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Everything posted by A10CalGal

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM OMG I can't believe I won the weekly lotto... Christa,, you really did give me a good luck charm.. YEAH... Wow Tammy! I am so impressed - you da bomb!
  2. Super helful for me Janet. And, Tasha, thanks for posting all of those questions! All things that have been on my mind. You ladies are doing all my thinking for me!!
  3. Yet another great resource. Thanks to MM & Janet!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM I'd like to thank Christa for the good luck charm.. IT WORKED.. GIVE ME A HELL YEAH.. Well, yippidee yay, you won finally! YESSSSSS! YOu go girl, it's your birthday....woot woot
  5. What a great resource Janet! Thank you for posting that. You are a gem!
  6. A10CalGal


    JPKW - What's your first name? When do you plan to get married?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Alisarosenbaum Hi everyone! We leave next week for our one and only site visit, and want to do as much as we can. Right now, we are meeting with the 3 hotels and Maye's assistant Katya (Maye is out of town..has anyone worked with katya?). Should we meet with various other vendors (i.e. florists, cake, music, photo) or is that done over the phone? Has anyone gone down and met with a few photographers before choosing one? Thanks! I would say, if you can swing it meet with the vendors that you care about the most...perhaps photog & music? or baker? Maybe you can taste some cakes? Like Tammy said, don't book yourself so solid that you don't have time to actually ENJOY Cabo while you are there!
  8. OK, I've been meaning to post to this thread for DAYS now! Rafael & I met at work in 2004. I was actually on the panel that interviewed him to come work for the company. He came to work for us & we went to lunch one day to discuss a business issue. We ended up going to lunch once a week or so for about 6 months on a friendly basis. Finally in April of last year we went on our first official date on Easter since neither of us had plans. A lunch date turned into a dinner date and now here we are! He is the man that I've been waiting for and it was so reassuring to have him come into my life. He proposed to me this year in April. So I guess we've been together a year & a half.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ShannonBoat Thank you all for your words of encouragement!! I appreciate it! We are looking at having around 100 people and I was hoping to have the wedding at a smaller hotel so we could have the whole hotel. However, it appears most of these are being torn down or renovated right now... So now I am thinking about the Sheraton but they have told me that I can not stray from their menu... Tammy wold you mind sending me the information that you were given? Again - thankyou everyone! I look forward to learning more about all of you and your big days over the next few months! Best, Shannon Shannon, Based on what you say, you may want to look at the Cabo Surf Hotel. They are a small boutique hotel with 19 rooms of varying sizes. You could very easily fill the whole resort with your wedding party. Janet just got married there, so see her review.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by NHPT I know I have a long time until my June wedding- but i was wondering 1) when did you start (or plan on beginning) wedding dress alterations? 2) how many fittings did you have to have? 3) about how much did it cost? 4) any tips ? THANKS GIRLIES!!!!!!!!!! Great question! I've been thinking that I should contact a seamstress ASAP and get her opinion, and inquire as to her schedule. In general, I plan to start the alteration process mid-January for our mid-March wedding. I don't think there is much to do - bring in the bodice & make the bustle. But I certainly don't want to be stressing about getting my dress back in time -so many other things to worry about!
  11. OH my gosh! That is an amazing looking wedding! And what fun. I especially love her words of bridal wisdom toward the end...so true, and things I am learning myself in recent days. GREAT POST!
  12. Both Raina and Leigh also used Bradley. I'm excited to have him as our photog - he seems just like our kinda guy!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM HOLLY CRAP.. I just noticed how many points you and Sarah have now.. My God ladies you must be winning like crazy in the lotto.. lol Teee heee! I know, when I signed in the other day I was flabbergasted at how many points I had - I guess I won the weekly lotto jackpot. WOOHOO!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by cancunbride2be Hi Ladies! My FI and I need a little help!! We are worried about having a lot of guests deciding to stay off of the resort where the wedding will be (our guest list is ~80 people). There is an extra fee ($99 per person at Dreams Cancun) that we must pay for all off site guests to attend the wedding. That obviously can add up quickly and a big part of why we are doing a destination wedding is because we want to have the extra few days to hang out with our closest friends and family and to have them get to know each other. So we are looking for suggestion on how to word the invitations to promote staying at our resort. Also any other suggestions on helping persuade guests to stay with us at Dreams would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much! Kristin AHA! Kristin, this truly is the $600,000 question! I think Sarah gave some great advice, but be prepared to have people do what they are going to do - it may not be what you want them to do. Don't even get me started...
  15. Hi Shannon! You have come to the right place! There is so much info here about a multitude of locales and venues. Take your time & don't freak out! (Well, go ahead, we understand). Remeber, we've all been in the same boat at one time or another. Picking your geographical location & selecting a venue will definitely be one of the more stressful & time consuming things to do. Once that part is done you will be relieved!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by HBBRIDE Here are my save-the-dates. I saw something similar on-line and I thought I could put them together myself. I had the actual cards made but did everything else myself. They were fun to do! OMG Kristi, those are soooo cute!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by KARLA Christa, Let me know if you need any help with this DIY project. I got my pocketfolds from cardsandpockets.com also and did my own invite.... I sent out each and every one of them (my parents did not tell me they needed about 20, I thought they needed 5.... glad I ordered extra!), so I don't have a picture of it. But it was relatively simple to do the whole thing, especially with the inserts they provide. Cutting them to size was a simple. I got the vertical pocketfold though, not the horizontal one like you did, but should be pretty similar. Thanks Karla! OK, so my question to you would be, what did you use to adhere the invitation & mat to the pocketfold? Double sided tape, glue gun or spray adhesive, or other?
  18. wow, how great to hear things went so perfect! can't wait to see some pics.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER I love those pocketfold invitations Christa. I know I have seen them on here somewhere before, and wondered what that website was. Thanks for posting it! After how long it too me to make my STD's, I think I might do something like this for invites! Yeah, I think it's a nice balance between DIY and sanity maintenance!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by HBBRIDE Christa, Those are super cute. Envelopments are super popular right now. We are actually using envelopments for part of our invitations. I went yesterday to see our proofs and then tomorrow my mom will be in town so she will see and then I will order. I should have my invitations to post in a few weeks. Thanks Kristi. I look forward to seeing yours!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by SASSYGIRL what is the pricing like on these? is there a minimum # you have to order? They are very cute and will look totally professional when you are done! Look forward to seeing your finished product. Sarah - suprisingly, the pricing is not bad at all. The pocketfolder I'm ordering is $1.10/each. Then the invitation mats are $8.25 per package of 25 and the invitation that you print on is also $8.25/pkg of 25. The little inserts are around the same. So overall, for 50 invites I will be spending just under $140. There is no minimum order, other than the fact that the mats & invites are sold in packages of 25.
  22. Oh Janet, those are so great! I just checked out the "favorites" and will be looking at the others later. I love all of the fun pics you took. Also, the resort looks AMAZING all lit up (last pic I think). Thanks so much for sharing
  23. OK, so the idea to get my arsty cousin to design my invites is not working. So, I went thru a stage where I thought I would make my own from scratch, that's just too ambitious for me with the time I have available. This is where I am now: I've ordered a "mock-up" kit from cardsandpockets.com to do a semi-DIY invitation. What I like is they have all of the components cut to size for you, you just have to do the printing & assembly. I'll post my first try when I receive the kit. This is what I'm going for, only in my colors of aqua, white & either yellow or green:
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by VALERIE Here are two photos of the inspiration that created my invitations! I created a variation to these and did them myself! As soon as I have some complete, I'll post those as well! I need to get moving on them! HA! Valerie, I love your inspiration photos! I've seen those somewhere & they were really expensive. I can't wait to see the ones you create!
  25. There are so many variables here. Like Kash said, flights & lodging tends to be more pricey during these 3 day weekends. However, if I had enough advance notice and it was for someone I care about & in an awesome place, then I would be all for it. There really is an upside to having an extra day for travel or whatever built in due to the holiday...it's hard for a lot of people to want to take time off for somebody elses event. I guess I'm not really helping am I? Overall, I would say it's a good idea from my perspective. Sometimes I forget a 3 day weekend is coming & am then pissed at myself because it's too late to make plans, so I would definitely go to your wedding, cuz then I would have built in plans for the long weekend.
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