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Everything posted by BEACHBRIDEMA

  1. I am really let into this conversation, but those are really cute. Much more practical them spending a ton a place card holders Sarah
  2. I booked a year in advance. My adice is to call them, things move much faster that way. You have to go online and make your reservation and then you get a confirmation #.This can sometimes take forever. If you are thinking of using an outside photographer (I am using Juan Carlos) book them as soon as you have your date. They usually book fast. The most imporant thing is to book your date and location at the resort and photographer, the rest you can take your time with! Sarah
  3. Has anyone ever tryed Tubo Jam workout videos? I have seen the comercials and they look good. They are on sale at costco right now Sarh
  4. That sounds like a great idea Jessalyn. I am sure it will be alot of fun. I wish we had a kitchen in our room we would totally do that! Sarah
  5. I am no help, but wanted to welcome you! I am sure you will find lots of great info to ease your mind Sarah
  6. I agree with what everyone else has said. I think a welcome dinner is nice, but not at all required. I am not doing one b/c its not in our bugdet. I think a cocktail and apetizers would be a great idea. It would be alot cheaper too. I think I am just going to try and have everyone meet up at a restaurant and I know we cant all site together but hopfully we can a sit close to each other. Maybe talk to your WC and see if she can block off an area for you, thats what I am going to do Sarah


    Welcome! Best of luck, cant wait to see the ring when you get it! Sarah
  8. Great Job Melissa, it looks amazing! I love the cystals Cant wait to see it with your dress! Sarah
  9. Welcome May, you have come to the right place! Best of luck with the planning! Sarah
  10. I bought those Fat Free pringles and they made me so sick! My poo had like oil blotches in it! It was so gross. I am sure they cant be good for you Sarah
  11. Welcome, best of luck with the planning Sarah
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride FH and I are trying to select a date, and we've narrowed it down to three - which are all in different months. The flights look like (but nothing is finalized) they will be on the Saturdays. My question is this: What day of the week/day # did you decide to have the wedding? I like the idea of having the week lead up to the wedding on the second to last day (or last day), but one of the options is also the middle day that we'll be there. Is getting married in the middle of the trip anticlimactic for the guests? Did anyone else fuss over this (what I thought was a) insignificant detail?! I'm curious to know what everyone decided and why... Just something to be aware of in Mexico you must be there 3 full days (weekends do not count) before you can be legally married. I am not sure if you are having a legal ceremomy or not. We arrive on Saturday and get married on the Friday. The guests leave the next day. We dont have flight times yet but I hope its not an early flight, I am sure it will be a late night Sarah
  13. Welcome, Best of luck with the planning! Sarah
  14. Welcome! Wow your wedding is going to be beautiful! Sarah
  15. Welcome There are a couple of DR brides here. Hope you find what you are looking for! Sarah
  16. Welome, best of luck with the planning! Sarah
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL Here are some cute dresses I'm looking at too (the first one looks alot like KarlaV's) I love the first one, very Los Cabos looking! Sarah
  18. Welcome, it sounds like you have a lot done already! I am having Juan as my photographer aswell! Best of luck Sarah
  19. Thanks Jules Anything with checklists is great. I feel so unorganized and am afraid I am going to forget something really important Sarah
  20. We are having ours at 4pm, that way it gives us 2 hrs for photos Sarah
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr OMG!!! You girls look amazing. Ann, those are awesome legs. Sarah, what are you talking about with your complaints of being with the skinny girls, you look unbelievable, seriously. Lenita, you are one hot lady. Seriously, you girls look great. Leigh, when will you be in Toronto. I know I can get some of my friends together to do this, they would love it. I totally want to do this now. Jules I am in!!! Keep me posted Sarah
  22. Welcome! Hope you find so useful info here! Sarah
  23. Hm, its totally up to you. Definatly for you AHR, but he might be kind of hot in mexico. I just keep thinking what if its windy on your wedding day!!!! LOL Sarah
  24. Welcome! Best of luck with the planning! Sarah
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