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Everything posted by MERRYME

  1. I love the sating and yes, definitely splurge on real flowers. Big lilies aren't that expensive and the smell is incredible! Great Job! Now can you explain to us how you did it? Or better yet.. would you consider selling after you use? I would be very interested!
  2. No seating chart! I love the idea. My mom has been on my case about this for months and I really want a Fun wedding. I'm from New York and if I wanted a fancy high end seated reception I would have chozen to do it at the Plaza NOT Mexico. I will definitely NOT be doing a seating chart. One less thing to worry about and I think it will make everyone more comfortable to be able to sit with whom ever you want. I'm also doing a HUGE seafood/mexican food buffet and I really like it that my guests will be able to eat and DRINK as much or as lttle as they want. The name of the game here is FUN, FUN, FUN!
  3. I thought this might be interesting. http://www.virtualvallarta.com/valla...lweddings.html
  4. How were you able to talk them into accepting your blood work from stateside?
  5. I'm buying canddles in glass vases in different shapes and sizes. I saw the samples my coordinator had and they are great. One was long (about 12 inches high and maybe about 3 inches in diameter. These would be cool alternative to the tiki torches. Maybe lining the path with petals? You could even line them on the outside with a colored tissue paper to add a punch of color. I think I was quoted $1.50 each. I would think you could buy them at any of the big grocery stores in Cabo. LEY, CCC or Mega
  6. I know, I know... we are part of the team that makes this company what it is!
  7. The problem is when most days are boring!
  8. I love the Arcade games! My boss is going to have a fit because I'm never going to get anything done. I just get obsessed with them!
  9. this might be cheesy... but Costco and City Club (Sam's Mexico) has cupcakes that are pretty good. You could decorte them your selves?
  10. OK I will. I'm starting on the list of clues with my coordinators help and maybe you all can help... My FI reaally liked the idea of a bottle of tequila as teh prize! Wonder why?
  11. I'm so sorry, but please make the best of it. I know it is important for your family to be there BUT the fact of the matter is that you are forming a NEW family and that is what is more important. It is your wedding and the beggining of a new life. Don't let someone elses baggage affect you.
  12. ok it sounds like everyone likes the idea. I'm going to go for it. I will get working on it and post everything. If anyone else want to use they can
  13. I liked both of these and they are both 100 for under $120 with the Costco discount http://pal.einvite.com/product/Weddi...&vk=2099864917 http://pal.einvite.com/product/Weddi...&vk=2099864917
  14. If yu are a member of Costco they have nice cards. They even have really nice invitations.
  15. My coordinator suggesteed this ... is anyone else doing something like this? I though it might be a fun idea. Maybe with a prize for the winning team? I thought maybe of printing up in sepia a map of the Baja and burning the edgess so it looks like an old treasure map and print the clues and rules on the back? What do you all think? Is this too cheesy?
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