OMG you guys,,, I have such white trash parents.. (I know that sounds mean but it's true.
So long story short my parents are dirt poor, they live off food stamps (this is all their own doing though, my Dad has bad depression issues so he can't work and my mom is educated but quit work because of being diabetic) well I guess a couple of months ago the state was running behind by 3 months in processing food stamps so they called chanel 7 (Bill spencer for you local MI people) and told them what was going on. Well I guess chanel 7 helped them get their food stamps.. Well fast forward to yesterday, Bill Spencer called them and wanted to do a piece about them and the state because they are still really behind. So he just left my parents apartment after being there for two hours. I guess he pulled out their wedding album, emptied their food from their pantry and made them make a meal together.
So for all you MI folks, if you want to see what my hill billy parents look like the piece will air tomorrow at 5pm... Sooooo embarassing...