I' am in rescue, I have had over 35 dogs in my home (not including our own) of many different ages and genders. The majority of the time the dogs aren't fixed so we have the same issues as you do. The good think is that my husband is a certified dog trainer, however he tends to be tired after his normal job to train. (go figure huh)
My point is that you really have to be take a few steps back and start from square one again. Trust me there are days I want to scream with whatever issue our new foster dog may have. I would suggest this:
First thing in the morning, take her out to pee and poo, spend 5 minutes out there, if she won't go, put her back in her crate while you take out the other dog. after about 15 minutes take her out again, and reward her with a yummy treat when she does poo outside, make it a HUGE deal, praise her like crazy. IF you don't catch her pooing in the house, sorry to say but she won't know why you are mad at her and it will only confuse her more. When you are home and she is out of her crate and you know it's around the time she has to go, keep her leashed to you, so that you know what she is doing at all times, and when she starts to go, pick her up and make her finish outside.
English bulldogs are very stubborn, and really needs consistancy in order to curb any bad behavior. Good luck and if you ever need training advise, I'll try to help.