Well yesterday I had an ultra sound and they seen 9 mature follies, since their were so many (ranging from 18-32) they didn't recommend we TTC this cycle. I guess they fear with so many follies that I would end up pregnant with 8 babies. They did say that all the follies look good and don't show any signs of dying off, she said they are "very pretty looking". I was bummed to say the least that they didn't want me to TTC this cycle because it's now 10 cycles that we have been trying and I'm really hoping for a 2008 baby.
After talking to DH about all of this, we decided to try anyways. I have done my normal, crazy research on the web and realized I have a better chance at winning the lotto then I do of having even triplets, so we BD last night and will again tonight.
I think I may have surged this morning, my temp jumped to 98.36, but I did only have 4 hours of sleep so I'm not sure if that effected my temps.
On a side note, today I would have been 11 weeks along if I didn't have my miscarriage.. It's sad when I think about it and I often wonder what I would be feeling at that time. :-( Hopefully soon I will know what it feels like..