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Everything posted by TammyB

  1. OMG NINA.. I totally LOVE it. It turned out so freakin cute. And I love that the guy has spiked hair like Matt does. She did an amazing job and I think it's a perfect way to include Nibs in your wedding. (since he can't be there) You better tell N.T to get a good picture of that cake topper, I want to see it on your cake. :-) (ok we know NT will get a good picture, but put it on your must have list for me,,lol)
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MegaShay Four?! You're some kind of saint! They have more personality than any dog I've ever met. Boerne (prounouced "Bernie") is our baby and he keeps us entertained 24/7 with his craziness. I definitely want another one, but FI is making me wait until after the wedding. LOL, not a saint... Crazy, yes, but no saint. :-) You'll love having a second one, seeing them play together and cuddle is so adorable. Plus it's nice to have a dog to cuddle all to yourself. :-)
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by MegaShay We have a Boston too ... I can't even imagine three! I'll be happy to ship my crew over to your house if you want to see what it's like? lol Actually we have 4 Bostons in our house right now, we have a foster Boston as well. Yeah it gets pretty crazy, to say the least. Roja (the red one in the skates) is our little monkey devil, who thinks Morris is her personal toy. lol BUT she's awesome despite being a diva.. lol
  4. Today is my hubby's birthday, and I wanted to do something special this year for him. He's so good to me, and really supports me to venture into all my crazy ideas and personal goals. For those of you that aren't aware, we have 4 pets. Three Boston Terriers and a cat, we also have at least one foster dog in our house. Here is a personal painting I had done for him, Chulo is the one driving, Mijo is holding onto him, Morris is the crazy cat holding onto dear life and Roja is the Diva skating.. lol The women that did this painting is from Dog Portraits: Custom Pet Portraits, Paintings, Art, Prints and did an amazing job. The painting is about 95% complete just a couple last minute touches. Cain loves it.. :-)
  5. Where in Mexico where you looking? I was married in Cabo and it was beautiful. We have a few Hawaii brides, and even several TA's that should be able to assist with your questions.
  6. I would contact the resort you are staying at, BUT make sure you ask them how long it takes, because you might have to send it off the second you arrive, depending on how many days you arrive before your ceremony. However with that said, I never had to have my dress steamed it was fine. Early Congrats on your wedding. :-)
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by keiperwedding What is throwing us off is that we are taking all posed pictures before the wedding... so we aren't worried about photos after. Do we do it and have the ceremony at sunset and go to reception in the dark or do we want to see the sun set at the reception! Ahhhh... I think if your doing photos together before the ceremony that you should be ok, however something to think about. is the light during the group photos after the ceremony.
  8. Very pretty, you made a beautiful bride and you both looked so happy. Congrats.
  9. TammyB

    Happy to join

    Welcome to the forum, I'll actually be in Punta Cana in June, so if you have any questions, I'll try my best to answer them when I return.
  10. Hi Jennifer, My suggestion is to contact some local wedding photographers to get a price on what they would charge to come to your wedding. In some cases you get more event coverage for the $$.
  11. Welcome to the forum Miguelina, since you haven't decided on a location yet, I'd like to suggest that you use the search field, we have so many people on the forum that has or will be getting married in just about every place you can think of, so if you type in a location I'm sure you'll find some info that might help in your planning process. Best of luck and congrats on your engagement.
  12. Tina, I love your dress. I know your FI's mouth will hit the floor when he sees you. I can't believe your wedding is approaching so quickly. :-)
  13. Awe great story and congrats on your engagement.
  14. TammyB


    Welcome to the forum, The D.R is a great place for a wedding. If you need help in your planning, just use the search field, we have many brides that were and will be married there.
  15. My suggestion is to "invite" a photographer as a guest and just tell them they are friends of yours. You should be ok that way.
  16. Melissa you and your FI did a great job on your wedding website. I swear we have so many creative people on this forum.
  17. Happy Birthday Amy, hope you have a wonderful day/weekend.
  18. Welcome to the forum and congrats on your upcoming wedding.
  19. I'm sure if he is a guest, you will be fine. :-) Just an FYI, there are rules on how many lenes he can bring with him, I'm sure he probably knows this already, but it might be worth mentioning.
  20. Hi Holly, I think it will depend on your wedding location. I know many people fly in a photographer for their wedding. So ask the resort you are looking at if they allow outside photographers, and find out what the rules are. In most cases, you should be ok to fly in your family photographer.
  21. Hi Holly and welcome to the forum. We have several brides on the forum that are and have been married at those locations. You can do a search and you should be able to find plenty of information. I'll actually be at Dreams Punta Cana in early June, so if you have any specific question, I can try to answer them after I return.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by REBECCA Can't wait!! Oh and I will e-mail you the pictures, I know you cant view photos at work! LOL You better... :-) Remember I know where you live. lol
  23. Great photos, they did an amazing job. And how cute are you two, I mean seriously? You can see the love you to have between each other, it just shines through your photos. Congrats.
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