ROFL, what do you mean Sara I can't have it my way? lol
I'm a total perfectionist, and extremly anal. So if something is moved, even just an inch I know about it and ask "why did you move that". LOL Thank God Cain loves me still.. But with that said he does 99% of the cooking, and I clean the dishes, we both do stuff around the house, the one thing I won't do is clean the shower, so he does that, and he hates doing lundry so I take cere of that. Like everyone said, just take things slow and talk over your issues early. OH and one more thing, if our a clean freak and he sits an empty glass on the table and leaves it there and you always go behind him and pick it up, you are creating a lazy person, he will eventually get in the habit of knowing he doesn't need to do anything because you'll end up doing it. That's what happend in my first marriage and he became SO lazy..