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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Thanks for confirming my suspicions Karla! I have a myriad of problems on this topic:


    -Half of my family doesn't get the whole using the computer for anthing other than emailing stupid jokes thing.


    -2 of my best friends are having babies next month, and although they both said they would come, neither of them have decided whether their hubbys will come or stay home w/the new babies.


    -My FI's family thinks RSVP's are unnecessary - they are Hispanic & apparently expect everybody & their inlaws to show up for their events, so why shouldn't I. BangHead.gif


    -And, last but not least, I just found out that a few of my girlfriends from the pre-engagement days are seriously planning on just showing up (they have not been invited.) I don't even want to get into that right now.


    However, I've invited 45 ppl total, and am confident that at least 30 of them will show up, so I'm basing all of my figures on 40. It should be fine, but GAWD, what's up with people??

  2. So, I sent out STD's 9 months in advance of our wedding. On the STD's I printed out wedding website where I have onlinve RSVP-ing enabled. I was hoping I'd get some idea through that function (or people just calling me) to figure out how many we will have. Well, my friends all let me know, but my damn family for the most part hasn't even bothered to call & say "yes, we'll come" or "we won't be able to make it." It almost makes me wonder whether they received the STD's...they did. So, I plan to make my RSVP by date 8 weeks prior to our wedding date. I pray that my 35-40 # I've been estimating everything on is at least close to right.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
    jackie - how much do the speakers cost? i can't imagine they'd be as expensive as renting them! It's ridiculous. may esaid the price is:

    $150/ hour for system
    $75 for microphone (I htnk this is flat but I'm not entirely sure)
    $60 technician to set it up (again i hoe this is for the night and not per hour!)
    5 hours = $885 for the night

    A DJ is quoted by maye as $215/ hour so 5 hours =$1075

    So for an extra $190 I guess we coul dhave someone sitting there running our iPod instead...

    Christa - do you think the speakers are loud enough to compete over the surf? I'm just nervous the music will be lost in the air if we don't get a big sound system. BUT it sounds like it was verysuccessful at your party!

    Toes wink.gif - I can't wait to hear if it works at your dad's 60th! Are you having an outdoor party?
    Maybe you should take a field trip to an electronics store & try one of the ipod speakers out for yourself. The one I have is just as awesome in terms of sound & volume as a Bose Wave (if you've ever heard one of those). They retail for approx $160-180, so it would definitely be worth finding out for yourself if it's loud enough, you could end up saving a lot of $$ on sound system rentals.
  4. OK girls, while I haven't actually done this for our wedding yet, I have put playlists together for parties at our house (and others) and been very successful with creating a seamless, all night mix of music. We have a Lansing speaker box for our ipod, it's portable & we plan on bringing it with us to Cabo. The last party we had was outside in our back yard and we actually had to turn the volume DOWN because it was too loud for conversation!


    So, I would advise you to do this if you or your FI are ipod/itunes literate and own a speaker box. You can design play lists for each phase of your event - cocktail hour, dinner, dancing - whatever you want. You can also easily hook your ipod to a house sound system, but from what I've heard the rental rates for these arrangements have been outrageous!

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JANET1111 View Post
    But based on your very strong recommendations, I promise to re-think this... I don't know why I am so hesitant? I think I just want to minimize the "extra stuff to do".
    I so totally hear you Janet! That was my thinking as well, but then I realized that we were bringing together two very culturally different groups of people that don't know eachother & it just makes more sense. Of course, I haven't actually DONE it yet!

    Trust your instincts. If you dont think it will be a problem, then don't do it!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JANET1111 View Post
    So....I may be making a big mistake, but I am leaning against doing a seating chart. I'm just not sure all the hassle is worth it. I only have 55 people, don't you think people can arrange themselves however they want? I plan to have seven tables of 8 each. We might reserve one table for us and our wedding party. Then have a table for each family. But basically let everyone sort themselves out. What do you gals think -- smart or stupid??
    You know Janet, I toyed with this idea as well. However, I have decided to do a seating chart (even though we only have ~40 guests) for many of the reasons cited already. Mostly, I want everybody to feel comfortable & not have to worry about where to sit - especially since our families don't know eachother. I'd like to group people w/others I think they would be comfortable with, as well as sparking some great conversation! I certainly don't want any of my guests to feel left out.

    I think in the long run you're event will go more smoothly if you put a little effort into this one...sorry :)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NABUMBAH View Post
    sorry for screwing you up, Christa. DST changes this year. It's usually later, hence my confusion.

    Are you working with a coordinator that you can ask? Because I want to believe Rosy, really I do... but I am still feeling hesitant.
    I'll email my coordinator & see if I can add some more confusion to this thread!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NABUMBAH View Post
    here is some info for you Sarah

    this is what DST used to be....

    but now.....
    OK, as if we need something else to worry about! I remember hearing about this DST experiment a long time ago, I guess it's really happening. Sooo, I'm still confused though. I assume Mexico (and the rest of the world) will continue to follow the old program? My head hurts.dizzy.gif
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NABUMBAH View Post
    duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.... here is another answer to this question -

    per my coordinator just a second ago:


    Sunrise: 7:20am
    Sunset: 7:32pm
    Moonrise: 11:39am
    Moonset: 12:56am

    When I asked her to confirm, this is what she sent:

    The time calendar I sent you already considers the day light saving time Those are local current times for those dates.

    Anything else let me know :)


    wtf? so after daylight saving it does not get dark until 8?
    F#@*! I researched this months ago and thought I had it all handled. Until we start looking at multiple sources. I don't get this discrepancy w/when DST starts...is this not a standardized world event?? Crap.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TAMMYM View Post
    Yeah it's so different in fresh water versus salt water. Cain learned to surf in CA if couple of years ago and taught me in fresh water. I can't wait to do salt water surfing, I bet it's easier. The waves here are only good when a storm is about to roll in. Sad huh... lol
    Wow, what a trip! You will love surfing in Cabo then - warm salty water! Definitely makes you more bouyant.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MARIAELM View Post
    Surprise, surprise! I've started a spreadsheet on this. There are 2 tabs - one for wedding items to bring and the other for general packing. I'd love more helpful tips since I need to start packing next week!
    MM - you are so on top of it! This is the kind of thing I would probably do in the month preceeding my departure. I am very spreadsheet oriented. You are my kinda gal msnwink.gif
  12. OK, now I'm confused. Here's my understanding (as a March bride) --> DST begins March 11, 2007. Sunset for my date 3/17 is 7:29 pm. Sunset is 7:32 the following Sat 3/24.


    Until I read this...

    Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.
    Mexico uses three time zones. Most of the country uses Central Standard Time. The Mexico states of

    Chihuahua, Nayarit, Sonora, Sinaloa and Baja California Sur use Mountain Standard Time and Baja California Norte uses Pacific Standard Time.


    Daylight Saving Time begins at 2:00 a.m. local time on the first Sunday in April. On the last Sunday in October areas on Daylight Saving Time fall back to Standard Time at 2:00 a.m. The names in each time zone change along with Daylight Saving Time. Central Standard Time (CST) becomes Central Daylight Time (CDT), and so forth. The state of Sonora does not observe Daylight Saving Time.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by host View Post
    Todays Big Winners!!

    Daily Lottery: Kristina (sparklz224) won 1,304 pts

    Weekly winner: Sarah (aqharider) won 12,628 pts.

    Yay to both of them!! grouphug.gif
    Wow Sarah, you are becoming a very rich lady. I expect a round of drinks sometime woot2.gif
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