Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak Ok, #1 probably wouldn't be a huge issue to me (if I didn't read the other 2 issues), because we always take Raven with us everywhere (as long as it's not too warm/cold). So we go for dinner, sometimes a movie, and we leave her in the truck with the windows cracked because she loves people watching and the Explorer is still better than cooping her up in the kennel at home. (But we also have cushy blankets in the back, and keep food/water dishes filled in the truck for her too). We also take her on vacation with us, and camp out if we can't find a pet friendly hotel to stay in. (We spoil her and love doing it!
Wouldn't you be worried going to see a movie while your dog were left in the car? I mean I hear all the time that dogs are stolen out of cars.
I understand their are times when their is no choice but to leave your pets in the car. But I know personally that if Cain and I are on a long road trip and our dogs are with us, we don't stop at eat at a sit down place, we grab fast food. Yeah who wants to eat fast food all the time, but for us it's not worth the risk of something happening to them. IF their is a time that one of us is traveling with our dogs, and say we have to really use the restroom, yes we leave the dog in the car, but it's for less them 5 minutes.
I know everyone has a different point of view on this subject, but should that be a deal breaker if we are strongly against people leaving their pets in their car, however others in the rescue group have said they do it from time to time for no longer then 15-30 minutes?