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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SASSYGIRL View Post
    Welcome to the dark side! HeHe!

    My FI calls it a "crap store" rather than a CRAFT store but I have made some pretty cool things! I can't wait to see how these turn out! I was thinking it might be cute to use really small bags and put your monogram on them or something cute - that way you could use lots of them and they wouldn't take up the entire table!

    Get to crafting and we will wait to see how you do!
    I think smaller would definitely be better for table top usage.

    Yeah, my first attempt looks pretty sucky in pictures. We're going to light them tonight & see how they look. I think the ones we'll do for the wedding will be more interesting because the vellum will be light blue (I used cream for this trial) and we will use more vibrant colors. Also, I think it would be cool to cut out the starfish in the middle of our logo. I don't know? At least I had the moxy to actually post my first try. It wasn't easy, but I thought it would be beneficial.
  2. OK, so I decided to make luminarias for Thanksgiving as my trial run. I've learned a few things:


    1. My printer does not like vellum & is in need of a new color cartridge.

    2. Getting stuff centered properly in word is a challenge

    3. Spray adhsive really is sticky!

    4. It's good to just mess around no matter how lame you think your first crafting attempt is.

    5. Definitely invest in a paper cutter if you plan to do anything like this.


    I glued some ribbon to one of the trials just for fun...


    Click the image to open in full size.

  3. OK ladies I just got home from michaels where i spent about an hour being completely overwhelmed! I picked up some light blue velum, some cream colored velum, a few white bags, spray adhesive & a Fiskars paper trimmer. I plan to give this project a try tomorrow (FI made early dinner plans I just found out about). After being initially overwhelmed in the store, I found it to be a very inspiring place. Yes, this was my first time in a craft store. I also bought a plain wreath, some pine cones & some gold ribbon & am half way to making cool wreath for our front door.


    What's wrong with me? LOL><

  4. Mkay you guys, I just have to say that I have NO IDEA how many people are coming to ours!! YOu guys do, and your wedding is months after mine! WAAAA!


    My MOH and a friend from college & her husband have made travel plans & lodging reservations & that's it! My own mother hasn't even booked her flight or her room yet. I actually sent an email out to all of our guests the other day explaining that I have to release our room block at the end of December & how I know it seems premature to make reservations, but it isn't really. And oh, by the way, please make sure you have a passport. I had my FI & MOH review it before I sent it to make sure I didn't sound desperate or pushy. I haven't heard back from anyone. WTF??

  5. Sarah - I've never been to a wedding w/o dancing. And I would guess that even if you planned not to have dancing, but had music, that people would start dancing anyway. I personally think you should have dancing! Don't you want to dance w/your new hubby on your wedding day? He doesn't have to do anything fancy, just hold you & sway, right?

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jennifer View Post
    For those going to Jamaica, if you have the chance to go to Dunn's River Falls go! It was awesome. It was a workout though. I found a couple of video clips...


    I have been to Jamaica 3 freaking times & never did this! How lame. I will be honest & say that each time it got nixed because either myself or my travel partner preferred to lay on our lazy asses on the beach & smoke our huge stash of jamaican ganja smile105.gif
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EDYTA View Post
    My wedding shoes are not at exciting and sexy like the rest of yours but here are 2 that I am considering....I have weird feet they are long and super skinny so I can't wear strappy sandels or anything where my foot will slide right through....so I always have to look for something either closed toes or partially closed. I found these 2 from J.Crew, my dress is made from silk and is more traitional than beachy just to give you an idea

    these ones I have a very similar pair from S. Weitzman and they are so comfy
    Click the image to open in full size.

    2nd choice
    Click the image to open in full size.
    Those are both very pretty Edyta. I totally have not done anything about shoes. I'm think I may do a pair of turquoise/aqua shoes though since that's my main wedding color - I think it would be fun.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NABUMBAH View Post
    I am hoping that votives with tealights will be okay for the tables. Also, Christa I was told that we should definitely do tiki torches on the beach. If you're interested in sharing the cost of those, let me know.
    What is your thought on that Tasha? Could tiki's be purchased in Cabo at Costco or something? I would definitely go in with you on that.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TAMMYM View Post
    Hmm,,, My mind is going a mile a minute right now. Does anyone happen to have a price sheet for them? We already booked our resort, so we won't be staying there.
    TammyM, I think you may be suffering from Wedding Planning Induced Attention Defecit Disorder (WPIADD). Step away from the computer....nice & easy....there you go. smile120.gif
  10. You will be fine Lala! You have 13 months before Dec 07. It's not a problem. We are getting married in March 07, and I didn't start even contemplating anything until late May 06. YOU CAN DO IT!


    How many guests do you plan on? Do you want a beach wedding? Church wedding? Terrace wedding? Do you think an all inclusive fits your style, or do you prefer a boutique hotel feel? If you can answer some of those questions, we can definitely help you narrow down your venue options.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NABUMBAH View Post
    very creative, Christa.

    does the CS have any restrictions on candles or anything? i didn't even check!
    Well sh*t Tasha, I don't know! Seriously, I don't think they do, because my preliminary planning with Maye includes candle stuff. I know she's worked w/Cabo Surf before, so I'm kind of assuming she would tell me if I couldn't have candles. Also, there is no mention in the "contract" I've signed, so I'm just going to proceed as I choose.smile72.gif So there!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jilly76 View Post
    that is a really cute idea, and I can picture it, but I have a dumb question, what the heck is vellum, sorry I'm not very crafty, actually this is the type of project I'd buy all the stuff for and never do , somedays I'm so ambitious, but those days are few and far between!
    No worries Jill! I didn't know what vellum was prior to planning a wedding. So, vellum is like the semi-transparent (or translucent) paper that you sometimes see as the top layer on various kinds of invitations. Here's an example:
    Click the image to open in full size.
  13. Hey girls,

    I mentioned this idea in another thread started by TammyM, so I wanted to post the instructions. The idea is, instead of tealights/votives on the table which might blow out, to use these luminarias that will be printed with our logo & possibly used as a place card for each guest (I would print their name on it). You could also use them as decor on walking paths or stairs or railings, really where every you might want some lovely warm glowing light. I got this idea from a knottie on the DW board some time ago. I cannot remember her knottie name (sorry).


    What you will need:


    Small paper bags


    Adhesive spray


    Tea lights/votives



    1. Print design on to vellum –


    Unfortunately, this is very time consuming

    because you have to enter each name

    and print them page by page. Iâ€m sure there

    Is some way around this using Word, but

    I couldnâ€t figure it out.(edit: I would create a mail merge document in word to allow continuous printing. Create a spreadsheet w/all guests names in excel, and then do a mail merge in word to pull the info into your template.)


    2. Cut vellum according to size of bags –


    I used a fiskars sliding paper cutter to do this. It was much more accurate than using scissor.


    3. Glue vellum to bags –


    I used a spray adhesive after trying a few different glues. It works the best because you donâ€t see globs and itâ€s very strong.


    4. Cut bags to desired height


    5. Use small amount of sand to anchor the luminaries and hold the tea light in place.

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