me know if you have any questions!
  23. Oh my gosh.....thank you for putting the link to the sunset tracker up! I had no idea that the sun set so early on my day.... I am getting married on October 28th and the sun will set at 5:45. Therefore, I've just decided to start the ceremony at 3:45 (I will put 3:30 on the invitations because we are always late!) Then 4:30 - 5:30 for pictures and 5:45 - 11:00 for the reception. What do you think? Am I starting too early?
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