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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NABUMBAH View Post
    Karla - no that wasn't directed at you.

    Christa - I got the same answer as you did from my planner. I am going to email the Mexican Consulate or somethiing. this is frusterating !
    Yeah, this is like freaking brain surgery! I have a feeling this will all become much clearer as we approach DST because it will be a major topic of discussion in the news I'm guessing...unfortunately for you & me that may not be soon enough.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TAMMYM View Post
    No we can't have chairs on Pedregal beach, however they will allow an arch or canopy and I know I seen a wedding on Pedregal that had a table on the beach so it has to be allowed, and it has to be cheaper then renting a canopy for $450.00 for a ceremony that lasts 15 minutes, that just seems crazy to me.

    So all the creative girls on the board, what would you recommend, do you think I should do something, or just leave it to it's natural beauty. I thinking about doing rose pedals but again, to lead where.

    BTW in case your wondering, yes I'm super anal and I have to plan every little detail and play it back in my head fifty times.. lol
    Seriously speaking Tammy...I think it would be nice for you to have a table for signing/fingerprinting etc; as well as any other ideas you have (guest book, pictures, flowers, etc). Are you planning a sand ceremony or something similar? If so, I would definitely go for a table draped simply. If not, then I wouldn't worry about it.

    Regarding the canopy situation, there are some crafty people that have actually made their own & brought with them to their DW wedding. I started to look into that but it just seemed like too much for me. Let me take a look & see if I saved any resources for that.

    And then on the rose petal idea, it might be cool to do a "circle of love" with the petals. You & Cain would stand inside the circle of petals during your ceremony. I've seen this done at beach weddings & thought it was a nice feature. That way you don't have to worry about where the trail of petals needs to go, cuz it will just wrap right around you two little love birds!bunny.gif
  3. Hey Tammy,


    So I think this would be a great question for your coordinator...I know, I know, she's not the best, but maybe after you "slap her around" ??


    Anyway, another idea if you don't want to rent a table due to high cost, you could always find something at Costco while you are down there. Or, dare I suggest...smuggle a table from the room you are staying in worried2.gif.


    Am I remembering that you are not allowed to have chairs on Pedregal beach? If so, I'm thinking maybe you can't have a table. Better talk to your Coordinator...

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KARLA View Post
    I hope that was not a question for me! I have no clue... Do you have a wedding planner? If not, do we need to find this all out for you guys?

    I think at this point we have now come full circle from where this thread started! dizzy.gif The big question really is - "will Mexico follow suite when the US leaps forward early next year?" See the response I got from Maye above. I'm planning on sunset being around 7:30 pm for March.
  5. Welcome Jes!


    Personally, I would avoid trying to arrange travel packages for your whole group thru Expedia or Orbitz. The reason I say this is that generally any travel arrangements made through these sites are very restrictive - so if people need to alter their plans after travel has been booked, they will not have much luck doing so without stiff penalties. My 2 cents :)

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TAMMYM View Post
    OH CRAP.. I just went to weather dot com and it said the sunset time for June 5th 2007 is 7:03... My ceremony is at 6:30, Juan told me it should be around 8:00.... Is this right?

    OK, if we think about this logically (and without emotion mad2.gif )...the days get longer as summer progresses...so it would make sense that your sunset would be around 8pm.
  7. Hello Marie! Wow, so is my interpretation of your post correct - you currently do not have a location for you 12/30/06 wedding?? You are brave!


    Definitely do a search on WIP, I remember there being some problems with them. I'll see if I can find the thread & post back here for you.



  8. Thanks Karla! Just what I needed! Crap. See, no, I'm not used to it because we don't spend a lot of time w/his family. We only see them when we travel to Arizona, so it's generally on their terms. Earlier this year one of his older sisters & her hubby renewed their vows (very sweet), but come to think of it the whole church ceremony started like an hour late! But the good part is that they had one hell of a party afterwards, and got up early the next day to make menudo for all of us!


    I do worry about uninvited people showing up though. We only invited so many people for various reasons, budget being one of them! Actually another one of his sisters rsvp'd on our site & put in that there would be 3 in their party...ummm, does that mean I have to pay for their 5 year old to sit with them? Not something I am excited about dealing with, but I would prefer not to pay $128 for a little girl to not eat any of the food!


    Aye, aye, aye!~

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