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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by akh View Post
    I think I got tears in my eyes just thinking of this idea!

    Though I'd do it a little differently since my parents are divorced. Instead of having my dad give the flowers to my mom, I think I would want to do that myself.

    But wow - great idea, I may use it!
    Oh yeah, me too. I would present my mother with her flower directly. I may actually have her walk with me down the aisle since I don't have a daddy msncry.gif
  2. I just saw this on superweddings.com & thought it was the most touching thing:


    Click the image to open in full size. Unique Wedding Idea: Every bride is looking for unqiue ideas and special ways to make her wedding more meaningful. Here is a wonderful and very touching idea to honor the two mothers at the wedding ceremony. But be certain to have lots of hankies on hand because this is guaranteed to tear up the eyes of everyone present...

    Ask your floral designer to design two detachable floral sprays into your bouquet. After your father walks you down the aisle, just before he turns to leave you and take his seat, remove one of the special flowers from your bouquet. Hand it to him and give him a kiss. Let him know in advance that this will take place and tell him that as he takes his seat in the pew with your mother, he is to present the flower to her on your behalf.

    Then at the conclusion of the ceremony, as you begin to make your way back up the aisle as husband and wife, stop at the pew where your mother-in-law is seated. Remove the second special flower from your bouquet and present it to her, along with a kiss, before continuing up the aisle.

    Don't tell the moms in advance that this will be taking place! It is the element of surprise which helps to make this so very sweet and special. There will not be a dry eye in the room...

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NATASHA View Post
    ACK! A ton of our school districts and a few cities that use our product (emergency notification service) are surrounded by fires!

    This is when I'm supposed to be helping them with PR! I have a great PR team backing me, but I'm the company spokesperson and our CEO, well, it's not his strength. Darn fire season!
    This is where you find out if you can truly let go & enjoy this wedding you've been planning for so long. YOU CAN DO IT! Your team is there to back you up. You made these very important plans long ago & I'm sure nobody expects you to do anything more than go get married & have a great time!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Natalie M View Post
    my FI got the same ring as april's husband. http://www.trewtungsten.com/collection.html

    There are a couple things about tungsten rings if you didn't already know this. First since it is the strongest metal out there, if you get hurt with the ring on THEY CAN NOT CUT IT OFF! IT would be stuck on there forever or you have to cut off the finger! That is really scary to me! But the lady also told me that her husband got his hand caught in a electric saw and the ring saved his finger! i guess it hit the ring instead of the finger! oh and there wasn't a scratch on the ring! Crazy!
    Natalie, I don't believe that is true. I researched this before, and thought this might put your mind at ease (source e-weddingbands.com)
    Can a Tungsten ring be cut off?
    Can a Tungsten ring be cut off?
    Yes! Please be aware that in any situation where there might be a medical necessity to cut off or remove a tungsten ring--for instance excessive weight gain, hand injury, etc.,--removing a tungsten ring doesnâ€t pose much more of a challenge than cutting through a gold or platinum wedding band. In our own jewelry shop, as in many other jewelry shops, we have a cutting tool designed for cutting titanium and tungsten wedding bands. In addition, tungsten bands can be fractured into pieces using vise-grip pliers. When we contacted our local hospital emergency room and asked if they were equipped to remove tungsten wedding bands in an emergency, they told us that most hospital emergency rooms are prepared to handle almost anything, and assured us that it would be no problem for them.
    During our 30 years of jewelry repair experience, we've only seen a dozen or so rings that have been cut off in hospital emergency rooms, and in most of those cases the rings had been bent out-of-round and were putting painful pressure on the finger. Tungsten rings will not crush or bend out-of-round, so if you shut your hand in a car door or drop a heavy object on it, a tungsten wedding band is likely to fracture into several pieces and fall off your finger freely. You might be safer wearing a tungsten ring than a precious metal band! Nonetheless, check with your local jeweler or medical facility if you have concerns.
  5. Natalie - I ordered my dress in early July for my mid-March wedding because the salon people told me it could take 4-6 months for my dress to be made & received. Well, my dress came in mid-August! I think if you are planning for a June wedding you should definitely start looking now and order by mid-January to have time for alterations &such.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by host View Post
    where'd you get that? this guy who was the bar back made it from scratch with some beans and rice and he made strawberry aqua fresca for us and we were in heaven.
    In the Mexican food aisle at the grocery store. Or, maybe it's the ethnic food aisle or something PC like that smile120.gif
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NABUMBAH View Post
    Sorry, I was editing down the GINORMOUS phots... they should be fixed now!

    I agree that #1 is a little busy. That's probably my least favorite, although when I sent them to Chris he said he liked it the best because they spelled his name right - HAHA.

    My colors are shades of blue and green, a la this photo (I'm going to recreate this for my wedding)

    Click the image to open in full size.

    and thanks Sarah for the compliment on the frond. I also used it on my STD... I figure it'll kind of tie this stuff together.
    TASHA!! This is scary. I have that exact same pic in my "ideas" file - it's from Brides.com I'm pretty sure.
  8. Tasha - first off, we are sharing a very similar color scheme, so I'm excited to see your ideas! I voted for #1, but I like both 1 & 2. I think MM may be on to something w/#1 being a little busy, but I really like the overall theme of it.


    I need to get going on this item too...you're ahead of me dammit! I just entered the phase where I am looking to mocking my own thing up.

  9. MMMMMM, yummy! I love chicken in mole sauce. I've made it before using something like this Click the image to open in full size.


    I remember a family friend making it from scratch one time...it was pretty labor intensive, but sooo good. It has chiles, cocoa, and of all things peanut butter in it as I recall.

  10. Natalie,


    This is what I got via email from Lunas de Fuego in late June:







  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TOESNTHESND View Post
    Does anyone have current info on the firedancers? I made the mistake of showing my FI some pics of them and now he wants to get them! I told them I think its like $1500. but he really wants them. What a brat!
    Natalie - I have a quote from Lunas del Fuego on my work computer. I'll dig it up & post for you tomorrow.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TOESNTHESND View Post
    Christina the dress looks great on you! Where did you get it? Kash, I am not going dress shopping in Feb. but I am thinking v-neck as well. I think that shape will look better on my not so slim figure.
    Thanks! I ordered it thru Trudy's Brides at the Pruneyard in Campbell. I did a lot of online browsing prior to trying anything on, and this was the one I fell in love with. However, I knew I shouldn't be tied to it because it may not have looked good on. Well, Trudy's was one of the few salons that carry Alfred Sung, so I went there. I tired this one on as well as about 5 or 6 others, including a few Pronovias. This one just made me feel super. And I love the color - its more of a warm champagne color. I learned white white looks HORENDOUS on me!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KELLID View Post
    MY FI and I ate at Baja Cantina when we were on our site visit in August. We were happy with our meals although their regular menu was quite different than their catering menu. You will be very happy with the location. Its the nicest looking restuarant on the Medano beach and the furniture and unbrellas are not dingy and old looking like some of the other restaurants. We are going to have our RD there also.
    Great to hear Kelli! Thanks for the post.
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