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Everything posted by TammyB

  1. I' am also in the "I hope Spencer gets kicked off first" wagon. I can't stand him, well them for that matter. They are totally faking it and playing up to the cameras. OH and I totally wanna know why they didn't compete in the last challenge as well. OH and what is up with that hair spray Heidi kept adding to her hair at the end
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Adlergray OMG We Booked with them in Jan for our Dec wedding!!!! I don't wan't my wedding day to be anything like this thank you for posting this or I never would have know....Now I just have to get out of this and find a good photographer minus our 500.00 deposit (crap!!) Oh that sucks.. But the good thing is that you didn't put down a huge deposit and you should still have time to hire a good photographer.
  3. WOW, what a horrible experience, I' am so sorry. Did you at least get some photos that you like?
  4. TammyB


    Hi Lauren and welcome to the forum. We have a ton of information on Mexico weddings here, so sit back, grab a snack and start reading. :-) Let us know if you have any specific questions and congrats on your upcoming wedding.
  5. Got your PM.. :-) I seen his work before, those are good inspiration photos to go off of.
  6. I missed this thread, until now. But I'm so happy to find out you had a happy ending.
  7. I would suggest research some poses to get an idea of what style she is looking for. Also, location for the shoot can really set the tone of your photos. Good luck.. :-)
  8. TammyB


    Welcome to the forum Elizabeth, we have many brides on here that choose Cancun for their wedding. Best of luck to you and congrats on your recent engagement.
  9. Welcome to the forum and congrats on your engagement. I think you'll love it here, we have so many ladies that are getting married in the DR that should help in your planning process. Let us know if you have any questions.
  10. Welcome to the forum, I think it's great that your a MOH and really want to help out your friend plan her wedding. :-)
  11. Hi Jessica and welcome to the forum. DR is a great location for a wedding, and we have many brides on the forum that have chosen is as their location, so you should be able to find some helpful threads that will in your planning process. Best of luck and congrats.
  12. Welcome to the forum and congrats on your engagement. Honestly their are sooo many beautiful locations for a wedding, and you came to the right place, the forum has pictures, reviews and all sorts of stuff that will assist in your planning process. Best of luck.
  13. Yikes, hopefully Claudia is free for your wedding on such a short notice. I'm sure she will respond to you via the message from her website, since those usually go directly to her business email account. Best of luck and congrats on your fast approaching wedding. :-)
  14. I can't believe your day is already here. Congrats and you know we expect to see pictures really soon. Like still on your honeymoon soon.. :-) Congrats to you and Martin..
  15. TammyB

    Ally O

    Hi Ally, welcome to the forum and congrats on your engagement. I think you'll find that the members on here are not only helpful but are also awesome people. Happy planning.
  16. Congrats, and welcome back. I can't wait to see pics.
  17. TammyB

    Punta Cana...

    Congrats and welcome to the forum. We have so many Punta Cana brides on the forum, that I'm sure it will make your planning process, easier. Best of luck to you and your FI.
  18. TammyB


    Welcome to the forum and congrats on your engagement. This forum started out as a cabo forum so you should be able to find a ton of information on here that will help in your planning process. Best of luck
  19. Welcome to the forum and congrats on your upcoming wedding
  20. Tina, you look so beautiful. Congrats to you and your hubby, and have a great honeymoon. I can't wait to see more pics.
  21. I think that price is in line, in fact some photographers charge much more. I'm actually surprised he offered you unedited photos at a different rate, but in all honesty, unless you know a great deal about editing, I would pay to have the edited version as they are usually airbrused and has other post processing done to them. I would also like to say, that Boudior is probably the one area that I can say take me MUCH longer to edit. For example, during a wedding you can do a batch edit on photos, but with Boudior, I find that I want to look at every photo and make sure they are "just right" So for the $$ he quoted you, I think it's a very reasonable price.
  22. We do have some other girls in MI, Sarah one of our other mods, is also from Michigan (Lansing area) And a couple brides.
  23. If you like Trek (great Mountain bikes BTW) then Just go to the Trek store, tell them how often you plan on riding, if you will be riding trails and at what level of experience you have and they will guide you into buying hte right bike for you. IMO, I would get a full suspension, it's more money but worth it. I used to mountain bike all the time, now we only get out a few times a year, and we have trails right behind our home.
  24. TammyB


    Welcome to the forum, we have a wealth of information here that should make your planning process, much easier. Best of luck and congrats on your engagement
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