Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege GOODNESS! PM me when exciting stuff like this gets announced!!!!
Ugh. Now I need to bust out my camera and find some stuff! What if we find an actual letter A that we like?? Is that cheating
I've been waiting for you to find this thread... :-)
Hmm, I suppose if you find an actual "A" it's ok but not sure if you'll get the same effect... But it's up to you really..
Quote: Originally Posted by Maura eeeee tammy, this sounds like so much fun!!!! can i join in after my wedding? i think you'll be on D by that time, so i will try to get A, B, C and D while i'm in cabo
Join whenever you want Maura.. Oh you can look for those letters in Cabo, how fun..
Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I tried to email it, but it was taking forever to attach. it must be too large. Morgan I was finally able to view the ones you have so far. Great start.. Are you going to post the "A's" as your official A's or are you going to try to find more?
I might head out later today to take a few "A" shots, depends on how fast I can get some stuff done around the house..