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Everything posted by MERRYME

  1. I'm doing deep red with chocolate brown and lime green accents.
  2. We are thinking of having a first anniversay party and I mean party. I just don't want a whole huge formal affair ... that was the whole reason to do a DW.
  3. Most vendors will NOTgive you a quote so far in advance- they CAN give you an estimate.. You have to remember that after Dec 1st- new president takes office and after the first of the year prices ALWAYS go up. Most people will not know how that will affect them until after Jan 15th.
  4. OK to call a cell phone add a one after dialing the country code (52- mexico) 011 52 1 624 etc...
  5. EXEPT if it is a cell phone number that you are calling!! For some reason the way you dial a cell phone has changed. My coordinator is getting the info for me..I will post as soon as I get it.
  6. LOve this idea!! It might be worth it to transport back and forth.
  7. You really can't call it a resort- They only have 7 rooms and a beachside villa (gorgeous by the way!) But it is very tropical and lush and still close to the beach for my dream beach wedding. One thing I really liked is that it is isolated so you get tons of privacy. VERY IMPORTANT to my family.
  8. I'm sorry I think you missunderstood. we are not having a catholic wedding. we will be exchanging vows and doing a civil ceremony on the beach followed by the "blessing". I think this will make veryone (grandma) feel like it is a little more meaningful.
  9. very cute things- Love the fans they can go in my oot bags.
  10. I didn't use a template I just cut out petals (rectangles with rounded edges). At first I was doing each petal but then I started to do strips of petals and attaching several at a time. I just took a strip (depending on size of petal needed about 1" up to 2.5") of tissue paper and then flolded the strip until I had a small quare- snipped half way down on the ends (folds) and rounded the top. when you unfold you should have a long strip of petals. You can cut in smaller sections and attach with floral tape. It was some work but "good " stress relieving work that can be done while watching favorite TV show. And they weigh next to nothing. I was planning on packing in a large hatbox or even a large tupperware container or cooler and checking it in on the flight. The nice thing about the tissue paper is that it is pretty easy to fluff up if they get squished. It is a project in the making and probably the end produc won't look anything like this first attempt.
  11. We are having the ceremony before the blessing so it will feel like he is blessing the union. I think it is a great compromise.
  12. Our pastor in NY will be coming with us and he will be doing a special blessing on the beach... not a wedding ceremony but just enough to make my grandma happy! It helped that he is very good friends with my grandma. We are paying for his travel expenses.
  13. These guys are supposed to be very, very good. I will be using them I think! I am trying to find email on costs. The costs given to me are more expensive as they have to travel to Todos Santos one hour from Cabo. www.loscabosguide.com/mariachi/index.html
  14. I didn't even think about putting something next to them. I will take another picture tomorrow so you can see. It was fun making them.
  15. yes. Alegria Inn www.alegriainn.net It is in Todos Santos one hour north of Cabo. What I liked about it is that basically you can take over the whole town. The inn will be the venue for the reception and all the bridal party will stay there. We are having a spa day just for the girls the day before the wedding (nails, toes, massage & hair with margaritas by the pool) and the guys are going to Cabo to either play golf or go fishing. I love that it is so private and lush and green- tropical and.. we will be able to have the beach ceremony . The beach is only 5 minute walk. We may even see whales during the ceremony. I am told that they usually come to that particular beach at sunset!
  16. This is where I'm getting married in Todos Santos.
  17. OK I couldn't wait....I saw some tissue paper in my grocery store and had to buy some. They didn't have a wide variety of colors but here is what I was able to do on my first try. I was going for a "peony" look. The first flower took me 2 hours because I got the bright idea that each petal had to be attached individually! After that one I was able to do 3 in about 1 hour. I think with thi spractice definitely makes perfect> I also think that using several shades of the same color will make for a more "realistic" look. Let me know what you think!
  18. Great job!! I was thinking the same thing about using 4 frames.. I thought it would look a little off with just three.
  19. I love this idea. Just rent the white under cloth and bring a big roll of wrapping paper with you on the plane! http://www.marthastewart.com/page.jh...rsc=wedcontent
  20. Love all of those. and I really love the giant magnolia the Knottie bride was carrying! Maybe after you try out the kit you can post the template? for other brides?
  21. Photo shop will change the pictures really easily to sepia color. Also if you have a digital camera (any of them) the program them come with all have the capability of doing changing to sepia. I have a HP and a Kodak both programs can do it. Also if you have a MAC Iphoto does it too. If you take your pictures to a Costco to scan they can also scan them in sepia for you.
  22. I think CUTE especially as it is in Mexico. The bright colors really look fabulous with the brides maid dresses.
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