Right now we have two fosters, one is Baxter we picked him up this past Thursday. Baxter was attacked by another dog and because the family couldn't afford the vet bill, he was surrendered to a vet and the vet surrendered him to our rescue group. Baxter is only 1 years old, and when he was taken to the vet, the vet was "old school" and for some reason he actually stitched 3 shirt buttons to his eye lid (yes, you heard me correctly, no idea why) When we got him, he looked horrible and we knew it just didn't look right, the very next morning we took him to our vet and they removed the shirt buttons and put him on a different eye meds. We are hoping we can save his eye.
Warning, before you scroll down, if you have a weak stomach you may not want to view pictures..
If you look where his eye brow is, you'll notice the bare skin, that's were the shirt buttons were attached.
It's been raining here for the past three days, as you can see poor Baxter wants to play outside..